
  • FBC E-Blast - October 21, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    October 21, 2024

    The Problem of Laziness - Proverbs 6
    The book of Proverbs has much to say about individuals who are lazy. They do not think beyond today (Proverbs 20:4), wrongly consider themselves wise (Proverbs 26:16), and are on a path leading to future poverty (Proverbs 10:4).

    When people develop a habit of laziness, there is a tendency to avoid tasks they don't like. This might involve offering excuses or simply failing to seek clarification when a request isn’t clear. Sadly, individuals who act this way often have trouble recognizing what they are doing wrong.

    People may fool themselves and even each other, but God is not pleased by shoddy efforts. He has prepared work for us to do and expects it to be handled conscientiously. The Lord knows that the consequences of laziness are serious. At work, there is the possibility of frequent correction and even probation or termination. At home, carelessness can add tension to the atmosphere and build frustration - and in a trickle-down effect, children may start copying their parents' undesirable habits.

    If you're already a disciplined worker but must interact with people who are not, continue to do your work with diligence and excellence. In addition, pray for patience, and be an example of Christ to those around you (I Timothy 4:12).

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          What dominates the headlines doesn't have to dominate our hearts. There's only one name that can bring the world together, and you won't find it on a ballot. Are you ready to discover the hope and freedom we've been given Under God? Instead of focusing on politics, this series will ask what it really means for Christians around the world to be under God.

    Last Week:
          We continue our series on "Under God?" as we look to see how Christians are supposed to live their lives under the headship of Christ in their lives, even in this tumultuous, political season. How can we live for the Lord and love those around us as God commands us to, if the world becomes more and more anti-God? In this message we will look at what we are under the influence of in our lives, culture or God.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Next week, we will continue our series Under God? by digging into what it means to be Indivisible as brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Upcoming Events

    October 23 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    November 3 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    November 10 - Thanksgiving Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    December 1 - Christmas Carols & Cookies at 6 PM
          NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 14, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    October 14, 2024

    The Danger of Laziness - II Thessalonians 3
    The Lord has appointed believers to be His ambassadors to a lost and hurting world. As His followers, we are to represent Him in our character, conduct, and conversation whenever we interact with family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers.

    God expects us to be diligent in our work and faithful to complete it (Colossians 3:23). However, it's easy to get sidetracked into laziness. This sin is dangerous in a Christian's life because of the potential harm that can result - it can hurt our witness for Christ, damage our relationships, and waste the time and gifts the Lord has given us.

    Laziness frequently shows up as procrastination. Surely, if a believer is known as unreliable, it harms his or her testimony. We're also a poor example if we attempt to carry out responsibilities but do so in a haphazard or incomplete way.

    Irresponsible behavior doesn't fit who we are in Christ. If you realize you’ve been careless in some area of your life, take heart: Scripture promises that when we confess our wrongdoing, He is faithful to forgive us (I John 1:9). Pray, "Lord, I have not lived as I should, and I ask You for Your forgiveness. I choose to turn away from my lazy and neglectful attitudes. Please help me to follow through and become someone who is industrious for You."

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          What dominates the headlines doesn't have to dominate our hearts. There's only one name that can bring the world together, and you won't find it on a ballot. Are you ready to discover the hope and freedom we've been given Under God? Instead of focusing on politics, this series will ask what it really means for Christians around the world to be under God.

    Last Week:
          We take a short break from our series on the Sermon on the Mount to talk about what dominates the headlines doesn't have to dominate our hearts. There's only one name that can bring the world together, and you won't find it on a ballot. We need to discover the hope and freedom we've been given Under God. Instead of focusing on politics, this series will ask what it really means for Christians around the world to be under God.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Next Sunday, we will continue our series Under God? We will look at what it means to be Under God. We will look at the great biblical example of Daniel and how he chose not to be under the reign of the Babylonians and their godless ways, but to follow God. He chose to be under the authority of God.

    Upcoming Events

    October 19 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    October 20 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    October 23 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    November 3 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    November 10 - Thanksgiving Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 7, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    October 7, 2024

    What Is the Church? - Colossians 1
    When most people hear the word church, the first thing they think of is a certain type of building. But it's so much more than that.

    In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said, "I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (KJV). He had something much greater in mind than a mere architectural structure. He was referring to the whole body of Christ, which is composed of all believers. The church began on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came and anointed a group of Jesus' followers (Acts 2:1-47). And it has continued ever since then as the Lord has been adding more believers - "living stones" - to create "a spiritual house for a holy priesthood" (I Peter 2:5).

    The church is not merely a place for social action or fellowship, though these are important aspects of its ministry. Rather, the church is the entire body of Christ, corporately and individually filled and enabled by the Holy Spirit to carry out the task designated by Jesus Himself. In other words, the church's purpose is to bring people to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to make disciples, instructing them and growing them up in the things of God (Matthew 28:19-20).

    This week, spend some time asking the Lord what role you should be playing in the ministry of the church.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    (Possible) Upcoming Sermon Series
          What dominates the headlines doesn't have to dominate our hearts. There's only one name that can bring the world together, and you won't find it on a ballot. Are you ready to discover the hope and freedom we've been given Under God? Instead of focusing on politics, this series will ask what it really means for Christians around the world to be under God.

    Last Week:
          We are back in our series on the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus in Matthew 5-7. The next law that Jesus covers is that of divorce, although it is not in the 10 Commandments. The Old Testament Law says that you must have a certificate of divorce, and Jesus expounds on that law. Is divorce a sin? What if I've already been divorced? What if I want a divorce? These questions and more will be answered in this message.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          As pastor alluded to on Sunday, he is struggling about which sermon series he will be preaching on Sunday. He will either continue the series on the Sermon On The Mount or he will possibly start a new series about how we can be Christians Under God.

    Upcoming Events

    October 12 - NO Church Community Picnic. Unfortunately due to unforseen circumstances we have had to cancel this event.

    October 13 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    October 19 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    October 20 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    October 23 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 30, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    September 30, 2024

    Confronting Goliaths - I Samuel 17
    David's short battle with Goliath was more than a fight between Israel and the Philistines. It was a defense of Jehovah's name against those who doubted Him. As David pointed out, the only way a boy with a sling could defeat a giant warrior like Goliath was by the Lord's hand. And that's exactly what happened.

    In facing Goliath, David showed real courage and faith. But we see that what drove him to face the giant was righteous indignation: "For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he has dared to defy the armies of the living God?" (I Samuel 17:26). David believed that someone had to wipe away the reproach caused by Goliath's insults. Since no one else would step forward, he volunteered to defend Yahweh's name.

    At one point or another, we also will find ourselves in a situation that challenges us to stand up for the Lord. At such a time, will we listen to our fears and remain silent? Or will we represent God's name in the way for which He’s called and equipped us? Our "smooth stones" (v. 40) are the truths from God's Word. Whatever the outcome appears to be, the battle is the Lord's, and He gives victory to the faithful.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          As we have learned, the beatitudes are the introduction to the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest Preacher ever. So we will continue on through the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus was not looking for the exterior obedience only, but inward obedience as well. Remember, man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart, the true person. Join us as we look through Jesus' message called The Sermon On The Mount.

    Last Week:
          We had Mark Salomon share with us from God's Word.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our series on "The Sermon On The Mount," by looking into how Jesus expounds the command that we not get divorced.

    Upcoming Events

    October 6 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    October 12 - Church Community Picnic at Pavilion #1 at Cecil Park. You can start showing up anytime after 3 PM. Meal begins at 4 PM, and a short service will begin at 5 PM.

    October 13 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    October 19 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    October 20 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    October 23 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 23, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    September 23, 2024

    The Purpose of Our Trials - I Peter 4
    Some believers like to portray their life as ideal and carefree. But in reality, being a Christian isn't easy. In fact, sometimes we'll experience trials that truly test our faith and ability to trust in God.

    In today's passage, Peter refers to times of testing as a "fiery ordeal." He says we shouldn't be surprised when adversity comes. It's important to remember that God has a purpose for our difficulties and will see us through them (Romans 5:3-5). Here are some of the goals He may have for painful experiences:

    • At times the Lord uses hardship to cleanse us. Trials drive us to Him. And as we focus on God, we're increasingly able to see things from His perspective.

    • A difficulty in our life may be the Lord's way of testing us. He could be trying our faith, endurance, or devotion to Him.

    • God uses suffering to demonstrate His power to sustain us. When He brings us through challenging times, He glorifies Himself. In turn, this encourages others, because they have witnessed God’s sustaining power in our life.

    Ultimately, hardships strengthen our testimony. In the midst of our struggles, we might feel overwhelmed and discouraged. But once the storm has passed, we can often look back and see the Lord’s providential hand carrying us through.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          As we have learned, the beatitudes are the introduction to the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest Preacher ever. So we will continue on through the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus was not looking for the exterior obedience only, but inward obedience as well. Remember, man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart, the true person. Join us as we look through Jesus' message called The Sermon On The Mount.

    Last Week:
          We saw how Jesus expounded the law against adultery by including that we are guilty of adultery even if we only lust after someone and never physically commit the sin. Again, Jesus hit to the heart of the matter.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Next Sunday, Mark Salomon will be our guest speaker.

    Upcoming Events

    September 29 - Guest Speaker Mark Salomon will be speaking

    October 6 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    October 12 - Church Community Picnic at Pavilion #1 at Cecil Park. You can start showing up anytime after 3 PM. Meal begins at 4 PM, and a short service will begin at 5 PM.

    October 13 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    October 19 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    October 20 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    October 23 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 16, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    September 16, 2024

    Salvation: The Work of Our Sovereign God - Ephesians 2
    Salvation refers to the freedom gained when God rescues someone from bondage to sin and makes that person part of His family. It is a deliverance accomplished only through Jesus, who died in our place so we might be reconciled to the Father. This statement often evokes questions:

    • If I try to live in a moral way, won't God accept me? Questions like this assume that the Lord saves us on the basis of our conduct. But Romans 3:10 says, "There is no righteous person, not even one." In God's sight, even our virtuous acts, on their own, amount to nothing more than a filthy garment (Isaiah 64:6).

    • Won't the Lord accept us because of His goodness? God is loving and good, but He is also just. He won't overlook sin, no matter how small we think it is.

    • If we serve in our church or help others in God's name, aren't we part of His family? Good works do not solve our sin problem or reconcile us to God. Only Jesus does (Romans 5:1). Good works are an important result of salvation, not the basis for it.

    Salvation is a work of God's grace rather than the product of our effort. When we respond to the Spirit's prompting, believe in Jesus, and are born again as God's children, we can be assured of our place in heaven.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          As we have learned, the beatitudes are the introduction to the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest Preacher ever. So we will continue on through the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus was not looking for the exterior obedience only, but inward obedience as well. Remember, man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart, the true person. Join us as we look through Jesus' message called The Sermon On The Mount.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our series on the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus begins to expound upon the law, and the first one He begins with is "Do not murder." Seems easy enough, but then Jesus expounds on it and says that if you have anger or hatred in your heart, you are guilty of murder as well. Wow! We are all guilty of murder, right?
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Next Sunday, we will continue our series Sermon On The Mount by looking into the next law that Jesus expounds, don't commit adultery.

    Upcoming Events

    September 29 - Guest Speaker Mark Salomon will be speaking

    October 6 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    October 12 - Church Community Picnic at Pavilion #1 at Cecil Park. You can start showing up anytime after 3 PM. Meal begins at 4 PM, and a short service will begin at 5 PM.

    October 13 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    October 19 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    October 20 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    October 23 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 9, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    September 9, 2024

    God's Gift of Forgiveness - Colossians 3
    Motivated by love, God provided a way for our sins to be forgiven: He sent Jesus to be our Savior. When we trust in the Lord's substitutionary sacrifice on our behalf, we receive the gift of forgiveness.

    Before placing our faith in Christ, we were dead in our sins and objects of divine wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3). However, our merciful heavenly Father sent His Son to redeem us. At the cross, Jesus took our sins upon Himself and experienced God’s fury for our sake. We are saved by grace - through faith in Christ and what He accomplished (Ephesians 2:8-9). Our salvation is a free gift from the Father.

    God's will is that we forgive, just as we were forgiven. But the human tendency is to attach conditions when extending mercy. We think, I will forgive you only if you apologize. Or, You must make restitution before I will let this go. That's not what our Savior did. Romans 5:8 tells us: "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

    Depending on how much hurt we've experienced, we may require time and healing before we can fully forgive. But we are to remember that showing mercy is God's will. We're called to pardon those who have caused us pain. Through reliance on God’s Spirit, we can become Christlike and forgive.

    Used with permission from
    In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          As we have learned, the beatitudes are the introduction to the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest Preacher ever. So we will continue on through the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus was not looking for the exterior obedience only, but inward obedience as well. Remember, man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart, the true person. Join us as we look through Jesus' message called The Sermon On The Mount.

    Last Week:
          We continue our series on The Sermon on the Mount, but we are getting into a mini-series within a series based on the remainder of Matthew 5, verses 17-48. Jesus goes through the process of not obliterating the law, but showing the people that He has come to fulfill all the law. Not only that, but He also expounds on the law to show that God is more concerned with our hearts and motives over our actions. He proceeds to talk about several of the 10 Commandments, as well as other things. In this message we cover Matthew 5:17-20.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Lord willing, we will be looking at Matthew 5:21-26 to see how Jesus expands the law of don't murder. It may be easy to never murder anyone, but when Jesus expands the law to your anger, that one is not as easy to keep.

    Upcoming Events

    September 29 - Guest Speaker Mark Salomon will be speaking

    October 6 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    October 12 - Church Community Picnic at Pavilion #1 at Cecil Park. You can start showing up anytime after 3 PM. Meal begins at 4 PM, and a short service will begin at 5 PM.

    October 13 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    October 19 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    October 20 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    October 23 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - August 26, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    August 26, 2024

    Avoiding Obstacles to Effective Prayer - Psalm 5
    Some of David's prayers are recorded in the book of Psalms. He praised the Lord, confessed sin, and cried out about his troubles. To pursue a rich prayer life like David's, we must avoid certain hindrances, such as:

    • Wavering faith (James 1:5-8). Doubts about God's character or dependability diminish our trust in Him. Therefore, we must not allow feelings to dictate what we believe.

    • Wrong motives (James 4:3). We can't expect an affirmative answer when petitions are motivated by selfish desires. God wants us to pray for His will to be done - not ours.

    • Conflict in relationships. Being resentful or argumentative with others will affect communication with the Father.

    • Lack of generosity (Proverbs 21:13). God is displeased when we ignore peoples needs or give begrudgingly.

    • Indifference (Proverbs 28:9). Apathy to the Scriptures is another stumbling block. God has given us the Bible so that we might know Him and serve Him wholeheartedly.

    If your prayers have not been answered, consider which, if any, of the above issues may need correction. Then, try personalizing the prayers that you read in the Psalms or elsewhere in God’s Word.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          As we have learned, the beatitudes are the introduction to the greatest sermon ever preached by the greatest Preacher ever. So we will continue on through the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus was not looking for the exterior obedience only, but inward obedience as well. Remember, man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart, the true person. Join us as we look through Jesus' message called The Sermon On The Mount.

    Last Week:
          We continue our study in Matthew by looking into Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. We covered the beatitudes over the last several weeks, and we will continue to study the sermon. In this message we will see that those who are living the life laid out in the beatitudes are the salt and light of this world. What does that mean? How can we be salty (and I am not talking about being bitter or cantankerous) and light in this world? We will answer these questions and more in this sermon.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Next week we will have guest speaker Harold Rinehart sharing the Word of God with us.

    Upcoming Events

    September 1 - Guest Speaker Harold Rinehart will be speaking
          Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    September 29 - Guest Speaker Mark Salomon will be speaking

    October 12 - Church Community Picnic at Pavilion #1 at Cecil Park. Meal begins a 4 PM, and the short service will begin at 5 PM.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - August 5, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    August 5, 2024

    The Blessings of Godly Friendship - John 15
    In all of God's creation, just one thing did not meet with His approval. He beheld Adam and said, "It is not good for the man to be alone" (Genesis 2:18). The Creator designed us for emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual closeness.

    Jesus explained this to His disciples, saying they should love each other as He had loved them. In a God-honoring friendship, two people build each other up and spur one another on toward Christlikeness. Many people, however, fall far short of making and maintaining connections that sharpen their faith (Proverbs 27:17).

    In fact, the walls we build to keep people at a distance are often defenses against God as well: Many don't want Him too close to their most personal business. But in learning to share freely with a brother or sister in Christ, believers will likely develop the capacity to be more honest with God as well. Then their own maturing faith can be a stimulus for the faith of others to grow.

    Strong relationships begin with men and women who decide to risk their pride and comfort in order to love like Jesus. They recognize one reason we have friends is so we can motivate one another toward holiness. In a friendship of mutual trust and submission, two people will confess sin, offer gentle reproof, and share burdens. That kind of vulnerability brings rich rewards.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Too many people in this world, including Christians believe that to be blessed means that God has given you all kinds of material wealth. They refer to being blessed as a humble brag. That is not what this Matthew 5 is about. Over the next several weeks, we will be going through what is commonly referred to as the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are the intro to the Sermon on the Mount that was preached by Jesus in Matthew 5-7. We are calling this message #Blessed: It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means.

    Last Week:
          As we continue to study the beatitudes of Matthew 5, we come to verse 9: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God." What does peace mean? What is a peacemaker? What is a threat to peace? Who makes peace? Who are the peacemakers? What is the blessing of peace? All of these questions and more will be answered in this message.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will be concluding our series on the Beatitudes. We will look at what it means that we are blessed when we are persecuted.

    Upcoming Events

    August 10 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    August 14 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    August 18 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    September 1 - Guest Speaker Harold Rinehart will be speaking
          Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    September 29 - Guest Speaker Mark Salomon will be speaking

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - July 29, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    July 29, 2024

    The Need for Friendship - II Timothy 4
    Independence is a prized attribute in Western culture, but biblically speaking, it isn't a worthy aspiration. The very fact that the Lord formed the church (a community of believers) should tell us that He did not create us for self-sufficiency or isolation.

    When we place our faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit indwells us so we can have a relationship with Him and satisfying friendships with one another. In God's design, a committed biblical friendship builds both parties toward Christlikeness. Over and over in Scripture, we find evidence of believers relying upon a close friend or confidante for support. In today's passage, for example, Paul spoke about his dependence on dear companions. And he encouraged others to form godly relationships too.

    The further we drift from the Lord, the more pervasive our self-sufficient attitude becomes. We're hesitant to give to others, which in turn makes us reluctant to receive. Instead, Scripture tells us we are to love one another, bear our brothers' burdens, and confess our sins to fellow believers (John 13:34; Galatians 6:2; James 5:16). In other words, we’re to give ourselves away to others and receive from them in return. That’s how church members can encourage one another to Christlikeness.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Too many people in this world, including Christians believe that to be blessed means that God has given you all kinds of material wealth. They refer to being blessed as a humble brag. That is not what this Matthew 5 is about. Over the next several weeks, we will be going through what is commonly referred to as the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are the intro to the Sermon on the Mount that was preached by Jesus in Matthew 5-7. We are calling this message #Blessed: It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means.

    Last Week:
          We are back in our series the beatitudes that we are calling #Blessed: It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means. Today we come to the blessing of those who are pure in heart. What does that all mean? How can we be pure in heart? Are there different kinds of purity? All these questions and more will be answered in the message.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Next Sunday we will be almost done with our series on the Beatitudes: #Blessed: It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means, we have just 2 weeks left in the series. Next Sunday, the Lord willing, we will see what Jesus means when He said, "Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the sons of God."

    Upcoming Events

    August 4 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    August 10 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    August 14 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    August 18 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    September 1 - Guest Speaker Harold Rinehart will be speaking

    September 29 - Guest Speaker Mark Salomon will be speaking

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - July 22, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    July 22, 2024

    Jesus, Our Rock - Malachi 3
    Christ is the foundation for our faith, and that's a comforting truth. Let's explore the Lord's actions to learn more about His nature. Jesus ...

    • Forgave others. The Lord showed mercy to those who recognized their sin. For example, He had compassion on the woman caught in adultery, and instead of pronouncing condemnation, He said that her sins were forgiven (John 8:1-11).

    • Comforted the hurting. He visited Mary and Martha, who were mourning the loss of their brother (John 11:1-45).

    • Provided for needs. After spending three days healing, He was concerned that the large crowd hadn't eaten, and He provided more than enough to satisfy their hunger (Matthew 15:30-37).

    • Interceded for His disciples. Just before He was crucified, Jesus asked the Father to protect and sanctify His followers, which includes believers today (John 17:15-20).

    • Strengthened believers. In Acts 1:8, the Lord sent His disciples out to share the gospel, assuring them, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you."

    • Jesus still forgives, comforts, provides, intercedes, and empowers today. Praise God for the refuge He has provided in our Savior.

      Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Too many people in this world, including Christians believe that to be blessed means that God has given you all kinds of material wealth. They refer to being blessed as a humble brag. That is not what this Matthew 5 is about. Over the next several weeks, we will be going through what is commonly referred to as the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are the intro to the Sermon on the Mount that was preached by Jesus in Matthew 5-7. We are calling this message #Blessed: It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means.

    Last Week:
          We had Tom Boehm, our missionary to Italy, with us. He spoke to us from Philippians 2 about what it means when Christ emptied Himself.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Next Sunday, we will get back to our study on the Beatitudes that we have been calling Blessed by looking at what it means to be Pure In Heart.

    Upcoming Events

    August 4 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    August 18 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    September 1 - Guest Speaker Harold Rinehart will be speaking

    September 29 - Guest Speaker Mark Salomon will be speaking

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - July 15, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    July 15, 2024

    Discovering God's Path - Psalm 25
    Perhaps you have wondered, Does God have a specific plan for my life? And if He does, is it possible to know what the plan is? These are questions many Christians have grappled with at some point. And there's good news - the answer to both is a resounding yes! God has a plan for each believer's life. Moreover, He wants us to know and walk the path He has for us.

    Sometimes we make the idea of finding the Lord's will more complicated than it needs to be. He's not playing hide and seek with His will. There are three simple things we can do to discover His best path for our life:

    1. We must have a sincere desire for God's guidance, trusting that He will direct us in His perfect timing (John 16:13).

    2. We should seek the Lord through His Word. After all, the Bible is one of the primary tools He uses to make His will and His ways apparent to us (II Timothy 3:16-17).

    3. We are to pray continually (I Thessalonians 5:17), fully expecting that our Father has something to say to us, His beloved children.

    As we seek the Lord in these ways, we'll be able to perceive His direction for our life. Then, we can live with the confident hope that we are walking in His will.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Too many people in this world, including Christians believe that to be blessed means that God has given you all kinds of material wealth. They refer to being blessed as a humble brag. That is not what this Matthew 5 is about. Over the next several weeks, we will be going through what is commonly referred to as the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are the intro to the Sermon on the Mount that was preached by Jesus in Matthew 5-7. We are calling this message #Blessed: It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means.

    Last Week:
          We had guest speaker Jared Nolan from the Washington City Mission, preach for us about our need to stay faithful to the Lord in our race to follow Him.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will have our missionary family, the Boehm's, with us.

    Upcoming Events

    July 21 - Special Guest Speaker Tom Boehm, our missionary to Italy will be with us

    August 4 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 17, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    June 17, 2024

    A Joyful Heart - Psalm 16
    Are you happy? Your answer likely depends on what's happening in your life right now. If things are going well, your health is good, and you have strong relationships, you may say, "Yes, I'm content." The problem is that happiness is a fleeting emotion. When conditions change for the worse, it scurries out the door. But joy doesn't.

    Even though happiness and joy are often thought of as synonymous, they are actually quite different. Happiness is temporary because it's based on our external circumstances, but joy can be a constant state - something that's present no matter what's going on in our life. That's because joy is the result of God's presence within us. It's an internal condition that is unaffected by life's difficulties.

    David was able to say his heart was glad (Psalm 16:9) because he had discovered the key to walking in a constant state of joy, despite hardship. And we can do the same. By fixing our eyes on our Father (John 15:9-11), we can have peace and a glad heart no matter what. When we spend time with Him, experiencing His presence and goodness in our life, we will be able to walk through each day with His unsurpassable joy in our heart.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Too many people in this world, including Christians believe that to be blessed means that God has given you all kinds of material wealth. They refer to being blessed as a humble brag. That is not what this Matthew 5 is about. Over the next several weeks, we will be going through what is commonly referred to as the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are the intro to the Sermon on the Mount that was preached by Jesus in Matthew 5-7. We are calling this message #Blessed: It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our study of the Beatitudes, we come to the fifth verse: Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. What does it mean to be meek? What does it look like? What is the result of meekness? We will answer these questions and more today.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will be continuing our series of #Blessed by looking at the next Beatitude of blessed are Those Who Desire Righteousness.

    Upcoming Events

    June 20 - VBS Decorating at 6:30 PM

    June 23-27 - Vacation Bible School: click here to register

    July 7 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    July 14 - Baptismal Service following the AM Worship service

    July 21 - Special Guest Speaker Tom Boehm missionary to Italy will be with us

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 10, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    June 10, 2024

    Together in Comfort - I John 4
    What advantage is there to living in unity? Paul suggests one benefit is the "comfort from love" that we find in Christ (Philippians 2:1 ESV). Comfort, we understand - the modern world prizes it above most things. But while the world has made this desire the goal of an endless pursuit, Paul teaches that God's love provides it.

    The Lord describes Himself as "merciful and compassionate" (Psalm 145:8 NLT). That's why, as the Israelites prepared to enter the Promised Land, Moses could tell them, "The Lord your God loves you" (Deuteronomy 23:5). And when those same people went into exile and captivity again, God reminded them through Jeremiah, "I have loved you with an everlasting love" (Jeremiah 31:3). Then in the New Testament, Jesus told Nicodemus that God's rescue plan is based on His love (John 3:16). In short, we experience comfort because God loved us, even before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4).

    God's love consoles us and comforts us individually. But His love also makes it possible for us to care for others. "We love," John writes, "because He first loved us" (I John 4:19>). We can know the greatest unity - and the deep connection with others that we long for - when we live out of the comfort we experience in knowing the Father.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Too many people in this world, including Christians believe that to be blessed means that God has given you all kinds of material wealth. They refer to being blessed as a humble brag. That is not what this Matthew 5 is about. Over the next several weeks, we will be going through what is commonly refered to as the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are the intro to the Sermon on the Mount that was preached by Jesus in Matthew 5-7. We are calling this message #Blessed: It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means.

    Last Week:
          We continue our series of the Beatitudes by looking at verse 4, blessed are they that mourn. We are going to take a deep dive into what mourning means, how to mourn, as well as the result of mourning.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will be continuing our series of #Blessed by looking at the next Beatitude of blessed are The Meek.

    Upcoming Events

    June 16 - Father's Day

    June 23-27 - Vacation Bible School: click here to register

    July 7 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    July 14 - Baptismal Service following the AM Worship service

    July 21 - Special Guest Speaker Tom Boehm missionary to Italy will be with us

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 6, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    June 3, 2024

    To Wait Is to Wait - Psalm 40
    It’s likely we've all had the difficult experience of praying for something and wondering how long God would take to respond. We express our desire, pray sincerely, and sometimes get impatient when we don't get our answer. We might even begin to create a backup plan if it seems He's taking too long to come through.

    Learning how to wait patiently on the Lord is an acquired skill - and an essential one. David, who learned to do so in times of joy, exile, and conflict, wrote in Psalm 40:1 that he "waited patiently" for God. In fact, the Hebrew word qawa is repeated, which gives the verse a literal sense of "to wait, I waited on the Lord." That repetition also lets us know the writer is stating something important. David recognized that patient stillness helped his faith to grow - a truth he emphasized by writing it twice.

    The psalmist was saying that he persevered in prayer and anticipated God's answer. For us as well, waiting develops perseverance. Then, as Romans 5:3-5
    teaches, perseverance will lead to character, and character will bring about hope. If, while waiting, we look to God for wisdom and direction, we will begin to see His work in our life and recognize His goodness. Not only does waiting patiently express our trust in and reliance on God; it also helps us develop greater faith.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Too many people in this world, including Christians believe that to be blessed means that God has given you all kinds of material wealth. They refer to being blessed as a humble brag. That is not what this Matthew 5 is about. Over the next several weeks, we will be going through what is commonly refered to as the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are the intro to the Sermon on the Mount that was preached by Jesus in Matthew 5-7. We are calling this message #Blessed: It Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means.

    Last Week:
          We are in our second week of our series #Blessed. Last week was an introductory sermon on this series. We covered what it means to be blessed as well as the context in which the Beatitudes are located in Matthew. Today we are looking at the first attitude that is blessed, Poor in Spirit. We are going to look at what it means, why we must be that way, as well as answering the question: how do I know if I'm poor in spirit?
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will be continuing our series of #Blessed by looking at the next Beatitude of blessed are Those Who Mourn.

    Upcoming Events

    June 16 - Father's Day

    June 23-27 - Vacation Bible School see Tara for more details

    July 7 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    July 14 - Baptismal Service following the AM Worship service

    July 21 - Special Guest Speaker Tom Boehm missionary to Italy will be with us

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - May 6, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    May 6, 2024

    Joy in the Holy Spirit - Romans 14
    In today's passage, the apostle Paul writes, "[Do not] put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother's or sister's way... For if because of food your brother or sister is hurt, you are no longer walking in accordance with love" (vv. 13, 15). God's kingdom isn't about what we eat or drink - or any other "rule" we think we must follow. Rather, it's about the transformative work of the Holy Spirit within us.

    When we align with God's righteousness, seeking His ways and His will, joy blossoms. The Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Guide, brings it to life within us. He reminds us of God's love, assures us of our salvation, and empowers us to live in harmony with those around us. This is not some superficial or temporary happiness; it's the fruit of the Spirit dwelling in us (Galatians 5:22) and transcends our circumstances.

    Take a moment to reflect on the joy that comes from knowing God and seeking Him. This profound sense of stability and strength cannot be bought or manufactured - it flows from our connection to the Source of all joy and is a taste of the eternal pleasures that await us in God's presence (Psalm 16:11).

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          We are studying Colossians 3-4, and we are titling the series Check Yourself. Each week we will be covering different areas of our lives that we need to check ourselves against God's Word to see if we are living up to His Word. As it has become a popular saying, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. There is a lot of truth in that.

    Last Week:
          As we are coming down to the end of our study of Colossians 3-4, we look at how our relationships at work will be changed if we are followers of Jesus Christ. We are talking about the employee-employer relationship today. As a result of this relationship, we can see a vast difference between what we are supposed to do and what this world does. The more that we activate these principles in our job place, the more God-pleasing we will be, where He will get the glory.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will be concluding our series of Check Yourself by looking at Colossians 4:2-6 and we will see the need to Check Your Talk.

    Upcoming Events

    May 12 - Mother's Day

    May 19 - Special Guest Speaker Andy Streit, a missionary to Peru, will be with us

    May 26 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    May 27 - Memorial Day Community Service at 9:45 AM at the Midway Honor Roll and 10 AM at the Center Cemetery

    June 2 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 29, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    April 29, 2024

    Give With Joy - II Corinthians 9
    The act of giving holds a special place in God's heart. Verse 7 of today's passage reminds us that God cares about the way we share what we have. He delights in cheerful givers who act with a joyful heart and willing spirit.

    When we give grudgingly or out of duty, we miss the delight of aligning our heart with God’s generous nature. Sharing with others should be seen as a privilege, not a burden. It’s an opportunity to participate in God’s work and to be His hands and feet by meeting the needs of those around us.

    The condition of our heart - not the size of our gift - is what determines how the Lord views what we offer. Giving cheerfully reflects gratitude for His blessings and trust in His provision. It acknowledges that everything we have belongs to God and we are merely stewards. So, allow the joy of giving to fill your heart as you partner with God in blessing others. And remember, it’s not about the dollar amount but the love behind your gift.

    Take a moment now to ask God where He is inviting you to generously give to others, just as He generously gave to you. Ask Him who, and then faithfully and obediently execute the what.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          We are studying Colossians 3-4, and we are titling the series Check Yourself. Each week we will be covering different areas of our lives that we need to check ourselves against God's Word to see if we are living up to His Word. As it has become a popular saying, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. There is a lot of truth in that.

    Last Week:
          We are in week 7 of our series called "Check Yourself" from Colossians 3-4. In this message we are going to see the need for us to make sure that we check our relationships at home. Paul calls out wives, husbands, children, and fathers to do something specific, if you are truly growing in the Lord. That pretty much covers every single person. Join us as we need to "Check Your Home."
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series of Check Yourself by looking at the need to Check Your Work. We will be talking about as followers of God and as we are to be growing in the Lord it will change the way that interact with the people at our jobs.

    Upcoming Events

    May 5 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service. Since it's Cinco de Mayo, let's have a mexican themed dinner!

    May 12 - Mother's Day

    May 19 - Special Guest Speaker Andy Streit, a missionary to Peru, will be with us

    May 26 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    May 27 - Memorial Day Community Service at 9:45 AM at the Midway Honor Roll and 10 AM at the Center Cemetery

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 22, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    April 22, 2024

    New Mercies Every Morning - Lamentations 3
    The prophet Jeremiah knew the sorrow of a dark night. He's often called the weeping prophet because of the tears he cried over the destruction of Jerusalem and the sinfulness of her people. But even in his sorrow, Jeremiah was able to hold on to hope. He remained confident that both God's people and the city of Jerusalem would be restored, thanks to the Father's faithfulness and unending mercy.

    For Jeremiah, confidence stemmed from trusting in God, and the same can be true for us. No matter what difficulties arise, we have God's promise that He is faithful to care for us. That promise changes everything - trusting in God’s faithfulness and mercy allows us to cling to unwavering hope for the future.

    Jesus' words in Matthew 6:30-32 underscore Jeremiah's heart cry: "Do not worry then, saying, 'What are we to eat?' or 'What are we to drink?' or 'What are we to wear for clothing?' …for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things." God is fully aware of our needs and will be faithful to meet them. His mercies are available to us every single day. Let's be deliberate about leaning into those mercies, as Jeremiah was. And we, too, can look forward to experiencing confidence and peace.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          We are studying Colossians 3-4, and we are titling the series Check Yourself. Each week we will be covering different areas of our lives that we need to check ourselves against God's Word to see if we are living up to His Word. As it has become a popular saying, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. There is a lot of truth in that.

    Last Week:
          We continue our series in Colossians 3-4 called "Check Yourself." Today we are looking at verses 15-17 and we are calling it "Check Your Growth." As parents, we want to make sure our kids are growing well. We take them to check up appointments, and the doctor's office will measure them to see where they are on the growth chart. If a child isn't growing, there is great concern. Likewise, spiritually, we are to be growing as well. If not, there is an issue that needs to be dealt with. We check our growth with the standard of God's Word. How's your growth?
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          As we continue in our series Check Yourself, we will look at Colossians 3:18-21. We will learn why it is so important for us to Check Your Homelife.

    Upcoming Events

    May 5 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service. Since it's Cinco de Mayo, let's have a mexican themed dinner!

    May 12 - Mother's Day

    May 19 - Special Guest Speaker Andy Streit, a missionary to Peru, will be with us

    May 26 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    May 27 - Memorial Day Community Service at 9:45 AM at the Midway Honor Roll and 10 AM at the Center Cemetery

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 15, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    April 15, 2024

    The Ministry of Reconciliation - John 13
    David and his son Absalom had a broken relationship, and for years neither tried to make amends. Today's passage says that Joab, who "perceived that the king's heart was drawn toward Absalom," decided to do something about it (v. 1).

    According to Paul, we, too, are called to help make things right. In II Corinthians 5, he says, "God ... reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation." This doesn't mean we need to interject ourselves into others' disagreements, but as ambassadors for Christ, we should forgive and lovingly point people to Jesus, who is "reconciling the world to Himself." What wonderful news for us, because there will be times when we need to be reconciled to someone else. We should be quick to apologize, humbly admitting our part and extending grace for their mistakes. Like Jesus, we should "not [count] their wrongdoings against them, and [be] committed to ... the word of reconciliation" (II Corinthians 5:18-19).

    It's hard to conceive of a love this huge: God sent His Son to die so we could have a right relationship with Him. Offering each of us welcome and forgiveness, He meets us where we are, embraces us like a father who has missed His child, and reconciles us to Himself. Won't you receive that love - and share it?

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          We are studying Colossians 3-4, and we are titling the series Check Yourself. Each week we will be covering different areas of our lives that we need to check ourselves against God's Word to see if we are living up to His Word. As it has become a popular saying, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. There is a lot of truth in that.

    Last Week:
          As we continue in our study of Colossians 3 & 4 that we are calling "Check Yourself," today we are looking at a few attitudes that we need to be putting on like clothes, for the believer. We will be covering forbearing, forgiving, and loving. All three of these are so vital in the life of a believer.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          This upcoming Sunday, we will continue our study of Colossians 3-4 by looking at how we need to Check Your Growth.

    Upcoming Events

    April 17 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    May 5 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service. Since it's Cinco de Mayo, let's have a mexican themed dinner!

    May 12 - Mother's Day

    May 19 - Special Guest Speaker Andy Streit, a missionary to Peru, will be with us

    May 26 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    May 27 - Memorial Day Community Service at 9:45 AM at the Midway Honor Roll and 10 AM at the Center Cemetery

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 1, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    April 1, 2024

    Love One Another - John 13
    What does it look like to love God and to follow Jesus? Hundreds of voices around us shout very different answers to such questions. Believe this! Do that! Follow me! It can be confusing, even frightening, to a genuine seeker longing to know God.

    But in today’s passage, we learn how Jesus wants believers to act on their faith — during His last dinner with the disciples, He simply encouraged them to "love one another." This, Jesus says, is how the world will know we are His followers (John 13:34-35). Love will be the fruit, the sign, the proof.

    What does this love look like? That’s a fair question, and Jesus has that covered, too: "Just as I have loved you, you should love each other" (John 13:34 NLT). Turning with compassion to the hungry, sick, fearful, and vulnerable, Jesus spent His life putting aside status in order to serve. He confronted the greedy and those using God's name to amass power for themselves. In a startling act of humble service, He got down on the floor to wash the feet of His followers. And soon after, He went to the cross in the most stunning display of love in history.

    Our marching orders, then, are to love in the ways Jesus loved. This is how the world will know we are His. This is how the world will know Him.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          We are studying Colossians 3-4, and we are titling the series Check Yourself. Each week we will be covering different areas of our lives that we need to check ourselves against God's Word to see if we are living up to His Word. As it has become a popular saying, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. There is a lot of truth in that.

    Last Week:
          He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Happy Resurrection Sunday. Today, we will look into John 20 to see the resurrection in light of the disciples.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          This upcoming Sunday, we will continue our study of Colossians 3-4 by looking at how we need to Check Your Growth.

    Upcoming Events

    April 7 - Special Guest Joanne Foltz our missionary to Tanzania will be with us

          There will be NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner

    April 13 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    April 14 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    May 5 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    May 26 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    May 27 - Memorial Day Community Service at 9:45 AM at the Midway Honor Roll and 10 AM at the Center Cemetery

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 25, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    March 25, 2024

    A New Commandment - John 13
    Is there a task around the house you just can’t stand to do, yet you know it needs to be done? Maybe you find yourself looking the other way, hoping someone else will do the dirty work.

    But not Jesus. On this final night with His friends, as they gathered for dinner, someone needed to clean all those filthy feet. After all, they would be sitting on the ground, their bodies close to the low table of food. Their sandals would be caked with dust and dirt and whatever else they walked through on the streets. This task was considered so disgusting and menial that it’s thought even slaves at times refused to do it.

    But on this night, Jesus Himself filled a basin and began to wash His disciples' feet. Peter was appalled and cried, "Never shall You wash my feet!" (John 13:8). Yet Jesus insisted. There, in their last hours together, it was paramount that they understood exactly who Jesus was. Yes, Jesus was their Teacher, Lord, and Master. And His signs and wonders were evidence that He was God. But this God came to serve, not to demand. To die, not to kill.

    What does it mean to follow such a God? That night, with His friends, Jesus demonstrated this vividly. No student can be greater than his teacher, after all. We must be the people who serve one another.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          We are studying Colossians 3-4, and we are titling the series Check Yourself. Each week we will be covering different areas of our lives that we need to check ourselves against God's Word to see if we are living up to His Word. As it has become a popular saying, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. There is a lot of truth in that.

    Last Week:
          In this message, we are continuing our series of "Check Yourself," by looking into the need for us to "Check Your Identity." We are going to see three different identities that believers in Christ have. We are new creations. We are a part of the body of Christ. We are chosen by God. Join us today in worshipping the Lord!
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          This upcoming Sunday, we will be celebrating Easter and look at when Jesus said, "I Am The Resurrection and the Life."

    Upcoming Events

    March 30 - Easter Egg Hunt at noon at the Midway Community Park

    March 31 - Easter Services at the church:
          8:00 AM - Early Worship Service
          9:00 AM - Carry-in Breakfast
          10:00 - Easter Worship Service
          There will be no 11 AM Service.

    April 7 - Special Guest Joanne Foltz our missionary to Tanzania will be with us

          There will be NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 18, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    March 18, 2024

    Remembering Forward - Deuteronomy 29
    Today we read about Moses gathering the people together so the entire nation could enter into a covenant with God. But he didn't begin the way we might expect - with details of the oath, what the people must do, what the Lord would do, or the consequences of faithfulness or unfaithfulness. Instead, Moses began by reminding the people of all that God had already done.

    Oh, the things they had seen with their own eyes! The things they had touched with their hands and tasted with their lips! God had entered their lives in tangible, unmistakable ways, and because of these experiences and memories, they knew "the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law" (v. 29 NIV).

    Today, it's still true that we gain confidence in God and trust for the future when we remember what He has already done in our life. But holding tightly to these memories can be harder than it sounds.

    What are the stories of your faith and your family? How and when has God met you, led you, fed you? Let's find ways to tell these stories - to ourselves, our children, and our children's children.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          We are studying Colossians 3-4, and we are titling the series Check Yourself. Each week we will be covering different areas of our lives that we need to check ourselves against God's Word to see if we are living up to His Word. As it has become a popular saying, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. There is a lot of truth in that.

    Last Week:
          As we continue to learn how to "Check Yourself" from Colossians 3, today we will look at the need to "Check Your Sin." If you are a child of God there are sins that in our lives that shouldn't be there. There is a group of sins that Paul says that we need to put to death, and then another group of sins that we are to put off. We will talk about how to do put to death and put off, and what these sins are about.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          This upcoming Sunday, we continue our series Check Yourself by looking into the need to Check Your Identity.

    Upcoming Events

    March 24 - Easter Egg Stuffing Pizza Party at the church following the AM Worship Service

    March 30 - Easter Egg Hunt at noon at the Midway Community Park

    March 31 - Easter Services at the church:
          8:00 AM - Early Worship Service
          9:00 AM - Carry-in Breakfast
          10:00 - Easter Worship Service
          There will be no 11 AM Service.

    April 7 - Special Guest Joanne Foltz our missionary to Tanzania will be with us

          There will be NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 11, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    March 11, 2024

    Letting Go of Anxiety - I Peter 5
    Amidst life’s hardships, God lovingly tells us to cast our anxieties on Him (I Peter 5:7). He knows our heart and cares deeply about every aspect of our life. As we surrender our fears and worries to Him, we experience the peace that surpasses all understanding and find comfort in His unfailing love.

    In a world marked by stress and anxiety, God offers an anchor for our restless souls. Many of us are beset by storms and feel as if we must navigate life’s challenges on our own. But the truth is, we have a heavenly Father who is ever-present and eager to handle our anxieties.

    As believers, we’re not exempt from worry, but we are called to approach our fears with a different perspective. That is, we're invited to shift our focus from the problems surrounding us to the One who holds the universe in His hands. God's care for His children is not limited to the grandiose; it extends to the tiniest details of daily life.

    Casting our anxieties upon the Lord is an act of surrender, which requires acknowledging our limitations and embracing His sovereignty. Though submitting in this way may not eliminate life’s challenges, doing so helps us face them with courage and trust.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          We are studying Colossians 3-4, and we are titling the series Check Yourself. Each week we will be covering different areas of our lives that we need to check ourselves against God's Word to see if we are living up to His Word. As it has become a popular saying, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. There is a lot of truth in that.

    Last Week:
          We begin a new series from the book of Colossians. We are focusing on chapter 3, verses 1-4. We will see some background on the book, and then we will look at three spiritual things that we need to know, and as a result of knowing them, we need to act on them. Join us as we learn how to "Check Yourself."
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          This upcoming Sunday, we will see that we, individually, need to Check Your Sin.

    Upcoming Events

    March 16 - Barb Salomon's Memorial Service at the church at 3 PM. This Sunday is the last day to sign up.

    March 24 - Easter Egg Stuffing Pizza Party at the church following the AM Worship Service

    March 30 - Easter Egg Hunt at noon at the Midway Community Park

    March 31 - Easter Services at the church:
          8:00 AM - Early Worship Service
          9:00 AM - Carry-in Breakfast
          10:00 - Easter Worship Service
          There will be no 11 AM Service.

    April 7 - Special Guest Joanne Foltz our missionary to Tanzania will be with us

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 4, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    March 4, 2024

    The Believer’s Impact - Matthew 28
    The Lord has given us talents and abilities so that we can serve Him and make a difference in our circle of influence, no matter its size.

    To maximize our impact, we must develop a lifestyle of prayer, because talking to God is essential for effective ministry. Conversation with Him prepares our mind for communicating to others - the simplest words can have amazing results when He directs. And the Lord has also promised to respond to our requests according to His perfect will.

    Our Father wants us to use our spiritual gifts to bless others. So let's keep in mind that acts of service can speak clearly of His love and compassion. As we become salt and light, God will expand our sphere of influence beyond what we could imagine.

    Pray, "Lord, I give You control over my life so You can affect others through my words and actions. Make my days count for eternity however You choose - do not let me waste them. Live Your life through me in such a way that many recognize their need for You. In Jesus' name, amen."

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          I am not sure exactly where I am going, what it's called, how long it will last, but we will be studying Colossians 3.

    Last Week:
          In this final message of this series we will look at how we need to face the deconstructive thoughts in our lives or in the lives of others. We need to face our questions as well as why we are doing so. We also need to value the truth in love. Too many err on one side or the other, but God calls us to address the truth in love.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will begin looking into Colossians 3.

    Upcoming Events

    March 10 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    March 16 - Barb Salomon's Memorial Service at the church at 3 PM. This Sunday is the last day to sign up.

    March 24 - Easter Egg Stuffing Pizza Party at the church following the AM Worship Service

    March 30 - Easter Egg Hunt at noon at the Midway Community Park

    March 31 - Easter Services at the church:
          8:00 AM - Early Worship Service
          9:00 AM - Carry-in Breakfast
          10:00 - Easter Worship Service
          There will be no 11 AM Service.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - February 26, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    February 26, 2024

    A Beautiful Simplicity - John 12
    Jesus, the Light of the World, told us - His followers - to be light as well. We are to shine so that people will be drawn to the One who dwells within us.

    Light shines most effectively when it's not hidden. As Christians, we should be transparent about our faith and dependence on the Lord. Who we are in private must match who we are in public. Eliminating sinful habits and practices will brighten our testimony for Jesus. Light reveals what's in the darkness as well as what is missing. The Holy Spirit will use our actions to shine truth into others' lives and reveal their need for the Savior.

    Light also serves to guide and to warn. As we obey the Lord's leading, we will be able to help others understand who God is and how much He loves them. We also can function as lanterns to warn people of the dangers along their path. Finally, our interactions are to bring warmth through an encouraging attitude and servant-like actions.

    In order to have a strong impact, we must reflect the light of God's Son. Growing in Christlikeness is the key. Become intentional about shining your light wherever you are - especially in your home, workplace, and community.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          In 1997, Joshua Harris wrote a book called I Kissed Dating Goodbye and seemingly overnight, he became a "Christian star." A few years after writing the books, he becomes a pastor of a large church. Then in 2019, he announced that he no longer identified as a Christian, that he had gone through something he called the deconstruction process. In this series we are going to see this is all about how to correctly handle our doubts and difficulties, as well as a few different areas that maybe we do need to not just deconstruct, but reconstruct.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our study of deconstruction, we deal with the common question if we are better off without religion or Christianity. Of course, our point of view would be an emphatic "NO!" We will address why we believe that by handling three separate objections many people have about religion and Christianity as a whole.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our series The Deconstruction Zone.

    Upcoming Events

    March 3 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    March 10 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    March 16 - Barb Salomon's Memorial Service at the church at 3 PM. This Sunday is the last day to sign up.

    March 24 - Easter Egg Stuffing Pizza Party at the church following the AM Worship Service

    March 30 - Easter Egg Hunt at noon at the Midway Community Park

    March 31 - Easter Services at the church:
          8:00 AM - Early Worship Service
          9:00 AM - Carry-in Breakfast
          10:00 - Easter Worship Service
          There will be no 11 AM Service.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - February 19, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    February 19, 2024

    The Bible: God's Love Letter to Mankind - Romans 15
    How amazing to consider that the Bible was compiled by 40 men writing in 3 languages on 3 continents over 1,500 years! Gather a group of people from just one generation, and you will have neither the consistency nor the unified philosophy and mission found in God's Word.

    Each book of the Bible reflects its human author's personality and background. For example, Moses was the political leader of the Israelites in the desert; Daniel rose to the rank of prime minister while a captive in Babylon; and Paul, the well-educated former Pharisee, wrote his letters from prison. Yet every word remained true to God's central theme - that His love redeems those who call on His name.

    In II Peter 1:21, we learn why the Bible is cohesive: God Himself spoke through each human writer. In some cases, the Holy Spirit brought to mind essential details (John 14:26), as when certain material was passed down orally for the Old Testament or the Gospels. Then, to enable the writing of prophecies, psalms, and letters, God's Spirit revealed important truths (John 16:15).

    The heavenly Father loves you and wants you to spend eternity with Him. For this reason, He used men from every walk of life to record His gospel message.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          In 1997, Joshua Harris wrote a book called I Kissed Dating Goodbye and seemingly overnight, he became a "Christian star." A few years after writing the books, he becomes a pastor of a large church. Then in 2019, he announced that he no longer identified as a Christian, that he had gone through something he called the deconstruction process. In this series we are going to see this is all about how to correctly handly our doubts and difficulties, as well as a few different areas that maybe we do need to not just deconstruct, but reconstruct.

    Last Week:
          Today we begin a new series called, "The Deconstruction Zone." This is an introductory message into what deconstruction means in relation to God and His Word, as well as our faith in Him. This message is called "Navigating Our Beliefs." We will cover different areas of our beliefs where we need to understand, we need navigate through.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our series The Deconstruction Zone.

    Upcoming Events

    March 3 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    March 10 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    March 16 - Barb Salomon's Memorial Service at the church

    March 30 - Easter Egg Hunt at noon at the Midway Community Park

    March 31 - Easter Services at the church:
          8:00 AM - Early Worship Service
          9:00 AM - Carry-in Breakfast
          10:00 - Easter Worship Service
          There will be no 11 AM Service.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - February 12, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    February 12, 2024

    Works in Progress - Isaiah 64
    In a studio, the potter has complete power over the clay. The same is true of God. As our Creator, He can do with us whatever He chooses. That might sound scary, but remember that God’s sovereignty cannot be separated from His other attributes.

    While the Lord is sovereign, He is also loving, gracious, and thorough - and that influences how He shapes us. Just as a potter works the clay with patience, God forms our Christlike character slowly - one experience at a time. He knows that spiritual maturity can't be rushed.

    And just as clay can slip from the middle of the wheel, we too might find ourselves off-center from time to time - whether due to an old wound, a new hardship, a recurring habit, or something else. However, we don't have to worry. In His grace, God always maneuvers the drifting believer back into position and begins remolding. He never discards His vessels but patiently works to mold them.

    Our Father is a personal Potter. His creations reflect Him, and His Spirit is poured into each believing vessel so He can be an intimate part of our life. The result is a work of true beauty - a saint dearly loved by the Lord.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          In 1997, Joshua Harris wrote a book called I Kissed Dating Goodbye and seemingly overnight, he became a "Christian star." A few years after writing the books, he becomes a pastor of a large church. Then in 2019, he announced that he no longer identified as a Christian, that he had gone through something he called the deconstruction process. In this series we are going to see this is all about how to correctly handly our doubts and difficulties, as well as a few different areas that maybe we do need to not deconstruct, but reconstruct.

    Last Week:
          Today, we have guest speaker, Harold Rinehart bringing the Word of God to us today. May you be challenged and encouraged. He spoke from Romans 12:1-2 about how we are to be growing in our relationship with the Lord. We can't just be doing nothing thinking that since God loves them just as they are that they don't need to progress in growing closer to Him. That's heresy. That's a false gospel. We are expected to mature as a believer.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          As we begin the series The Deconstruction Zone, we are going to be starting by looking at how are we to be Navigating Our Beliefs.

    Upcoming Events

    February 17 - Soup Cook-Off & Bake Off at 6 PM at the church

    February 25 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    March 16 - Barb Salomon's Memorial Service at the church

    March 30 - Easter Egg Hunt at noon at the Midway Community Park

    March 31 - Easter Services at the church:
          8:00 AM - Early Worship Service
          9:00 AM - Carry-in Breakfast
          10:00 - Easter Worship Service
          There will be no 11 AM Service.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 29, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    January 29, 2024

    Infinite Forgiveness - Matthew 18
    Some people say the most difficult part of any job is not the task itself or the challenge involved but getting along with coworkers. Are you surprised? Getting along with other humans is where things likely fall apart. So, after Jesus drives home God’s intention that not even one of His little ones should perish, the immediate takeaway He gives the disciples is conflict management advice.

    Jesus says to point out transgressions privately to a brother or sister in sin. Few of us love confrontation whether we’re on the giving or receiving end. But if we find the courage to address this kind of situation correctly, we may save a relationship.

    Of course, confrontation often goes sideways. As Jesus unpacks this possibility, Peter asks how many times he must forgive his brother—even seven times?

    That small number represents a large amount of pain to the disciple. But Jesus doesn't hesitate: Yes, and even seventy times seven times. In Jesus' culture, the symbolic "seventy times seven" didn’t equal 490; it equaled infinity. In other words, forgiveness is something Christ followers should always practice.

    Salvation is instantaneous, but discipleship is a lifelong journey. We will need each other’s encouragement—and the grace and mercy of God - as we learn to forgive the way Jesus taught us.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          What changes can you make now to become who you want to be in five years? We all have goals, plans, hopes, and dreams for our future. Things we want to start - or maybe stop - doing. But how do we get there? This five-part series explores some spiritual and practical steps you can take to become the person you want to be in five years.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our series about You in Five Years, today we look at when we need to start implementing the decisions we need to make in order to get where we need to get. The answer is now! But it seems that we are all too busy to do it. Today we will look at what we need to do in order to stop being so busy and start doing what we need to do in order to get where God wants us to be in five years.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will conclude our series You In Five Years by looking at What if it doesn't go as planned.

    Upcoming Events

    February 4 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    February 11 - Harold Rinehart will be speaking

    February 17 - Soup Cook-Off & Bake Off at 6 PM at the church

    February 25 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    March 16 - Barb Salomon's Memorial Service at 3 the church

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 22, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    January 22, 2024

    When God Says "Go" - Genesis 12
    In verse 1 of today's passage, the English translation "go" doesn't capture the emphasis suggested by the verb in Hebrew, the original language of the Old Testament. This word is not a suggestion, a statement, or a request; it’s a command - "Go! Now! Get up and move!"

    The rest of verse 1 underscores precisely what God"s "Go!" would look like for the aging Abram. The Lord was calling him to leave everything he knew - his land, his family, and his home - to head into the unknown without a map. God had a destination in mind for him and his future descendants. And He promised to show the way and let Abram know when he arrived.

    Verse 4 tells us Abram went. Though it's possible he may have had second thoughts, Scripture doesn't record them. Instead, the account tells us God commanded and Abram, in faith, obeyed.

    Are there things God has commanded us to do that we treat as mere suggestions, statements, or requests? We sometimes look for loopholes or choose a semi-committed "maybe" in response to something God has instructed us to do. Abram understood there was only one righteous response to God's imperative "Go!" That was a "Yes, Lord" - which he promptly demonstrated with his full obedience.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          What changes can you make now to become who you want to be in five years? We all have goals, plans, hopes, and dreams for our future. Things we want to start - or maybe stop - doing. But how do we get there? This five-part series explores some spiritual and practical steps you can take to become the person you want to be in five years.

    Last Week:
          We are in our 3rd week of our series, "You In Five Years." One of the best things we can do to be drastically different is make small changes that will take hold of that compound interest that we talked about in the first week. Something small that over time will lead to something amazing. You don't have to be a Billy Graham in your witness. Just start with one. You don't have to be a health guru, just start with limiting your biggest craving. One by one, they add up, to make a difference in 5 years. As the old proverb says, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our series You In Five Years. We will look at From Evening To Morning.

    Upcoming Events

    January 26 - Church Bowling at 7 PM at West Pike Bowl in Canonsburg. Cost is $6 per person

    February 4 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    February 11 - Harold Rinehart will be speaking

    February 17 - Soup Cook-Off & Bake Off at 6 PM at the church

    February 25 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    March 16 - Barb Salomon's Memorial Service at 3 the church

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 15, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    January 15, 2024

    Setting Goals for Fruitful Living - II Samuel 7
    In the 70s, I experienced a turning point in my walk with Christ. It started with II Samuel 7, which inspired me to follow in King David's footsteps. He spent time alone with God, offering praise and thanksgiving. He would also listen as the Lord revealed truth and offered insight about the future. Because of what he learned, David was able to set goals and stay aligned with them.

    Desiring that kind of solitude, I spent several days alone in a camper at Georgia's Stone Mountain. Most of the time, I was silent, listening intently for God's voice. I asked Him to speak to me regarding my future, and He answered. Using a journal, I recorded the goals He inspired. The things He communicated so impacted my choices and so greatly blessed me that I continued the discipline every couple of months.

    Let's discuss how to establish aims in this manner. First, come before the throne of Almighty God with a repentant heart, praise, and thanksgiving. Then, ask Him for direction in areas such as spiritual life, career, and family. In silence, wait patiently and attentively - as you read and meditate upon God's Word, He will speak. Most often, His guidance is experienced as a prodding or conviction in the heart. When that happens, be sure to write down what you're "hearing" so you can review it later.

    In order to stay on the path God intends for our lives, we should plan times to stop, ask, and listen for guidance. The world throws confusing messages at us all day long, and we need to check our course frequently. These conversations with the Lord are vital for a thriving life of godly impact.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          What changes can you make now to become who you want to be in five years? We all have goals, plans, hopes, and dreams for our future. Things we want to start - or maybe stop - doing. But how do we get there? This five-part series explores some spiritual and practical steps you can take to become the person you want to be in five years.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our series "You in Five Years," we look at the life of Elisha and learn how we can create opportunities to grow in our walk with the Lord. But growth requires change and most people don't like change. If you don't change you will be the same person in 5 years, and for most people that isn't a good thing. So listen how we can change when there isn't a crisis going on in our lives at that moment.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our series You In Five Years. We will begin by looking at what it means to be Too Small To Fail.

    Upcoming Events

    January 17 - Annual Business Meeting at 7 PM

    January 26 - Church Bowling at 7 PM at place to be determined

    February 4 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    February 17 - Soup Cook-Off & Bake Off at 6 PM at the church

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 3, 2024

    FBC E-Blast

    January 3, 2024

    Trusting in God's Faithfulness - I Thessalonians 5
    Is there something God has told you to do that seems just too difficult? You can be sure that if He has called you to carry out His will, He's going to be faithful to accomplish it through His Spirit living and working in you. So if you tell Him, "I can't do that, Lord - what if I fail?" you're really saying, "God doesn’t keep His word." And yet, our total expectation should be in Him - not in our own energy, ability, or experience.

    When you doubt God's trustworthiness, that unbelief becomes a gap in your spiritual armor, and you can be sure that's exactly where Satan will attack you. You'll begin to doubt even more about God's character, such as His goodness - and that distrust will become a heavy load of baggage you'll needlessly drag through every area of your life.

    You might feel that you do not have enough faith to obey, but the Lord isn't asking you to have faith in favorable circumstances. He's asking you to trust that He is who He says He is.

    Do you believe that God is a liar? It's really that simple: either He is truthful or He's not. But if you believe that faithfulness is His character, then you can do anything He requires. You'll be strengthened by your dependence on Him - whether a deluge or trials or a flood of blessing comes. It's actually when life gets rough and rugged that the sweetness of God's faithfulness makes itself real in your heart. As you walk through those storms in complete reliance on His strength, your trust in His character becomes part of who you are and strengthens from within.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          What changes can you make now to become who you want to be in five years? We all have goals, plans, hopes, and dreams for our future. Things we want to start - or maybe stop - doing. But how do we get there? This five-part series explores some spiritual and practical steps you can take to become the person you want to be in five years. This series will begin January 7.

    Last Week:
          In a world that praises self-confidence, we need to learn not to be confident in ourselves, but confident in the God who is greater than all of us. We should not be confident in ourselves because we fail so much. Instead, we should learn to trust the Lord because He never fails.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will be starting our new series You In Five Years. We will begin by looking at The Life You Get Stuck With.

    Upcoming Events

    January 6 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    January 7 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service
    Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    January 17 - Annual Business Meeting at 7 PM

    January 26 - Church Bowling at 7 PM at place to be determined

    February 17 - Soup Cook-Off & Bake Off at 6 PM at the church

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - December 18, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    December 18, 2023

    The Names of Christ - Philippians 2
    The Bible ascribes many different names to Jesus, all of which provide great insight into His character and person. Here are some from John's gospel that I find particularly revealing:

    The Good Shepherd (10:11) protects his sheep at all cost from predators. They know His voice and follow Him.

    The Vine (15:1-10) is the source of our spiritual life. When we stay intimately connected to Jesus, we bear fruit. If we do not remain in Him, we wither.

    The Bread of Life (6:25-35) the only one who can truly satisfy our hearts. Jesus feeds our souls with sustenance that never leaves us wanting for more.

    The Light of the World (9:5) shines His light through our countenance as a ministry and testimony to a dark world.

    The Way (14:6) to happiness, peace, joy, and eternal life is Jesus Christ.

    The Truth (14:6) of His revelation, as recorded in the New Testament, is the reason we can know as much as we do about God.

    The Life (14:6) Jesus imparts to believers is powerful, effective, and fruitful, not only in eternity but here on earth as well.

    In biblical times, Israelites would choose a baby's name based on the child's characteristics or a hope or prayer of the parent. The names given to Jesus tell a great deal about His ministry on earth 2,000 years ago. The scriptural names describing Him reveal who He was and is and will be for eternity.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          You're not alone. A message series designed to welcome those who are hurt and alone, this four-week sermon series teaches that God is with us in every moment. He's with us through the pain. He comforts us in the waiting. He gives us courage when we feel anxious. "God With Us" provides a reminder of the impact of Christ’s birth.

    Last Week:
          We continue our series of "God With Us" based of His name Emmanuel. This week we will learn that God is with us in the midst of the storm. Never allow the presence of the storm to cause you to doubt the presence of God. God will never leave us or forsake us. He is with us no matter what! What a comfort that is for the child of God.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We conclude our God With Us series by seeing how God is with us Always.

    Upcoming Events

    Please note: the Christmas Card Baskets are in the foyer. We do this so you can save some money on stamps. Just fill out your Christmas Cards and place them in the corresponding bin. Also don't forget to check for cards made out to you in the boxes.

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Services: 8:00 AM Worship Service with a carry-in breakfast following. 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
    NO Sunday School or 11:00 AM Worship Services.

    January 6 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    January 7 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service
    Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    January 13 - Barb Salomon's Memorial Service at 3 PM at the church.

    January 17 - Annual Business Meeting at 7 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - December 11, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    December 11, 2023

    The Uniqueness of Christ - Matthew 16
    When Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" they replied, "Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets." But Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:13-16).

    What set Jesus apart as the Messiah?

    • His birth: He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born, as prophesied, in Bethlehem to a virgin. Though angels announced His arrival and He reigns over all creation, Jesus entered our world in a lowly manner so He could be identified with the meek and the poor.

    • His wisdom: At age 12, He spent three days with rabbis, asking questions that showed his uncommon understanding.

    • His baptism: Though He didn't need cleansing, Jesus asked John to baptize Him so He could identify with sinners and demonstrate His love to them.

    • His temptation: Satan tempted Him relentlessly for 40 days, yet He did not sin.

    • His ministry: He challenged man-made religious traditions. And by healing people - regardless of nationality - raising the dead, and forgiving sins, He revealed that God wants to be involved personally in our lives. Leading Pharisees wanted Him dead, but the Father protected His life until the crucifixion.

    Many people deny Christ's deity, calling Him simply a "prophet" or "good teacher." But Jesus was never merely human. As complex as it is for us to comprehend, He was fully God and fully man. This is the unique way in which our heavenly Father chose to demonstrate His eternal love for us.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          You're not alone. A message series designed to welcome those who are hurt and alone, this four-week sermon series teaches that God is with us in every moment. He's with us through the pain. He comforts us in the waiting. He gives us courage when we feel anxious. "God With Us" provides a reminder of the impact of Christ’s birth.

    Last Week:
          We are in our series called, "God With Us." Today we will learn what we need to remember when we are in the wilderness. No matter what, we need to listen for the Lord, for He speaks in a still small voice. We will look at Elijah's encounter with God while he was in the wilderness.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our God With Us series by seeing how God is with us In The Storm.

    Upcoming Events

    Please note: the Christmas Card Baskets are in the foyer. We do this so you can save some money on stamps. Just fill out your Christmas Cards and place them in the corresponding bin. Also don't forget to check for cards made out to you in the boxes.

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Services: 8:00 AM Worship Service with a carry-in breakfast following. 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
    NO Sunday School or 11:00 AM Worship Services.

    January 7 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service
    Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - December 4, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    December 4, 2023

    The Power of a Discerning Spirit - Hebrews 5
    In a world filled with endless sources of information and opinions, believers need to develop a discerning spirit. Otherwise, how will we know what is true? Much of what we see and hear is based on a worldly perspective that is influenced by Satan, the Father of Lies. Deception is found even in the religious realm: cults mix lies with enough truth to make some people consider them legitimate Christian institutions.

    The only way believers can guard against deception is to ground themselves in God's Word. The more time you spend filling your mind with the Lord's thoughts, the more discerning you will be. However, just knowing biblical truth isn't enough. You must put what you learn into practice so that it becomes more than head knowledge.

    The goal is to let God's Word become such an integral part of your thinking that it guides all your decisions. Even if the situation you're facing isn't specifically addressed in the Bible, scriptural principles provide the needed wisdom for every choice. In addition, the Holy Spirit was given to each believer as a Helper, whose job is to guide you into all the truth (John 14:26; 16:13). However, your responsibility is to put God's Word into your mind so that He can bring it to your remembrance. If you neglect the Word, you'll lack discernment.

    What are you allowing into your mind? Is Scripture high in your priorities? Unless you're careful, worldly thinking will overpower spiritual discernment. It's difficult to keep God's perspective in the forefront if you spend two or three hours in front of the television and only ten minutes in the Bible.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          You're not alone. A message series designed to welcome those who are hurt and alone, this four-week sermon series teaches that God is with us in every moment. He's with us through the pain. He comforts us in the waiting. He gives us courage when we feel anxious. "God With Us" provides a reminder of the impact of Christ’s birth.

    Last Week:
          Today we begin a new series and since it's close to Christmas, it's a Christmas series! Over the next 4 weeks we will be looking into the fact that Jesus was Immanuel, which means "God with us." Today we will see how that God is with us even in the valley moments of our lives.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our Christmas Series, God With Us by looking into how He is with us In The Wilderness.

    Upcoming Events

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Services: 8:00 AM Worship Service with a carry-in breakfast following. 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
    NO Sunday School or 11:00 AM Worship Services.

    January 7 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service
    Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 27, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    November 27, 2023

    Resisting Fleshly Appetites - Ephesians 2
    The Holy Spirit guides believers to make wise and righteous decisions. But when Christians fail to listen, they can make choices that appeal to the flesh instead.

    After the serpent spoke to Eve, she no doubt took a long look at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17; 3:3). Whatever she might have thought about the tree before, she now saw it with new eyes—flesh-focused eyes. Genesis 3 tells us that the forbidden tree appealed to Eve in three ways: 1) it was good for food, 2) it was a delight to the eyes, and 3) it was desirable to make one wise.

    In other words, the tree could fulfill three legitimate human appetites: the desire for tasty meals, beauty, and wisdom. There is nothing wrong with these God-given yearnings. The Lord created a variety of food and an earth packed with breathtaking sights so that people could enjoy them. He also offers the Holy Spirit as a source of His true wisdom and knowledge. In fact, it is the Spirit who teaches believers to keep fleshly appetites under control and in balance.

    Meanwhile, Satan works very hard at corrupting healthy desires. He abhors seeing people's appetites satisfied. What he wants is to watch a person lusting after a good thing until he or she is controlled by the impulse to have it.

    The Devil is pleased when people make themselves slaves to a desire that - in the proper context - the Lord intended to be enjoyed freely. A believer walking in the Holy Spirit rejects gluttony, preferring desires that are within God's boundaries instead. That's how we get His very best.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          You're not alone. A message series designed to welcome those who are hurt and alone, this four-week sermon series teaches that God is with us in every moment. He's with us through the pain. He comforts us in the waiting. He gives us courage when we feel anxious. "God With Us" provides a reminder of the impact of Christ’s birth.

    Last Week:
          As we come to the close of this series on prayer, we learn what priorities we ought to be praying with. We will learn of three things that we need to pray for or pray with. We will be delving into Colossians 1 for the majority of this message.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will start our Christmas series God With Us by looking at how He is with us Through The Valley.

    Upcoming Events

    December 2 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the Paterni's home.

    December 3 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner
    Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord Christmas Sing - at 5:30 PM. There will be singing, hot chocolate, cookies, and maybe some new friends. All are welcome, please invite friends and family to come celebrate the birth of Christ with us!

    December 17 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Services: 8:00 AM Worship Service with a carry-in breakfast following. 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
    NO Sunday School or 11:00 AM Worship Services.

    December 31 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    January 7 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 20, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    November 20, 2023

    The Nature of Conviction - John 16
    Jesus assured His disciples that it was to their advantage that He go away so that the Helper could come (John 16:7) - God sends Him to convict people of their sin. Since the Holy Spirit is unlimited by time or space, He can reach out to every individual on the planet. However, His work differs with regard to believers and unbelievers.

    With regard to unbelievers, God's Spirit penetrates the heart and brings awareness of wrongdoing. He reveals that according to God's holy standard, they have sinned and stand condemned by their transgression. Unbelief is the greatest sin against God, so every prick of the heart is meant to point out their need for the Savior.

    As for believers, the Holy Spirit deals with them on the basis of their relationship with Jesus Christ and convicts us of disobedience to Him. In other words, He makes us aware of specific sins and the Lord's attitude about them. But He also prompts us to be accountable before Christ for our wrongdoing by confessing it and repenting.

    Convicting believers of sin is an important part of the Holy Spirit's job, but He is equally delighted to make them aware of the Lord's approval. God commends righteous living, obedient actions, and loving acts done in His name.

    While conviction is often uncomfortable for unbelievers and believers alike, it's a beautiful demonstration of God's love. He desires to bring us into the center of His will and keep us there for our good and His glory. The Holy Spirit's work makes that possible, if we choose to follow His promptings.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Life's inevitable difficulties and disappointments can discourage us from praying, but our response should be to pray anyway and keep praying. Whatever we seek, God invites us to come to Him with confidence, believing that He is able to answer, and He will answer. We can pray. But are you convinced that prayer works, even when you don't get the answers you want? This Beyond Prayer series will hopefully motivate and encourage us to respond to the challenges of life with prayer, to pray without ceasing, and to pray with great expectations. Are you ready for a new level of earnest, passionate, God-size prayers? Join us for this 9-week series.

    Last Week:
          We will dive into Philippians 4 to see that prayer is God's answer for anxiety. Did that just spoil the ending? No, because we are going to learn 3 main things about prayer that will help you when you are in the midst of worry and anxiety.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will close out our series on prayer by looking into the spiritual priorities that our prayers should have.

    Upcoming Events

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM. We will also be taking the Lord's Supper.

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

    November 26 - Christmas Offering for Crossroads Rural Teen Missions, this is the last day for this love offering.

    December 2 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the Paterni's home.

    December 3 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner
    Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord Christmas Sing - at 5:30 PM. There will be singing, hot chocolate, cookies, and maybe some new friends. All are welcome, please invite friends and family to come celebrate the birth of Christ with us!

    December 17 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Services: 8:00 AM Worship Service with a carry-in breakfast following. 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
    NO Sunday School or 11:00 AM Worship Services.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 6, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    November 6, 2023

    No Condemnation - Romans 8
    Some believers are plagued by feelings of condemnation. Either they think they'll never live up to God's expectations for them or they're nearly drowning in guilt over past sins. These men and women cannot seem to shake the sense that God is displeased with their puny efforts at being Christlike.

    The book of Romans confronts this lie head-on: "There is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romams 8:1). When the Savior went to the cross on our behalf, He lifted the blame from our shoulders and made us righteous before God. Those feelings of condemnation do not belong to us; they are from Satan. He amplifies our guilt and feelings of inadequacy and then suggests that's how the Lord feels about His "wayward child." Nothing could be further from the truth. Our sins are wiped clean, and we are chosen and loved by God.

    Condemnation is reserved for those who reject the Lord (John 3:36). Sin is a death sentence (Romans 6:23). Anyone who chooses to cling to sin instead of seeking divine forgiveness must pay the penalty, which is an eternity separated from God. Two synonyms of condemn are 'denounce' and 'revile.' Those words certainly describe Jesus' statement to unbelievers in Matthew 25:41: "Depart from me, accursed ones."

    There is no condemnation for those who receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. The believer's penalty for sin is paid, and he can stand blameless before God. Trust in the Lord's love and let go of Satan's lie. God's beloved children are covered by His grace and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Life's inevitable difficulties and disappointments can discourage us from praying, but our response should be to pray anyway and keep praying. Whatever we seek, God invites us to come to Him with confidence, believing that He is able to answer, and He will answer. We can pray. But are you convinced that prayer works, even when you don't get the answers you want? This Beyond Prayer series will hopefully motivate and encourage us to respond to the challenges of life with prayer, to pray without ceasing, and to pray with great expectations. Are you ready for a new level of earnest, passionate, God-size prayers? Join us for this 9-week series.

    Last Week:
          In Sunday's message on prayer we saw what it may mean if God were to give us the "yes" that we are looking for. If God gives us the yes, we must be ready for it. Hezekiah prayed for more life and was given 15 more years and it was filled with pride. The Israelites prayed for a king and God warned them that they would bring struggles to them, but they still asked for it and God gave it to them. You may not be ready for God to give you your answer. So, can you handle an answered prayer?
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series on prayer by looking at how we can have A Godly Attitude toward Material Possessions. That may seem to have nothing to do with prayer, but it does!

    Upcoming Events

    November 11 - Veteran's Day Service at Midway Veteran's Memorial at 11 AM. If raining, it will be held at the Center United Presbyterian Church in Midway.

    November 12 - Veteran's Day & Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM. We will also be taking the Lord's Supper.

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

    November 26 - Christmas Offering for Crossroads Rural Teen Missions, this is the last day for this love offering.

    December 2 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the Paterni's home.

    December 3 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner
    Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord Christmas Sing - at 5:30 PM. There will be singing, hot chocolate, cookies, and maybe some new friends. All are welcome, please invite friends and family to come celebrate the birth of Christ with us!

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Services: 8:00 AM Worship Service with a carry-in breakfast following. 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
    NO Sunday School or 11:00 AM Worship Services.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 30, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    October 30, 2023

    Spiritually Shortsighted - Luke 16
    In Luke 16, Jesus told a story about a rich man who lived for himself and ignored God. After death, he experienced the consequences of his choices - eternal separation from the Lord.

    Jesus described him as one who lived in luxury every day (v. 19), providing for himself the best that money could buy but giving little to the poor at his gate. It is important to realize that this man wasn’t judged harshly by God because of his wealth. The heavenly Father is not opposed to our success. Nor was the man separated from the Lord because of his lack of charity toward others. He did not deliberately harm others but, rather, overlooked those in need and focused on himself.

    The rich man’s mistake was that he prepared everything for the body but nothing for the soul. Our culture practices a similar style of living. Acquiring material riches and satisfying self is the primary pursuit of many in our world. Having what one wants seems to be the goal whether it’s a struggle to make ends meet or the bank account is overflowing.

    Scripture says we were created to be in a relationship with the Father through faith in His Son. The rich man ignored God and paid the ultimate price. Our eternal destiny depends on our decision about Christ.

    Despite what our culture thinks, life is not about us. It’s about having a relationship with the Lord. Whoever accepts Christ’s gift of salvation will live eternally with Him in heaven. Those who reject God will suffer. If you know any spiritually shortsighted people, pray that they will trust in Jesus.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Life's inevitable difficulties and disappointments can discourage us from praying, but our response should be to pray anyway and keep praying. Whatever we seek, God invites us to come to Him with confidence, believing that He is able to answer, and He will answer. We can pray. But are you convinced that prayer works, even when you don't get the answers you want? This Beyond Prayer series will hopefully motivate and encourage us to respond to the challenges of life with prayer, to pray without ceasing, and to pray with great expectations. Are you ready for a new level of earnest, passionate, God-size prayers? Join us for this 9-week series.

    Last Week:
          We continue our study of prayer by looking at what kind of prayers that God answers. Now, don't get me wrong, this is not a secret formula for God to answer all your prayers, but if your prayers contain these things, it is more likely to get answered than all the "gimme" prayers that we offer so often. If we implement these things into our prayer life, it will change the way we pray.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series on prayer by looking into if you Can You Handle An Answered Prayer? .

    Upcoming Events

    November 5 - Special Business Meeting after the Morning Worship Service
    NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner

    November 11 - Veteran's Day Service at Midway Veteran's Memorial at 11 AM. If raining, it will be held at the Center United Presbyterian Church in Midway.

    November 12 - Veteran's Day & Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM. We will also be taking the Lord's Supper.

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

    December 2 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the Paterni's home.

    December 3 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner
    Make A Joyful Noise Unto The Lord Christmas Sing - at 5:30 PM. There will be singing, hot chocolate, cookies, and maybe some new friends. All are welcome, please invite friends and family to come celebrate the birth of Christ with us!

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Services: 8:00 AM Worship Service with a carry-in breakfast following. 5:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
    NO Sunday School or 11:00 AM Worship Services.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 23, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    October 23, 2023

    Prayer: Our Time Saver - Psalm 143
    What do you think about when you wake up? Are your thoughts instantly focused on the day ahead, or are they centered on the Lord? Although most of us have busy lives that consume much of our time and attention, the most important and time-saving part of each day is that spent in quiet solitude with God.

    Yet many believers feel so rushed that they don't think there's time for the Lord. They immediately jump onto the treadmill of life and then wonder why they're so frustrated, confused, and dissatisfied. Even if their desire is to follow God, they don't know where He's going since they haven't stopped to get directions for the day. There's also a disconnect because they've ignored their relationship with Him. No one can have intimacy with Christ without daily communication.

    Perhaps the problem is our own human logic. We think spending time reading the Bible and praying each morning will result in having less time and lower productivity. However, when we seek Christ's direction and wisdom for the day and invite Him to control our lives, He'll accomplish more through us than we can do by ourselves. He'll give us wisdom for good decisions, increase our strength and energy, and free us from time-wasting anxiety.

    Are you too busy for the Lord? If so, you're denying yourself the blessing of an intimate relationship with Christ. When you make time for Him, He'll fill you with peace and joy, guide your decisions, grant you wisdom, empower you to obey, make you more productive, and comfort you with His love.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Life's inevitable difficulties and disappointments can discourage us from praying, but our response should be to pray anyway and keep praying. Whatever we seek, God invites us to come to Him with confidence, believing that He is able to answer, and He will answer. We can pray. But are you convinced that prayer works, even when you don't get the answers you want? This Beyond Prayer series will hopefully motivate and encourage us to respond to the challenges of life with prayer, to pray without ceasing, and to pray with great expectations. Are you ready for a new level of earnest, passionate, God-size prayers? Join us for this 9-week series.

    Last Week:
          We continue our series on prayer by looking at how we should pray in light of our weakness. God said to Paul that when we are weak, then He is strong. We will look at a portion of Agur's prayer in Proverbs 30. We will see that he had 2 main prayer requests. From this we will learn 7 lessons on how we should pray.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series on prayer by looking into The Kind of Prayer God Answers.

    Upcoming Events

    October 29 - Fall Festival at Katjie Rumbaugh's house at 4 PM

    November 5 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner
    Special Business Meeting after the Morning Worship Service

    November 12 - Veteran's Day & Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 16, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    October 16, 2023

    Prayer in Times of Inadequacy - Nehemiah 2
    After Nehemiah heard about the desperate condition of the Jews who had returned from exile to Jerusalem, his heart was burdened (Nehemiah 1:3-4). By getting his attention in this way, the Lord could reveal what He wanted Nehemiah to do. Scripture doesn't spell out the man's reaction on realizing that he was to be a part of the solution, but we can imagine a sense of inadequacy probably engulfed him. How could he possibly help? He wasn't even near Jerusalem, and as a servant of the king, he didn't have the freedom to pack up and leave.

    But whenever God puts a burden on our hearts, He will open a door to accomplish His will. In this case, the Lord used Nehemiah's sad expression and desperate prayer to prepare a pagan king to send him on his mission.

    How do you respond when you sense the Lord is calling you to a task that seems beyond your abilities? Do you list all the reasons you can't possibly do it? God already knows everything about you and the situation. He's not asking your permission to proceed; rather, He is calling you to move forward with faith and obedience. He didn't make an error in choosing you for the task, but you will make a huge mistake if you refuse to do it.

    God will equip you for whatever He calls you to do. Because the Holy Spirit dwells within every believer, we have all we need to fulfill the Lord's mission. Instead of letting inadequacy hinder you from obeying, let it drive you to your knees so you can arise with renewed insight and power.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Life's inevitable difficulties and disappointments can discourage us from praying, but our response should be to pray anyway and keep praying. Whatever we seek, God invites us to come to Him with confidence, believing that He is able to answer, and He will answer. We can pray. But are you convinced that prayer works, even when you don't get the answers you want? This Beyond Prayer series will hopefully motivate and encourage us to respond to the challenges of life with prayer, to pray without ceasing, and to pray with great expectations. Are you ready for a new level of earnest, passionate, God-size prayers? Join us for this 9-week series.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our series on prayer, we will look at another parable of Jesus from Luke 18, where a widow has an issue with someone else. Maybe they had taken advantage of her, maybe holding something against her. We don't know what it was, but it drove her to the local judge, who was crooked. He didn't respect people and he didn't respect God. But because of her tenacity, he gave into her just to get her away from him. God does not begrudgingly answer our prayers to get us away from Him. God is not like that crooked judge.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series Beyond Prayer by looking into The Wise Prayer of a Weak Man from Proverbs 30:1-9.

    Upcoming Events

    October 18 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    October 29 - Fall Festival at Katjie Rumbaugh's house at 4 PM

    November 5 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner

    November 12 - Veteran's Day & Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 2, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    October 2, 2023

    Satan's Strategy - Luke 22
    All of us make tracks through the valley of failure. The question is, How are you going to respond? Plenty of people give up and exchange a vibrant kingdom-serving life for a defeated existence. But failure need not be an end. It's a chance for a new beginning living in Christ's strength.

    Peter had a life-altering failure. Jesus warned that Satan had asked permission to "sift" the disciple like wheat (Luke 22:31) - vigorous shaking is required to separate wheat kernels from debris. The Enemy wanted to shake Peter's faith hard in hopes that he'd fall away from Jesus like chaff.

    Peter fervently believed the promise he'd made to Jesus: "Even though all may fall away, yet I will not" (Mark 14:29). But Satan knows a few things about the power of fear. What's more, he realized that the disciple would be wounded by his own disloyalty. A man with tattered pride can't help but question his usefulness.

    When Satan sifts believers, his goal is to damage our faith so much that we're useless to God. He wants us shelved far from the action of the Lord's kingdom. Therefore, he goes for our strengths—the areas where we believe ourselves to be invincible, or at least very well protected. And when the Devil succeeds, we are disappointed and demoralized. But we don't have to stay that way.

    If we are willing, God can use failure to do spiritual housecleaning. Peter laid down his pride and instead put on the Holy Spirit's courage. Thereafter, he risked humiliation, persecution, and death to proclaim the gospel. Failure was the catalyst that brought forth greater faith and true servanthood.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Life's inevitable difficulties and disappointments can discourage us from praying, but our response should be to pray anyway and keep praying. Whatever we seek, God invites us to come to Him with confidence, believing that He is able to answer, and He will answer. We can pray. But are you convinced that prayer works, even when you don't get the answers you want? This Beyond Prayer series will hopefully motivate and encourage us to respond to the challenges of life with prayer, to pray without ceasing, and to pray with great expectations. Are you ready for a new level of earnest, passionate, God-size prayers? Join us for this 9-week series.

    Last Week:
          We begin our new series Beyond Prayer: A Biblical Perspective On The Power Of Prayer. Today we learned that whatever you are asking God for, happens after prayer. It doesn't mean that He will do whatever we ask Him to do, but that what we need done will take place after prayer.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series Beyond Prayer by looking into God Is Not A Sleepy Friend.

    Upcoming Events

    October 18 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    October 28 - Fall Festival at Katjie Rumbaugh's house

    November 5 - NOCarry-in Fellowship Dinner

    November 12 - Veteran's Day & Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 25, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    September 25, 2023

    God's Clear Instructions - James 5
    Joshua needed guidance as he faced one of the most crucial moments of his life. Because the Lord had promised him success in conquering Jericho, he knew the outcome of the battle, but as the day of combat approached, he needed a specific strategy for victory. What he heard the Lord say must have made his jaw drop.

    Can you imagine the soldiers' thoughts as they carried out this bizarre battle strategy? In confusing times like this, it's good to remember three requirements for benefiting from God's instructions. We need:

    • Faith to believe the Lord
    • Courage to obey Him
    • Patience to wait for His timing.

    When God gives us clear instruction through His Word or His Spirit within us, our response shows how much we trust Him. If we truly believe Him and His promises, precise and complete obedience will follow. His victory in any area of struggle is available only to those who act upon His directions.

    Submitting to the Lord's timing is also an essential part of obedience. What would have happened if the army decided to bypass God's plans for the first six days and skip straight to the seventh day's march around Jericho? They would have missed the victory.

    How often do we beg the Lord for guidance, yet hesitate to obey when He finally gives it? Living by faith can seem like a huge risk when His instructions make no sense or require a lengthy wait. But knowing His eternal perspective and unlimited power can strengthen our resolve to obey.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          Life's inevitable difficulties and disappointments can discourage us from praying, but our response should be to pray anyway and keep praying. Whatever we seek, God invites us to come to Him with confidence, believing that He is able to answer, and He will answer. We can pray. But are you convinced that prayer works, even when you don't get the answers you want? This Beyond Prayer series will hopefully motivate and encourage us to respond to the challenges of life with prayer, to pray without ceasing, and to pray with great expectations. Are you ready for a new level of earnest, passionate, God-size prayers? Join us for this 9-week series. It starts October 1st.

    Last Week:
          Rev. Jeff Kipp is with us today from Chosen People's Ministry. He will be sharing with us all about Jesus and the Day of Atonement. This evening begins the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) which is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, when they fast, pray, seek forgiveness from God and their fellows, and come closer to God. It is the peak of the High Holidays.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will begin a series on prayer titled Beyond Prayer.

    Upcoming Events

    October 1 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    October 14 - Fall Festival. Location and time will be confirmed soon

    October 18 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    November 5 - NOCarry-in Fellowship Dinner

    November 12 - Veteran's Day & Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 18, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    September 18, 2023

    Praying for Change - James 5
    Hanging above the door in our house, my mother's favorite plaque constantly reminded us, "Prayer changes things." From an early age, I witnessed this powerful truth through her example. She'd tell me about some difficulties she was facing and then have me pray about them with her. And later, she'd always be sure to give God the glory when sharing the awesome news that He had answered those prayers.

    Indeed, this is our confidence: Anything we pray for that aligns with the Father's plan will be granted. And the more time we spend with Him, the more we'll come to understand His will and how to pray for it.

    Remember, prayer doesn't change God's mind, but it does transform the believer's heart. Some requests are granted immediately, simply because we asked with the realization that our Father loves to give us good gifts. Other requests may require time or certain divine preparations before they can be given. We, meanwhile, must simply be diligent to persevere in prayer.

    Whatever the Lord's response or timing, we trust that He has only the very best in store for His children. That means we might not receive exactly what we're asking for, but something even better. Such is God's great pleasure, for He alone perfectly knows each heart's desire and wishes to fulfill it.

    Our most powerful tool for shaping the world and lives around us is always available. Prayer lets us witness God's hand in any situation. And as we give attention, time, and perseverance to conversation with Him, we find no limit to what He can achieve in people's hearts and circumstances.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          Life's inevitable difficulties and disappointments can discourage us from praying, but our response should be to pray anyway and keep praying. Whatever we seek, God invites us to come to Him with confidence, believing that He is able to answer, and He will answer. We can pray. But are you convinced that prayer works, even when you don't get the answers you want? This Beyond Prayer series will hopefully motivate and encourage us to respond to the challenges of life with prayer, to pray without ceasing, and to pray with great expectations. Are you ready for a new level of earnest, passionate, God-size prayers? Join us for this 9-week series. It starts October 1.

    Last Week:
          In this message we will be talking about a well known verse, well, sort of. It is most often misquoted, I Timothy 6:10. Money is not the root of all evil. The "LOVE" of money is the root of all evil.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will learn about Jesus and The Day of Atonement from guest speaker, Jeff Kipp.

    Upcoming Events

    September 23 - Work Day at the church from 9AM-4PM. Bring a shovel, a rake, and a wheelbarrow if you have one. Lunch will be provided.

    September 24 - Guest Speaker Jeff Kipp will be presenting Jesus and The Day of Atonement

    October 1 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    October 14 - Fall Festival. Location and time will be confirmed soon

    October 18 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    November 5 - NOCarry-in Fellowship Dinner

    November 12 - Veteran's Day & Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 11, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    Setpember 11, 2023

    Sanctification: God's Grand Plan - Jeremiah 29
    The heavenly Father has a grand plan for the life of every person, and it can be summed up in the word sanctification. If you have never been certain of the term's meaning, you are not alone - many people are unclear about its definition. However, believers should understand it because the word defines them.

    In its verb form - sanctify - the term means "to make holy" or "to separate." So when something is sanctified, it is separated from its former common usage and is dedicated for sacred purposes. The Old Testament mentions a number of things that the Lord sanctified: He made the seventh day holy, set aside the Levite tribe as priests, and even consecrated places like the Holy of Holies inside the tabernacle (Genesis 2:3; Numbers 3).

    The heavenly Father still sanctifies people today. Before a person places his faith in the Savior, he is spiritually dead and, in fact, an enemy of God (Ephesians 2:1-3; Romans 5:10). But the moment someone chooses to trust in Jesus Christ, his sins are wiped away, and he is adopted into God's family. That individual is set apart as a child of God, with a sacred purpose. This means believers are not here to chase after personal gain but to serve the Lord and bring Him honor and glory.

    As members of God's family who are called upon to reflect His glory, believers are referred to as "saints." We are given this moniker - which shares its root with sanctification - not because we live sinless lives, but because we live a life consistent with the One we represent.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          Life's inevitable difficulties and disappointments can discourage us from praying, but our response should be to pray anyway and keep praying. Whatever we seek, God invites us to come to Him with confidence, believing that He is able to answer, and He will answer. We can pray. But are you convinced that prayer works, even when you don't get the answers you want? This Beyond Prayer series will hopefully motivate and encourage us to respond to the challenges of life with prayer, to pray without ceasing, and to pray with great expectations. Are you ready for a new level of earnest, passionate, God-size prayers? Join us for this 9-week series. It starts October 1.

    Last Week:
          We close our series on "Doubting God" by looking into what we should do "When You Feel Abandoned By God." Things come up in our lives and we think, "If God loves me, then this wouldn't have happened," or "If God is good, why does He allow bad things to happen?" The thoughts can go on and on, but we need to remember when we feel alone or that God has forsaken us that God is always with us. As believers we should turn our "Why, God?" questions to "What, God?" As Spurgeon states and as the old song sings, "When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart."
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will look at a misunderstood verse about money. It is NOT the root of all evil, but the love of it is.

    Upcoming Events

    September 17 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    September 23 - Work Day at the church from 9AM-4PM. Bring a shovel, a rake, and a wheelbarrow if you have one. Lunch will be provided.

    September 24 - Guest Speaker Jeff Kipp will be presenting Jesus and The Day of Atonement

    October 1 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    October 18 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 6, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    September 6, 2023

    Building Muscles of Faith - I Kings 18
    "I wish I had great faith." These are words that almost every Christian has said at one time or another. But faith is like a muscle, which must be exercised in order to become strong; just wishing cannot make it happen.

    Christians are to believe God, not only for salvation but for everything. Rather than a spiritual "plateau," faith is actually a process that involves increasing degrees of trust throughout life. Little faith hopes that God will do what He says; strong faith knows that He will; and great faith believes that He has already done it.

    Elijah was a man of great faith. He saw increased challenges as opportunities for God to do His work—and the prophet believed Him for the supernatural. So can you. The Lord may not do every miraculous thing you ask of Him, but He does some extraordinary work in and through each person who is obedient and willing to trust in Him.

    You may be thinking, I am not good enough for the Father to use me. The Scriptures are filled with examples of weak and flawed people whom the Lord used to achieve His purposes. He is looking, not for perfection, but for individuals willing to believe Him. He not only works through people of faith; He transforms them.

    Start by reading God's Word to learn what He wants you to do. Each day's situations and needs are opportunities to trust Him. Ask the Lord to bring to mind verses that apply to your circumstances. Trust Him and do what He says—your faith "muscles" will grow, and He will be glorified.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          It's easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it's not, necessarily. God isn't afraid of our doubts, so we don't have to be either. In the series, Doubting God, we're creating a space for the questions we've been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our series about "Doubting God," we learn today that we can believe science and God at the same time. God created science. Science and the Bible do not have to be in competition with each other, they can be cooperative. St. Augustine's teaching on this basically says, "The conflict comes from either misunderstanding science or misinterpreting the Bible."
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will conclude our series of Doubting God by what to do When You Feel Abandoned By God.

    Upcoming Events

    September 9 - Trustee's Meeting at 9 AM

    September 17 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    September 24 - Guest Speaker Jeff Kipp will be presenting Jesus and The Day of Atonement

    October 1 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    October 18 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - August 28, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    August 28, 2023

    Sanctification: God's Grand Plan - Jeremiah 29
    The heavenly Father has a grand plan for the life of every person, and it can be summed up in the word sanctification. If you have never been certain of the term's meaning, you are not alone - many people are unclear about its definition. However, believers should understand it because the word defines them.

    In its verb form - sanctify - the term means "to make holy" or "to separate." So when something is sanctified, it is separated from its former common usage and is dedicated for sacred purposes. The Old Testament mentions a number of things that the Lord sanctified: He made the seventh day holy, set aside the Levite tribe as priests, and even consecrated places like the Holy of Holies inside the tabernacle (Genesis 2:3; Numbers 3).

    The heavenly Father still sanctifies people today. Before a person places his faith in the Savior, he is spiritually dead and, in fact, an enemy of God (Ephesians 2:1-3; Romans 5:10). But the moment someone chooses to trust in Jesus Christ, his sins are wiped away, and he is adopted into God's family. That individual is set apart as a child of God, with a sacred purpose. This means believers are not here to chase after personal gain but to serve the Lord and bring Him honor and glory.

    As members of God's family who are called upon to reflect His glory, believers are referred to as "saints." We are given this moniker - which shares its root with sanctification - not because we live sinless lives, but because we live a life consistent with the One we represent.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          It's easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it's not, necessarily. God isn't afraid of our doubts, so we don't have to be either. In the series, Doubting God, we're creating a space for the questions we've been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith.

    Last Week:
          We continue our series Doubting God by looking into what to do When Christians Let You Down. Why is it that some so-called Christians get it wrong? We will answer that question today, as well as challenge us from God's Word as to not be hypocrites.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our series of Doubting God by looking at Can I Believe in Science AND God?

    Upcoming Events

    September 3 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    September 24 - Guest Speaker Jeff Kipp will be presenting Jesus and The Day of Atonement

    October 18 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - August 21, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    August 21, 2023

    The New Birth and Baptism - Romans 6
    Jesus commissioned His followers to go and make disciples, "baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19). As the early church spread the gospel message, baptism would follow a new believer's response of faith. It publicly signified that the individual was now a follower of Jesus.

    Metaphors often communicate on a level that words cannot. Baptism is a powerful picture of our salvation experience. Through this act, we proclaim the good news that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again - and testify that we've welcomed His transforming power into our life.

    The Greek word for "baptize" in Scripture is the same term used to describe a cloth dipped in dye--it refers to total change. So by being plunged into the water, we declare that we're choosing to die to our old way of life and are uniting with Christ. Our sin is buried with Him, and its power is conquered through His atoning death on the cross (Romans 6:14). When we're raised up out of the water, we affirm His resurrection. Baptism is a symbolic way of expressing that just as the Lord conquered death and rose again, we are spiritually resurrected from death into new life. We are "born again" and irrevocably transformed through the power of His Holy Spirit.

    In the Bible, the word "believe" isn't a conceptual word describing intellectual agreement alone. It is a word of action. Our belief should never be hidden like a light placed under a bowl (Luke 11:33) - when unbelieving family and friends look at our lives, they need to see the gospel in action.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          It's easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it's not, necessarily. God isn't afraid of our doubts, so we don't have to be either. In the series, Doubting God, we're creating a space for the questions we've been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith.

    Last Week:
          Insecurities, we all have them about something in our lives. Usually we use them as proof of why we shouldn't be used by God for something, we just don't think that we are qualified. Insecurities, we all have them. God wants us to face them and see that in spite of our insecurities, He can use us for His glory. God specializes in using the "unqualified" for His purposes.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our series of Doubting God by looking at what to do When Christians Let You Down.

    Upcoming Events

    August 27 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    September 3 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    Sept 24 - Guest Speaker Jeff Kipp will be presenting Jesus and The Day of Atonement

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - August 14, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    August 14, 2023

    The Practices of Maturity - Hebrews 5
    Believers are on a continual growth track that ascends higher and higher. This side of heaven none of us ever "arrive," but we each have a responsibility to press on to maturity. Though many people think those who know a lot about the Bible are the spiritually mature ones, Hebrews 5:14 adds the element of practice to the growth equation. This word means a custom or habit. Christian growth requires the discipline of godly habits carried out daily.

    The most important practice to cultivate is a personal devotional time. Since God is the source of all spiritual development, you can't neglect Him and expect to become mature. Transformation begins with time in His Word and prayer.

    Obedience is another essential element for advancement. When our desire to obey the Lord is stronger than our attraction to sin, we'll know we are making progress in our spiritual life.

    In terms of physical development, the goal is to become more independent and self-sufficient as we age. But in the spiritual realm, the opposite is true. Those who are mature in Christ recognize their own inadequacy and rely on the Holy Spirit within them. It's His job to transform our character and empower us to accomplish everything the Lord calls us to do.

    Getting older doesn't mean maturity in God's eyes. By digging into Scripture and developing righteous habits, we can use our years to grow stronger in the Lord instead of wasting time with passivity. No one accidentally becomes mature. Spiritual growth requires a diligent pursuit of God.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          It's easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it's not, necessarily. God isn't afraid of our doubts, so we don't have to be either. In the series, Doubting God, we're creating a space for the questions we've been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith.

    Last Week:
          We had church outside and had a wonderful time there. That service was not recorded or live-streamed.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series on Doubting God by looking at Facing Your Insecurities.

    Upcoming Events

    August 27 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    September 3 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    Sept 24 - Guest Speaker Jeff Kipp will be presenting Jesus and The Day of Atonement

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - August 7, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    August 7, 2023

    Failing to Listen to God - Genesis 3
    Listening to God is not a onetime event. We must continually keep His Word before us, or we'll begin to listen to the wrong voices.

    In Genesis 2:16-17, the Lord gave a command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But Eve began to listen to another voice and did not hold firmly to her Creator's words. All that Satan had to do was plant a single doubt about God's integrity and offer Eve one appealing advantage of doing things her own way - and she fell for it. He mentioned wisdom, but using her own reasoning, Eve added two more benefits to the temptation: the fruit is good for food and a delight to the eyes.

    The schemes of the Enemy have not changed. He still whispers lies and twists truth to convince us that a) God cannot be trusted and b) His ways are not the best. In every temptation, there is a deception about the character and motive of God, plus an attractive promise of a better way.

    The world is filled with voices that vie for our attention and influence our thoughts and actions. Throughout the day, consider the messages that are sent your way through the media and people. Consciously begin to compare them to what Scripture says about God and His ways.

    Remembering what God says in the Bible is our safeguard against deception and temptation. Daily devotions won't protect us if they're quickly forgotten during the day. Follow Christ's example: be ready with truth in your mind and on your tongue whenever temptation strikes (Matthew 4:1-11).

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          It's easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it's not, necessarily. God isn't afraid of our doubts, so we don't have to be either. In the series, Doubting God, we're creating a space for the questions we've been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith.

    Last Week:
          In the sermon today, we will talk about how there are some people who are leaving Christianity. We will see how doubt is a temptation to leave the faith, but it also could be an opportunity to dig in a bit more into God and His Word. If you've ever doubted God, this message is for you today.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          There will be no services at the church and it will not be live-streamed, as we will be at the Caldwell's pavilion for our Church Outside service. See you there at 11 AM!

    Upcoming Events

    August 13 - Church Outside at 11:00 AM at the Caldwell's. NO services at the church

    August 20 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    September 3 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    Sept 24 - Guest Speaker Jeff Kipp will be presenting Jesus and The Day of Atonement

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - July 31, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    July 31, 2023

    Developing Faith through Adversity - II Corinthians 11
    It doesn't seem fair, does it? Paul spent his life serving Christ, and yet he experienced continual suffering. Why would God let one of His most faithful servants go through so much pain? This isn't just a question about Paul; it's an issue we face today. In our minds, the Lord should protect His loyal followers from hardships, but He doesn't necessarily do so.

    Maybe our reasoning is backwards. We think faithful Christians don't deserve to suffer, but from God's perspective, suffering is what produces faithful Christians. If we all had lives of ease without opposition, trials, or pain, we'd never really know God, because we'd never need Him. Like it or not, adversity teaches us more about the Lord than simply reading the Bible ever will.

    I'm not saying we don't need to know Scripture; that's our foundation for faith. But if what we believe is never tested by adversity, it remains head knowledge. How will we ever know the Lord can be trusted in the midst of trouble if we've never been challenged by hardship? God gives us opportunities to apply scriptural truths to the difficulties facing us, and in the process, we find Him faithful. For example, how would Paul ever have known the strength of Christ if he had never been weakened by pain, persecution, and adversity?

    Depending on your response, trials can be God's greatest means of building faith or an avenue to discouragement and self-pity. If you'll believe what Scripture says and apply its principles to your situation, your trust in God will grow, and your faith will be strengthened through adversity.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          It's easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it's not, necessarily. God isn't afraid of our doubts, so we don't have to be either. In the series, Doubting God, we're creating a space for the questions we've been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith.

    Last Week:
          We had a guest speaker, a missionary to a restricted access nation, where it is illegal for missionaries to go to. That service was not recorded due to our desire to keep them safe.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series, Doubting God. We will talk about the temptation of Leaving Christianity.

    Upcoming Events

    August 6 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    August 13 - Church Outside at 11:00 AM at the Caldwell's. NO services at the church

    August 20 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    Sept 24 - Guest Speaker Jeff Kipp will be presenting Jesus and The Day of Atonement

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - July 24, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    July 24, 2023

    Peace, Joy, and Contentment - Nehemiah 2
    Discouragement can rob peace, joy, and contentment. But I have great news if you feel disheartened: You’re not stuck!

    I've known people who appeared to be in an impossible situation. A few years later, however, they were in a terrific place, either in terms of their circumstances or their emotions. The reason? They never gave up. Instead of sulking in self-pity, they chose to believe God, step out in faith, and climb out of the emotional pit.

    Nehemiah is a good example. He had every reason to feel defeated, because his people were in trouble. After receiving news that the city wall had been destroyed, this man of God acknowledged profound disappointment and grieved. Though pain flooded his soul, he didn’t allow himself to stay in that low place. Instead, Nehemiah cried out to God, seeking direction.

    Sadness in the presence of royalty was punishable by death. But the Lord answered Nehemiah's prayer with amazing power, prompting the king to notice his servant's sad countenance and then to ask what he could do to help. This miracle led to the rebuilding of the wall and the redemption of God's people.

    The Lord can take an impossible situation - no matter what it is - and move in ways mightier than you can imagine.

    Do you live in eager expectation of what the Lord will do? Or have you chosen to linger in the depths of despair? Like Nehemiah, turn your disappointment into a petition for God’s help. He can restore your hope and prevent negative emotions from gaining a stranglehold on your life.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          It's easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it's not, necessarily. God isn't afraid of our doubts, so we don't have to be either. In the series, Doubting God, we're creating a space for the questions we've been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith.

    Last Week:
          Today we start a new series called, "Doubting God." We begin this series by looking into why we doubt, and then we will see that doubting might not be the worst thing in the Christian life. We look at the guy nicknamed for his doubting, Thomas, as we learn to deal with our doubts.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will have a guest speaker, a missionary to a restricted access nation, where it is illegal for missionaries to go to. We will not be recording the service as a result.

    Upcoming Events

    July 30 - Guest Missionary Speaker will be with us this day that serves in a Restricted Access Nation. There will be no live streaming on this Sunday.

    August 6 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    August 13 - Church Outside at 11:00 AM at the Caldwell's. NO services at the church

    August 20 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    Sept 24 - Guest Speaker Jeff Kipp will be presenting Jesus and The Day of Atonement

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - July 17, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    July 17, 2023

    The Source of Our Adversity - Isaiah 45
    When we experience hardships, we usually wonder why God allows these painful situations to come our way. It just doesn't seem to fit with His role as our loving heavenly Father. We struggle to reconcile our suffering with His love for us and His power to prevent or stop it. In order to understand what's going on, we need to consider the possible sources of adversity.

    A Fallen World: When sin entered the world, suffering came with it. God could have protected us from these harmful effects by making us like puppets who could not choose sin, but that would mean we'd also be unable to choose to love Him, because love must be voluntary.

    Our Own Doing: Sometimes we get ourselves into trouble with our foolish or sinful choices. If the Lord stepped in and rescued us from every negative consequence, we'd never grow into mature believers.

    Satanic Attack: The Devil is our enemy. To hinder anything the Lord wants to do in and through believers, Satan will never cease to harass us. His goal is to destroy our lives and our testimonies, thereby making us weak and useless for God's purposes.

    God's Sovereignty: Ultimately, the Lord is in charge of all adversity that comes our way. To deny His involvement contradicts His power and sovereignty over creation.

    For us to accept that God allows - or even sends - afflictions, we must see adversity from His perspective. Is your focus on the pain of your experience or on the Lord and His faithfulness? As believers, we're assured that no adversity comes our way unless He can use it to achieve His good purposes.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          It's easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it's not, necessarily. God isn't afraid of our doubts, so we don't have to be either. In the series, Doubting God, we're creating a space for the questions we've been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith.

    Last Week:
          As we close out our series on "Pretty Ugly People," we will look at how two people responded in two different ways to the ugliness that happens in their life, Naomi and Ruth. Naomi became bitter about what happened, and Ruth didn't. We need to be like Ruth.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Next week, we begin our new Series Doubting God. Your questions don't make you a bad Christian. We will discover how to handle your doubts.

    Upcoming Events

    July 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7:00 PM

    July 30 - Guest Missionary Speaker will be with us this day that serves in a Restricted Access Nation. There will be no live streaming on this Sunday.

    August 6 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    August 13 - Church Outside at 11:00 AM at the Caldwell's. NO services at the church

    Sept 24 - Guest Speaker Jeff Kipp will be presenting Jesus and The Day of Atonement

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 10, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    July 10, 2023

    The Believer's Purpose - Galatians 5
    God has a purpose for your life. If that weren't true, He'd have taken you home to heaven at the moment of salvation. Do you ever wonder why He left you here?

    The Lord intends to influence others through you. Our purpose is to be a vessel through which Christ overflows to others--touching those who hurt and desperately need a Savior. Once we are saved, Scripture teaches, our involvement is threefold.

    First, we love others. Jesus clearly stated that this was one of the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:38-39).

    Second, we share the good news of salvation (Acts 1:8). Some travel across the world to spread the gospel, while others teach neighbors across the street. The Holy Spirit will direct us to the right people if we are willing to obey.Watch and see how God will quiet your spirit and provide confidence when you draw only from Him as your source. You'll be surprised at your own attitude: when you respond from within - rather than from the flesh - Jesus will give you the ability to respond as He would.

    Third, we serve in a variety of ways, like helping those in need, sharing our resources, and lifting others in prayer. Jesus is our perfect example of all three. His entire life was marked by caring for people--both those who loved Him and those who did not. In fact, the Bible teaches that He humbled Himself and became like us, willing to give up His life for our redemption. There is no greater love; there is no greater act of service.

    Scripture clearly defines the believer's purpose. Aligning ourselves with God's intentions for His children--loving others, witnessing, and serving-- bring us great satisfaction. In fact, we're still on earth not merely to hear more teaching but to act on it and share with others what we learn.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          How can we be pretty, even when life is ugly? In this series will learn how to deal with people who can be pretty ugly, and how to avoid being pretty on the outside only to end up ugly on the inside.

    Last Week:
          Local Missionary, Jack Merckle, was with us and brought a message regarding Abraham and Lot.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will conclude our sermon series by looking at God Has A Plan.

    Upcoming Events

    July 16 - Marilee Foltz Memorial Service at the church at 12:30 PM

    July 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7:00 PM

    July 30 - Guest Missionary Speaker will be with us this day that serves in a Restricted Access Nation

    August 6 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    August 13 - Church Outside at 11:00 AM at the Caldwell's. NO services at the church

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - July 3, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    July 3, 2023

    Drawing from the Source - Jeremiah 2
    For us as believers, contentment should be governed by inner attitude and the decisions we make rather than by external circumstances. Because Paul had learned this secret, he was able to experience joy and peace in any kind of situation - whether he was surrounded by friends or isolated in a Roman prison; whether he had plenty or was in great need.

    The apostle understood what it meant to live in Christ and to have Christ living in him (John 15:1-9; Galatians 5:22-23). He had made a simple but profound faith decision to draw his life from the Lord and, as a result, had the calm assurance that what he possessed inside could never be stolen. He was confident in his identity as a child of the Almighty, with full access to the abundant life Jesus offers.

    I want to challenge you - this week, when something threatens to steal your contentment, choose to draw from God; decide to stop drawing from other sources and trying to be in control. When you find yourself becoming flustered, anxious, or angry, stop and say, "Lord, You are my source, and I draw from You the capacity to be kind. I draw from You the forgiveness I need to extend right now. I draw from You the love I need to express." This decision is a matter of simple trust.It's usually when we cannot control or change our situation that we feel discontentment. As long as our satisfaction depends on whether certain things actually work out, we'll allow circumstances to cheat us out of peace. I'm not saying there's some spiritual stage where you will never again experience anxiety or frustration. But what matters is how we respond when those feelings grip us.

    Watch and see how God will quiet your spirit and provide confidence when you draw only from Him as your source. You'll be surprised at your own attitude: when you respond from within - rather than from the flesh - Jesus will give you the ability to respond as He would.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          How can we be pretty, even when life is ugly? In this series will learn how to deal with people who can be pretty ugly, and how to avoid being pretty on the outside only to end up ugly on the inside.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our series on "Pretty Ugly People," we learn from King David how we ought to treat those who are cruel and mean to us. We will see how difficult it is to continue doing what God would want us to do while people are being nasty towards us.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Next weeks, we will have guest speaker, Jack Merckle, missionary to teenagers in rural Michigan.

    Upcoming Events

    July 8 - Trustee Meeting at 9 AM

    July 9 - Local Missionary Jack Merckle will be presenting his field of rural teens ministry in Michigan

    July 16 - Marilee Foltz Memorial Service at the church at 12:30 PM

    July 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7:00 PM

    August 6 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    August 13 - Church Outside at 11:00 AM at the Caldwell's. NO services at the church

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 26, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    June 26, 2023

    The Secret of Contentment - Philippians 4
    In today's reading, the apostle Paul says he has learned the secret of experiencing contentment in all circumstances, good or bad. Does it surprise you that he wrote this when he was in prison, unsure of his future?

    We're often discontent even when all is going well. Consequently, we wonder how it's possible to be truly content during our most difficult trials, especially when there's no end in sight. So what is genuine contentment? Paul is speaking of a freedom from worry and frustration about everything in life - even unfulfilled desires.

    It's usually when we cannot control or change our situation that we feel discontentment. As long as our satisfaction depends on whether certain things actually work out, we'll allow circumstances to cheat us out of peace. I'm not saying there's some spiritual stage where you will never again experience anxiety or frustration. But what matters is how we respond when those feelings grip us.

    This is something that the apostle had to learn. Paul endured amazing suffering, from shipwrecks and hunger to unjust imprisonment and beatings (II Corinthians 11:24-30). He had gone through countless situations that were uncertain, extraordinarily painful, and seemingly hopeless. But he finally discovered that contentment could not be dependent upon his circumstances.

    How do you respond when circumstances are out of your control? Do you get angry? Do you try to escape? Does despair make you want to give up? Paul chose to give his anxieties to Jesus in exchange for peace that "surpasses all comprehension" (Philippians 4:7). That same peace is available to you!

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          How can we be pretty, even when life is ugly? In this series will learn how to deal with people who can be pretty ugly, and how to avoid being pretty on the outside only to end up ugly on the inside.

    Last Week:
          Today we begin a new series called "Pretty Ugly People." We are not talking about the exterior of people, but their character. How can we follow God and deal correctly with some "Pretty Ugly People?" Stay tuned over the next few weeks to learn how God wants us to.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our series of Pretty Ugly People, by looking at Based On A True Story.

    Upcoming Events

    June 25-29 - Vacation Bible School: Babylon: Daniel's Courage in Captivity. You can sign up here.

    July 2 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    July 8 - Trustee Meeting at 9 AM

    July 9 - Local Missionary Jack Merckle will be presenting his field of rural teens ministry in Michigan

    July 16 - Marilee Foltz Memorial Service at the church at 12:30 PM

    July 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7:00 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 19, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    June 19, 2023

    Invest Your Time, Don’t Just Spend It - Ephesians 5
    Time is a most valuable commodity. Since it's irreversible and irreplaceable, we ought to give careful consideration to how we spend our days - and even our minutes. Time is a gift from God. That means we are not owners but stewards and will one day be held accountable for how we used what was entrusted to us. According to verse 15, there are only two possible ways to live: wisely or foolishly.

    Let's first consider what is involved in using our time wisely. Those who realize that their days belong to God are careful how they live. Their goal is to understand the Lord's will and align their schedules and activities with His purposes. As they seek guidance each day through intimate fellowship with Him in the Word and prayer, their spiritual eyes are opened to discern which opportunities are from the Father and which are not a part of His plans for them.

    But those who are foolish do not give adequate thought to the way they live. Some become unproductive and lazy, living for their own pleasures while missing out on God's purpose for their lives. However, others may be very busy and extremely successful by worldly standards, but if their days are occupied with activities that aren't God's will for them, they're wasting their time.

    To make the most of your opportunities, begin each day with the Lord, submitting to His will and asking that He direct your activities. After all, none of us want to get to heaven and discover that even though we've been busy spending our time, we have failed to invest it for eternity.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          How can we be pretty, even when life is ugly? In this series will learn how to deal with people who can be pretty ugly, and how to avoid being pretty on the outside only to end up ugly on the inside. We will start this series June 25th.

    Last Week:
          Today is Father's Day, so we celebrate them. We know that Father's aren't perfect, only our Heavenly Father is perfect. Today we look at what kind of legacy each Father should be leaving to their family. We will learn how a father should love his family.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We begin our series of Pretty Ugly People. No, we are not talking about looks, we are talking about people whose personalities are pretty ugly. We are going to start off that series with a message titled Angels On The Inside


    Upcoming Events

    June 25 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    June 25-29 - Vacation Bible School: Babylon: Daniel's Courage in Captivity. You can sign up here.

    July 2 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    July 8 - Trustee Meeting at 9 AM

    July 9 - Local Missionary Jack Merckle will be presenting his field of rural teens ministry in Michigan

    July 16 - Marilee Foltz Memorial Service at the church at 12:30 PM

    July 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7:00 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 5, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    June 5, 2023

    Live Intentionally - II Timothy 4
    Paul was a man who lived life to the full. His goals were to know Christ, abide in His power, fellowship in His suffering, and preach the gospel (Philippians 3:10; I Corinthians 1:17). In doing so, he aligned his aspirations with the Lord's, diligently worked to fulfill his calling, and persevered through opposition, persecution, and suffering. He could face the end of his life with confidence since he'd "fought the good fight," "finished the course," and "kept the faith" (II Timothy 4:7).

    We'd all like to be able to say the same at the end of our lives, but that means we have to follow Paul's example. How are you doing at setting goals for your life? Have you thought beyond the immediate and set some long-term objectives? Our culture is so fast-paced that few of us take the time to actually consider where we're going. But you don't want to finish your life and find out you were on a course other than God's, fighting the wrong fight, and struggling to keep the faith.

    Why not set aside some time this week to get alone with the Lord. Then ask His help in setting goals that will take you where He wants you to go. Consider every area of your life - personal, relational, financial, and vocational - but make spiritual goals your primary emphasis. Then write them down.

    If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting. Maybe it's time to get out of your rut and find a new path. God will help you change direction and accomplish new goals that align with His will. Don't settle for the mediocrity of an unplanned life. Start living intentionally.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Are you facing something so overwhelming that only a miracle can change it? Do you even believe in miracles? They've happened before and can happen again. Let's experience them together.

    Last Week:
          Are you facing something so overwhelming that only a miracle can change it? Do you even believe in miracles? They've happened before and can happen again. We begin this series with a familiar account of Lazarus being resurrected. What we need to do when we are waiting for a miracle is be patient. God works in His timing.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue looking at a couple of Jesus' Miracles and we will try to understand that The Miracle You Need Requires Movement.

    Upcoming Events

    June 11 - Special Guest Speaker Harold Rinehart will be speaking

    June 25 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    June 25-29 - Vacation Bible School: Babylon: Daniel's Courage in Captivity. You can sign up here.

    July 2 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    July 9 - Local Missionary Jack Merckle will be presenting his field of rural teens ministry in Michigan

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - May 22, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    May 22, 2023

    A Call to Godly Living - Romans 12
    The apostle Paul lived in an age when sensuality, the pursuit of pleasure, and rebellion against the Lord were prevalent. In response, he wrote letters urging Christians not to follow in the ways of the world. Like those early believers, we are to pursue godliness by...

    1. Presenting our bodies to God. Our total being - mind, will, emotions, personality, and physical body - are to be turned over to our heavenly Father (James 4:7). Submitting ourselves to the Lord requires a definite decision to give Him control and a daily commitment to remain under His authority. By surrendering to Him, we will position ourselves for godly living.

    2. Becoming living sacrifices. The Christian life is built around the concept of sacrifice. Jesus left the perfection of heaven to dwell among a sinful people so He might reconcile us to God. He offered up His life to make payment for our sins (I John 3:16) and brought us into His family. As believers, we are to follow His example. Paul called it a living sacrifice, because it is ongoing - one that is repeated daily.

    Life is full of options. Many decisions involve a choice between following God's way or our own. Maturing Christians will increasingly sacrifice their own desires and embrace His will.

    A life of godliness is characterized by a heart and mind bent toward the things of God. Although we will live imperfectly, our focus is to be on obeying His will and pleasing Him. Let's commit to becoming more like Jesus, the One who willingly gave Himself to God as a sacrifice for us.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Are you facing something so overwhelming that only a miracle can change it? Do you even believe in miracles? They've happened before and can happen again. Let's experience them together.

    Last Week:
          Are you facing something so overwhelming that only a miracle can change it? Do you even believe in miracles? They've happened before and can happen again. We begin this series with a familiar account of Lazarus being resurrected. What we need to do when we are waiting for a miracle is be patient. God works in His timing.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue looking at a couple of Jesus' Miracles and we will try to understand that The Miracle You Need Requires Movement.

    Upcoming Events

    Please Note: No E-Blast next week due to holiday

    May 28 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    May 29 - Midway Community Memorial Day Festivities at the Honor Roll at 9:30 AM, and then at Center Cemetery at 10 AM

    June 4 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    June 11 - Special Guest Speaker Harold Rinehart will be speaking

    June 25-29 - Vacation Bible School: Babylon: Daniel's Courage in Captivity

    July 9 - Local Missionary Jack Merckle will be presenting his field of rural teens ministry in Michigan

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - May 17, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    May 17, 2023

    Tragedy in the Church House - Matthew 5
    Every Sunday countless people all over the world sit in church buildings with a false sense of security. They assume that their morality, lifelong church membership, or baptism will earn them a place in heaven. While many of these folks sincerely desire to please God, they are confused about what the Christian life is all about. They think in terms of doing rather than being. So they imitate the actions of good Christians: going to a weekly service, praying, reading the Bible, and trying to be decent people.

    However, salvation is not the product of good works. We come into the world with a corrupt nature, and all our wrongdoing is born of a heart turned away from the Lord. Because we are sinful people, we sin. It's that simple. The good news is that in the salvation experience, we are given a brand-new nature (II Corinthians 5:17). Our sin is wiped away because Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for us. From the moment we trust in Him, the Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts so that we can live righteously.

    The world values action, but the Father prioritizes relationship - specifically a right relationship with Him. People who scurry about flaunting religiosity are missing out on the deeply satisfying and joyous intimacy between a believer and the Lord.

    We can help turn others' tragic misunderstandings into triumph by being ready to explain why we have hope (I Peter 3:15). Speak of the personal relationship with Christ that's possible when a person admits his need and trusts in the Savior. If your light shines, it reflects well on the church.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          You could do what you've always done. Choose what you want now over what you want most. But there's a Greater Reward waiting for you. Discover how to let go of the status quo and stay focused on who God says you are and what He wants for your life.

    Last Week:
          Happy Mother's Day! There are beautiful moms out there, and today we are going to talk about a biblically beautiful mom.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will begin a short series, Greater Reward, by looking into the need for discipline in our lives. I don't know about you, but I know that in my life there are times when I must admit to the Lord, Help! I'm Out of Control!!

    Upcoming Events

    May 28 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    May 29 - Midway Community Memorial Day Festivities at the Honor Roll at 9:30 AM, and then at Center Cemetery at 10 AM

    June 4 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    June 11 - Special Guest Speaker Harold Rinehart will be speaking

    June 25-29 - Vacation Bible School: Babylon: Daniel's Courage in Captivity

    July 9 - Local Missionary Jack Merkle will be presenting his field of rural teens ministry in Michigan

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - May 8, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    May 8, 2023

    How to Serve the Church - I Corinthians 12
    When I talk about serving the church with God-given talents and gifts, people oftentimes think too small. They picture the choir singer or the Sunday school teacher. But if they don't happen to be naturallly adept at singing or teaching, they give up.

    It's time we stop thinking in terms of a "Sunday only" establishment. The church is not a place or a time; it is a body of believers, each one uniquely gifted by God to guide, help, challenge, and support the rest. In fact, most service to the Lord doesn't take place inside the church building. It happens out in the world, where we do all the things that Scripture commands.

    Most believers are not in a position to influence a lot of people. When we act or speak, only those closest to us notice, but a chain reaction ripples outward to affect an entire community. Paul's metaphor of body parts working together harmoniously is a helpful description of how one small action can have a widespread impact. Consider the way tensing your big toe keeps your foot stable and thereby steadies your whole body. In the same way, a gentle rebuke, a listening ear, or a loving deed benefits the church by strengthening one brother or sister, who then supports another...

    We are on this earth to serve the kingdom of God and His church. And we do that by ministering to each other in small ways that steady the whole body as we give extra support to one member. In talking about such service, I am challenging you to find a need that God can meet through you.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Last Week:
          This week, we will complete our study in II Timothy 1 and what it means to be unashamed of Jesus Christ. In order to be unashamed, we must learn to realize what our duty is as Children of God. We must also trust our security in Him. We also must affirm our doctrine from God's Word. Then, finally, we need to choose our associates carefully, for you are who you hang out with. Join us as we come to a close on this challenging series.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will be celebrating Mother's Day, so please come celebrate it together with us!

    Upcoming Events

    May 28 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    May 29 - Midway Community Memorial Day Festivities at the Honor Roll at 9:30 AM, and then at Center Cemetery at 10 AM

    June 4 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    June 25-29 - Vacation Bible School: Babylon: Daniel's Courage in Captivity

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - May 1, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    May 1, 2023

    Trained to Discern - Hebrews 5
    In today's world, impatience is all too common a trait. We want food, help, and information fast. Just waiting for the computer to boot up or the "next avail-able agent" to answer our call can cause frustration. But the Lord specializes in slow, steady work. He's more interested in a quality outcome than a speedy process.

    Nowhere is this more evident than in the realm of spiritual discernment. When we become Christians, we aren't instantly wise and knowledgeable. It takes a lifetime to grow to maturity. Some believers, however, don't seem to grow up at all. They get older, but their understanding of God's Word never goes very deep.

    This lack of godly wisdom is caused by ignorance of the Scriptures, apathy and complacency about spiritual things, and a failure to apply biblical truths. Discernment requires time and effort. You can't simply move through life, thoughtlessly reacting to situations yet never learning from them. Take time to reflect on your responses and observe the consequences of your actions and choices. If you feel convicted by what you notice, let that motivate you to begin a lifelong pursuit of the Lord and His ways. Start reading the Bible regularly. And as you do, ask the Lord to open your heart and mind to understand what He's saying.

    But just reading God's Word isn't enough. Without applying what you've read, all you'll have is head knowledge. Obedience trains us to discern good and evil. Through practice, we learn wisdom and develop spiritual maturity. If you'll begin today and patiently persevere, in time discernment will come.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          You hear someone bad-mouthing God and His character, or reveling in unrighteous behavior. Now's your opportunity to speak boldly for Christ. Instead, you stay silent - concerned about what others might think or say, afraid of being ridiculed or misunderstood because of your faith.
          You're not alone. It can be intimidating to speak up for God. So how do you stand on your convictions and summon the courage to proclaim biblical truth when it's needed? And where does that fortitude come from?
          Just before he was executed for his faith, the apostle Paul answered those questions in his final letter, addressed to his protégé Timothy - and to every believer today. Let's learn how to be Unashamed of your faith in Christ, in every circumstance. This message series will begin April 16.

    Last Week:
          Harold Rinehart brought the message from Matthew 5 entitled Do You Know Jesus?
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will finish up our series on being Unashamed of Christ next Sunday.

    Upcoming Events

    May 7 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

    June 11 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    June 25-29 - Vacation Bible School: Babylon: Daniel's Courage in Captivity

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 24, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    April 24, 2023

    Learning from Failure - Luke 22
    The disciple Peter was a man of great faith and bold action. But as readers of the New Testament know, his brash style sometimes led him to make humiliating mistakes. More than once, this disciple had to wear the label of "miserable failure" rather than that of "obedient servant."

    We can all relate when it comes to falling short of expectations. Obedience to God is a learning process, and failure is a part of our development as humble servants. When we yield to temptation or rebel against God's authority, we realize that sin has few rewards, and even those are fleeting.

    Failure is an excellent learning tool, as Peter could certainly attest. Through trial and error, he discovered that humility is required of believers (); that God's ways are higher than the world's ways (); and that one should never take his eyes off Jesus (). He took each of those lessons to heart and thereby grew stronger in his faith. Isn't that Romans 8:28 in action? God caused Peter's failures to be put to good use as training material because the disciple was eager to mature and serve.

    God doesn't reward rebellion or wrongdoing. However, by His grace, He blesses those who choose repentance and embrace chastisement as a tool for growth.

    We would probably all prefer to grow in our faith without ever making a mistake before God's eyes, but we cannot deny that missteps are instructive. Failure teaches believers that it is much wiser and more profitable to be obedient to the Lord. That's a lesson we all should take to heart.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          You hear someone bad-mouthing God and His character, or reveling in unrighteous behavior. Now's your opportunity to speak boldly for Christ. Instead, you stay silent - concerned about what others might think or say, afraid of being ridiculed or misunderstood because of your faith.
          You're not alone. It can be intimidating to speak up for God. So how do you stand on your convictions and summon the courage to proclaim biblical truth when it's needed? And where does that fortitude come from?
          Just before he was executed for his faith, the apostle Paul answered those questions in his final letter, addressed to his protégé Timothy - and to every believer today. Let's learn how to be Unashamed of your faith in Christ, in every circumstance. This message series will begin April 16.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our series, we will see multiple reasons why we should never be ashamed of Jesus or the Gospel. Paul is telling Timothy and us in II Timothy 1, that we need consider our resources. Verse 7 tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but instead He has given us His Holy Spirit which comes with power, love, and discipline. We also need to accept persecution, because it will come. Then He tells us to remember God Himself and all He has done..
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will have Harold Rinehart as a special speaker.

    Upcoming Events

    April 27 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    April 30 - Special Speaker Harold Rinehart will be preaching

    May 7 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 17, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    April 17, 2023

    The Greatest Act of Love - Romans 5
    What do you think about when you see a depiction of Christ on the cross? Most of us are overwhelmed by the physical and emotional suffering that He endured - the scourging, beating, thorns, nails, mocking, and shame. We are horrified at the cruelty of the Romans and the hard hearts of the Jewish rulers.

    But during the crucifixion, far more was happening than the eye could see. God was carrying out His plan to rescue mankind, providing everything we need for salvation:

    1. Redemption. Jesus paid the full price of the debt we owed for transgression: death. His payment set us free from bondage to sin.

    2. Forgiveness. God could now release us from the punishment we deserved.

    3. Propitiation. Christ’s payment satisfied the Father by fulfilling His demand for justice while letting Him forgive us.

    4. Justification. On the basis of Jesus’ sacrifice, the Lord now declares believers not guilty. Although we will still sin in this earthly life, our standing before God is one of righteousness. This is a legal declaration that can never be reversed.

    5. Reconciliation. The sin barrier that separated us from the Father was removed by Christ’s death on our behalf. We’re now God’s children—we have open access to Him and fellowship with Him.

    The crucifixion was the only way to rescue lost humanity. If there had been any other way, the cross would have been a grotesque display of divine cruelty. But because so much was at stake, it can truly be called the greatest act of love by both the Father and the Son.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          You hear someone bad-mouthing God and His character, or reveling in unrighteous behavior. Now's your opportunity to speak boldly for Christ. Instead, you stay silent - concerned about what others might think or say, afraid of being ridiculed or misunderstood because of your faith.
          You're not alone. It can be intimidating to speak up for God. So how do you stand on your convictions and summon the courage to proclaim biblical truth when it's needed? And where does that fortitude come from?
          Just before he was executed for his faith, the apostle Paul answered those questions in his final letter, addressed to his protégé Timothy - and to every believer today. Let's learn how to be Unashamed of your faith in Christ, in every circumstance. This message series will begin April 16.

    Last Week:
          This message is an introduction to our new series, "Unashamed." We will learn what it means to be ashamed of Christ as well as the consequences of being so. Then we will begin to look at II Timothy 1 to see how we can live a life that is not ashamed.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue in our series about being Unashamed.

    Upcoming Events

    April 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    April 20 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    April 23 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    April 30 - Special Speaker Harold Rinehart will be preaching

    May 7 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 10, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    April 10, 2023

    The Necessity of the Cross - Colossians 3
    What does the cross mean to you? Many people in the world today view it as a symbol of Christianity, but stop and think about what it represented in Christ's day. Nobody wore a miniature cross around the neck or displayed one in a place of worship. The cross was a torturous means of execution, and the mere thought of it was repulsive.

    Yet believers throughout the ages have chosen this as the sign of their faith. In fact, to remove the cross from our teaching and theology would leave nothing but an empty, powerless religion. The subjects of death, blood, and sacrifice have become unpopular in many churches because they're unpleasant and uncomfortable topics. We'd prefer to hear about the love of God, not the suffering of Jesus.

    But let me ask you this: How could anyone be saved if Christ had not been crucified? Some people think all you have to do to receive God's forgiveness is ask Him for it. But a sinner's request can never be the basis for His forgiveness. He would cease to be holy and just if no penalty was imposed for sin. According to Scripture, there can be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). Christ had to bear the punishment for our sin in order for God to grant us forgiveness.

    Every time you see a cross, remember what it really was - an instrument of execution. Then thank Jesus that He was willing to be crucified so the Father could forgive you of sin. Though the scene of your redemption was horrendous, Christ turned the cross into a place of great triumph.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          You hear someone bad-mouthing God and His character, or reveling in unrighteous behavior. Now's your opportunity to speak boldly for Christ. Instead, you stay silent - concerned about what others might think or say, afraid of being ridiculed or misunderstood because of your faith.
          You're not alone. It can be intimidating to speak up for God. So how do you stand on your convictions and summon the courage to proclaim biblical truth when it's needed? And where does that fortitude come from?
          Just before he was executed for his faith, the apostle Paul answered those questions in his final letter, addressed to his protégé Timothy - and to every believer today. Let's learn how to be Unashamed of your faith in Christ, in every circumstance. This message series will begin April 16.

    Last Week:
          We celebrated Easter, Resurrection Sunday. As we do so, we want to ask you to consider Jesus. Consider what He has done, how He impacted this world. Consider Jesus.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will begin our series Unashamed by starting with a sermon titled Not being Ashamed of Christ.

    Upcoming Events

    April 13 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    April 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    April 23 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    April 30 - Special Speaker Harold Rinehart will be preaching

    May 7 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 3, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    April 24, 2023

    Learning from Failure - Luke 22
    The disciple Peter was a man of great faith and bold action. But as readers of the New Testament know, his brash style sometimes led him to make humiliating mistakes. More than once, this disciple had to wear the label of "miserable failure" rather than that of "obedient servant."

    We can all relate when it comes to falling short of expectations. Obedience to God is a learning process, and failure is a part of our development as humble servants. When we yield to temptation or rebel against God's authority, we realize that sin has few rewards, and even those are fleeting.

    Failure is an excellent learning tool, as Peter could certainly attest. Through trial and error, he discovered that humility is required of believers (John 13:5-14); that God's ways are higher than the world's ways (Mark 8:33); and that one should never take his eyes off Jesus (Matthew 14:30). He took each of those lessons to heart and thereby grew stronger in his faith. Isn't that Romans 8:28 in action? God caused Peter's failures to be put to good use as training material because the disciple was eager to mature and serve.

    God doesn't reward rebellion or wrongdoing. However, by His grace, He blesses those who choose repentance and embrace chastisement as a tool for growth.

    We would probably all prefer to grow in our faith without ever making a mistake before God's eyes, but we cannot deny that missteps are instructive. Failure teaches believers that it is much wiser and more profitable to be obedient to the Lord. That's a lesson we all should take to heart.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          You hear someone bad-mouthing God and His character, or reveling in unrighteous behavior. Now's your opportunity to speak boldly for Christ. Instead, you stay silent - concerned about what others might think or say, afraid of being ridiculed or misunderstood because of your faith.
          You're not alone. It can be intimidating to speak up for God. So how do you stand on your convictions and summon the courage to proclaim biblical truth when it's needed? And where does that fortitude come from?
          Just before he was executed for his faith, the apostle Paul answered those questions in his final letter, addressed to his protégé Timothy - and to every believer today. Let's learn how to be Unashamed of your faith in Christ, in every circumstance. This message series will begin April 16.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our series, we will see multiple reasons why we should never be ashamed of Jesus or the Gospel. Paul is telling Timothy and us in II Timothy 1, that we need consider our resources. Verse 7 tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but instead He has given us His Holy Spirit which comes with power, love, and discipline. We also need to accept persecution, because it will come. Then He tells us to remember God Himself and all He has done..
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will have Harold Rinehart as a special speaker.

    Upcoming Events

    April 27 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    April 30 - Special Speaker Harold Rinehart will be preaching

    May 7 - Carry-in Fellowship Dinner after the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 27, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    March 27, 2023

    God Is at Work - John 5
    Throughout the Bible, we observe God at work in people's lives. Sometimes He acts in dramatic fashion, as in parting the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to escape the Egyptian army. At other times it may appear as if He's not taking any action. Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that their brother needed His help, but Christ delayed before traveling to their home (John 11:3-6).

    Our Father has given us the Holy Spirit to help us recognize His presence and handiwork. The Spirit cultivates spiritual discernment in us so we can understand when and where He's at work.

    In addition to spiritual discernment, we must develop patience because the Lord operates according to His timetable, not ours. After being promised numerous descendants, Abrahan had to wait until he and Sarah were beyond childbearing years before she conceived. Impatience can cause us to take matters into our own hands and make mistakes.

    The Lord's efforts can bring delight, as was the case when Hannah bore a child (I Samuel 1:27-2:1). His plan can also lead through painful times, which was Joseph's experience. Before the Lord elevated him to a position of authority to help his family, Joseph was sold into slavery and unjustly imprisoned.

    Jesus told the disciples that His Father was always at work and so was He. We will be encouraged and strengthened in our faith when we recognize the ways in which God is operating. These glimpses of His handiwork will motivate us to stay the course and help us maintain a godly perspective on life.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking? Let’s learn what it means to take our thoughts captive and win the war in our minds.

    Last Week:
          We continue our series on "Winning the War In Your Mind" by looking at how we are to deal with the negative thoughts in our mind. It doesn't matter how successful or decent your life may be, we can all still complain about something. Instead of focusing on the negative, we need to reframe our thinking to the way that God and His Word would have us to think. We are to think on that which is good and lovely and pure and more according to Philippians 4:8.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will conlude our series by looking into how God can Calm My Anxious Mind.

    Upcoming Events

    March 30 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    April 2 - Egg Stuffing Party following AM Worship service

    April 8 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt at Midway Community Park at 12 PM

    April 9 - Easter Services
          Early Service at 8 AM
          Carry-in Breakfast at 9 AM
          Easter Worship Service at 10 AM.
          NO Service at 11 AM

    April 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    April 23 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    April 30 - Special Speaker Harold Rinehart will be preaching

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 20, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    March 20, 2023

    Our Awesome God - Revelation 4
    In our culture, God's name is oftentimes mentioned with little reverence. In fact, many people actually use it as a curse. Even among those who love Him, it is far too common to use His name casually, without taking time to ponder who He is. When you say a blessing at mealtimes, for instance, do you realize that you are talking to the almighty Creator God who rules over all things?

    Our view of the Lord impacts three areas of life. First, it affects our prayers. As we come to know Him better and better, our desires will start to look like His goals for us, and our petitions will align more closely with His purposes. Furthermore, as we recognize His greatness and power, we'll become more confident that He can accomplish mighty things - and we will venture to "pray big."

    Second, our understanding of His righteousness and goodness influences our behavior. If God has these attributes, surely it is in our best interest to obey gladly. We will desire righteousness and be quick to repent of sin.

    Third, our faith is impacted. Grasping that Jesus is holy, good, and powerful grows our trust in Him. Knowing our awesome God and remembering His great works will further build our confidence in Him.

    Do you personally know our loving and holy heavenly Father? He invites you into an intimate relationship with Him. But, as with any good friendship, time and intentionality are necessary to understand Him and learn His ways. The more you do that, the more your prayers, behavior, and faith will be impacted.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking? Let’s learn what it means to take our thoughts captive and win the war in our minds.

    Last Week:
          We continue our series on "Winning The War In Your Mind," by looking at how we need to renew our minds. Scripture explicitly states that the way to renew our minds is to think on that which is pure and holy and the like from Philippians 4:8. God's Word is all of those things, and that is what is going to renew our minds, so we can take it back from our sinful self, and win the war in our minds.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our series by delving into how to Defeat Your Negative Thoughts

    Upcoming Events

    April 2 - Egg Stuffing Party following AM Worship service

    April 8 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt at Midway Community Park at 12 PM

    April 9 - Easter Services
          Early Service at 8 AM
          Carry-in Breakfast at 9 AM
          Easter Worship Service at 10 AM.
          NO Service at 11 AM

    April 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    April 23 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    April 30 - Special Speaker Harold Rinehart will be preaching

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 13, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    March 13, 2023

    God Is Sovereign over Delays - Proverbs 16
    No one likes to wait, but have you ever wondered why? It's because delays show us that we are not in control. Someone or something else is calling the shots. Although we may be able to identify the immediate cause - like a traffic light or the long checkout line - ultimately the One who controls all our delays is the Lord. Since He is sovereign over everything in heaven and on earth, even our time and schedules are in His hands.

    This means that in every delay, we are actually waiting for God in one way or another. You might have thought that the expression "waiting upon the Lord" applies only to seeking guidance from Him or an answer to prayer. But it can mean so much more when you remember that He controls all your day-to-day inconveniences and frustrations.

    In the Christian life, learning to wait is vitally important because until you do, you'll never be able to walk in obedience to God, have an effective prayer life, or experience the peace of resting in His loving sovereignty. We must learn to trust His judgment - about not just the big events in our lives, but also the trivial ones which cause us to become irritated, impatient, or even angry. If we're sensitive to His instruction, each delay has a lesson.

    The next time you face an unexpected or unwanted wait, remember that it comes as no surprise to God. He wants to teach you patience and increase your faith. He's more interested in developing godly character than He is in making sure your schedule runs according to your plans.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking? Let’s learn what it means to take our thoughts captive and win the war in our minds.

    Last Week:
          Today we start a new series on winning the war in your mind. Most of our life's battles are won or lost in the mind, so it is important for us to strengthen our mind in the Lord. It is so easy to get caught up in the worries and negativity of this world. God would have us to be peaceful and more positive, but mostly, eternal minded. This message is about how God can win the constant war in our minds.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series on how we are to be Winning The War In Your Mind by learning to Take back Your Mind.

    Upcoming Events

    March 18 - Trustee's Meeting 9 AM

    March 19 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    April 2 - Egg Stuffing Party following AM Worship service

    April 8 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt at Midway Community Park at 12 PM

    April 9 - Easter Services
          Early Service at 8 AM
          Carry-in Breakfast at 9 AM
          Easter Worship Service at 10 AM.
          NO Service at 11 AM

    April 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    April 23 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 6, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    March 6, 2023

    Sowing Spiritual Seeds - John 4
    Think about everything that contributed to the story of how you came to know Christ as your Lord and Savior. It's probably not possible to fully count all those spiritual seeds that God used to draw you to Him. And not all the people who sowed good seed into your life knew what the outcome would be.

    We also have the opportunity and privilege - every single day - of sowing seeds into the lives of others, such as our friends, co-workers, children, grandchildren, or even strangers. God takes what you plant and adds to it. He leads others to sow further seed or "water" the ground. Little by little, truth gets cultivated in their lives. What greater thing could you do?

    Conversely, you might focus on providing your kids with plenty of material security and send them to the best schools and colleges - and yet it would count nothing for eternity. But when you sow into their lives the things of God and the qualities of Jesus, you're feeding their spirits. The seeds that affect their hearts, view of God, and desire to make a difference for Him in the world are what will produce genuine, lasting fruit and a great harvest in their lives. Whether or not you ever see the results, the Lord is using you profoundly when you sow this kind of crop.

    God sees all the little things you do; He's interested in more than just "big" things. The fruit of His Spirit - such as kindness, patience, and self-control - often manifests itself in quiet ways that others may never give you credit for. But such spiritual seeds accomplish powerful work in His kingdom.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          Our thoughts are powerful. They change our perspective, impact our decisions, and influence our habits. But what do we do when we become trapped by our thoughts, unable to escape negative and unhealthy thinking? Let’s learn what it means to take our thoughts captive and win the war in our minds.

    Last Week:
          Last week we looked from several different books of the Bible on how the Bible speaks for itself and its sufficiency. We don't need anything else along with His Word to live life here on this earth. Today, we will look at God's own testimony about His Word's sufficiency.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will begin our series about Winning the War in Your Mind.

    Upcoming Events

    March 10 - Church-Wide Bowling at 6:30 PM at West Pike Bowl. $5 per person includes 2 hours of bowling, pizza and pop. There is a sign up sheet in the church foyer. Invite your friends and neighbors!

    April 2 - Egg Stuffing Party following AM Worship service

    April 8 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt at Midway Community Park at 12 PM

    April 9 - Easter Services
          Early Service at 8 AM
          Carry-in Breakfast at 9 AM
          Easter Worship Service at 10 AM.
          NO Service at 11 AM

    April 23 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - February 27, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    February 27, 2023

    Accepting God's Gift of Love - I John 4

    Many people simply can't believe that the Lord loves them. Others believe that He loves them, but only when they are pleasing Him in some way. Why is it so hard for us to accept His unconditional love?

    One reason is that we have a hard time loving others without condition. We might say the words "I love you" to our spouse, children, friends, co-workers, or fellow believers but all too often are calculating in our mind whether or not they've lived up to our standard. We sometimes excuse ourselves from loving certain people because their behavior upsets or annoys us. The fact that we place restrictions on extending favor causes us to wrongly assume that the Lord does likewise.

    Another reason is poor self-image. Considering ourselves unworthy, we refuse to accept God's love. You know what? None of us are worthy of the heavenly Father's goodness and mercy—so you can let go of that excuse once and for all. We're not coming to Him based on our worth. Rather, we're coming to Him based on His grace, and our position is secure in Christ. To put yourself down as "beneath His grace" is to trample on His loving, generous gift. God arranged an awesome divine way for us to be reconciled to Him, and His greatest desire is for relationship with each of us.

    If you feel unloved or struggle to accept yourself, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of our heavenly Father's love for you - and to sink it deep into your heart. Receive the truth that He reveals. It will be a completely different story about your value as an individual.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          If there's one thing that's true about modern man, it's that he loves technology. For every problem that comes along, there’s a new machine, app, or medicine to fix it.
          But how has he done with spiritual problems - the kind software and chemicals can't reach? Have psychological counseling and man-centered techniques delivered on their promises to help people's deep spiritual needs and personal problems?
          Thankfully, there is one resource that can and does deliver comfort, wisdom, and practical help every time: God’s Word. In this study, we'll learn how to trust the ability of God's Word to deal with even the most complex issues that we'll face.

    Last Week:
          Sufficient, when speaking of God's Word, means it is enough, it's all that we need. God has given us everything that we need to live our lives on this Earth until we go to Heaven. Our capability of living in God's plan to the max is from Him and His Word.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          Next week, we will conclude our short series on the Sufficiency of Scripture.

    Upcoming Events

    March 10 - Church-Wide Bowling at 6:30 PM at West Pike Bowl. $5 per person includes 2 hours of bowling, pizza and pop. There is a sign up sheet in the church foyer. Invite your friends and neighbors!

    April 2 - Egg Stuffing Party following AM Worship service

    April 8 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt at Midway Community Park at 12 PM

    April 9 - Easter Services
          Early Service at 8 AM
          Carry-in Breakfast at 9 AM
          Easter Worship Service at 10 AM.
          NO Service at 11 AM

    April 23 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - February 20, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    February 20, 2023

    Our Heavenly Father's Unconditional Love - Romans 5

    Scripture tells us that love is the very essence of who God is (I John 4:7). So if you don't believe that He loves you unconditionally, you'll never really know Him or have genuine peace about your relationship with Him.

    How do you define "love"? It is Jesus unselfishly reaching out to mankind, giving Himself to us and bringing good into our life regardless of whether or not we accept Him. Romans 5:8 tells us that His care and concern are so immeasurable that He laid down His life for us while we were still His enemies. In fact, the Bible says that He first began to express His love toward us before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3-5). That means your actions had absolutely nothing to do with His love for you!

    God's commitment to us has absolutely no conditions or restrictions and isn't based on whether we love Him back. Nor does He have more love for "good" people who may strike us as more worthy. He loves us even in our sin, even when we don't repent. Does that give us license to disobey? No. It gives us power to live holy lives, walk obediently with Him, and learn to love Him the way He deserves. To follow Him is to receive the love He has been offering all along.

    Every single moment, whether awake or asleep, we all live under the canopy of the Lord's wondrous, absolute love for us. But to fully experience that love, you must receive it. Say yes to this amazing gift that God wants to pour out on you. Bask in it, and let it overflow to those around you.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          If there's one thing that's true about modern man, it's that he loves technology. For every problem that comes along, there’s a new machine, app, or medicine to fix it.
          But how has he done with spiritual problems - the kind software and chemicals can't reach? Have psychological counseling and man-centered techniques delivered on their promises to help people's deep spiritual needs and personal problems?
          Thankfully, there is one resource that can and does deliver comfort, wisdom, and practical help every time: God’s Word. In this study, we'll learn how to trust the ability of God's Word to deal with even the most complex issues that we'll face.

    Last Week:
          As we close our series on What Jesus Would Undo, we are going to see that He wants to undo spiritual pride in our lives. It is similar to hypocrisy but it's the attitude that we are self-sufficient, self-important, and that we participate in self-exultation. Jesus wants to undo all of that, and have us empty ourselves of us so that we can be filled up by God's grace and be used by God.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will Begin a short series on The Sufficiency of Scripture .

    Upcoming Events

    February 26 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    March 10 - Church-Wide Bowling at 6:30 PM at West Pike Bowl. $5 per person includes 2 hours of bowling, pizza and pop. There is a sign up sheet in the church foyer. Invite your friends and neighbors!

    April 2 - Egg Stuffing Party following AM Worship service

    April 8 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt at Midway Community Park at 12 PM

    April 9 - Easter Services
          Early Service at 8 AM
          Carry-in Breakfast at 9 AM
          Easter Worship Service at 10 AM.
          NO Service at 11 AM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - February 6, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    February 6, 2023

    The Throne of Glory - I John 1

    When you pray, how do you approach God? Numerous Christians visualize a holy, righteous being and approach Him with feelings of fear, unworthiness, and reluctance. On the other hand, many believers picture the Lord as a pal and talk to Him with little reverence.

    Neither approach is healthy. Our finite minds cannot fully grasp that God is both loving and holy. Let’s first explore the holy, fear-provoking side of the Lord. As you read today’s passage, visualize the incredible power around heaven’s throne. It fills my heart with awe and wonder.

    Before Jesus walked on earth, the temple contained an area called the Holy of Holies, where God’s presence resided. Only the priest could enter—and just on specified days, after ritual cleansing and preparation. If he did not get himself ready exactly according to scriptural rules, he would be struck dead. To be in God’s presence requires obedience. In fact, because of the Almighty’s absolute holiness and perfection, He is unable to commune with sinfulness, which is the condition of all mankind (Romans 3:9). Therefore, every one of us is guilty and deserving of condemnation. Thankfully, though, God did not leave us helpless, but out of His grace and love, sent His Son to be our Redeemer.

    Every page of Scripture can deepen our understanding of God’s greatness. Are you amazed at His presence and deeds? To understand more about His character, discipline yourself to read and meditate on the Word. Then take time to praise Him, for He alone is worthy of our adoration.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          In Jesus' time on Earth, He wasn't interested in token gestures. He didn't care about outward behavior. He shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, and He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship could be.
          In this series, we'll go beyond the simple slogans of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can live an authentic faith. Your attenders will leave with an understanding of the roadblocks Jesus wants to remove from our spiritual walks as well as a renewed passion for a legitimate relationship with him.

    Last Week:
          Did you ever get a chocolate bunny or something like it, and come to find out, it was hollow? Something was missing. Unfortunately, many times our worship has something missing. True worship that moves God comes not from the right kind or style of music, but from a heart that desires to please God. Today, we will see what it means to have hollow worship, and what we can do to make fuller.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series What Would Jesus Undo? by looking at why He would undo Hollow Indifference.

    Upcoming Events

    February 11 - Soup Cook-off & Bake-off at 6:00 PM

    February 26 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    March 10 - Church-Wide Bowling at 6:30 PM at West Pike Bowl. $5 per person includes 2 hours of bowling, pizza and pop. There is a sign up sheet in the church foyer. Invite your friends and neighbors!

    April 8 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt at Midway Community Park at 12 PM

    April 9 - Easter Services
          Early Service at 8 AM
          Carry-in Breakfast at 9 AM
          Easter Worship Service at 10 AM.
          NO Service at 11 AM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 30, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    January 30, 2023

    Developing Convictions - Jeremiah 17

    An acorn needs nutrients and time to grow into a tall, sturdy oak tree. Likewise, men and women of conviction develop gradually through committed Bible study and prayer. Ready to get planted firmly in biblical truth? Here’s how:

    Make a list of issues for which you need to form a conviction. Here are questions to help you get started: Do you consider the Bible true and trustworthy? Do you think that believing in Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved? What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the lives of believers and unbelievers? Are we to forgive others in every situation? How should Christians approach finances? What’s your purpose in life? What is your role in the church and at work? How should you think and act regarding social issues like capital punishment, abortion, and racism?

    It is my hope that these questions will open the eyes of those who haven’t contemplated how their personal philosophies have developed. It’s time to change that. Study the Bible and make God’s Word the cornerstone of your thinking. A concordance will point you to scriptures that relate to the above topics. Evaluate what the Bible says rather than looking at an issue through the lens of personal preference. Ask, What does God say? rather than What does this mean to me?

    Once you know what God says, you have a choice to make: Believe Him and commit to living according to your conviction, or continue being tossed by waves of doubt and indecision (James 1:6). Root yourself in God’s Word and be called one of His oaks of righteousness (Isaiah 61:3).

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          In Jesus' time on Earth, He wasn't interested in token gestures. He didn't care about outward behavior. He shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, and He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship could be.
          In this series, we'll go beyond the simple slogans of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can live an authentic faith. Your attenders will leave with an understanding of the roadblocks Jesus wants to remove from our spiritual walks as well as a renewed passion for a legitimate relationship with him.

    Last Week:
          Over 100 years ago a novel was written by Charles Sheldon called "In His Steps." In it the popular question was coined, "What would Jesus do?" In this series, we are going to ask a different question, "What would Jesus undo?" There are things that are going on the lives of many Christians that would be considered them spiritually indifferent. We will talk about what causes it, what are some indicators of it, as well as one thing that will help us get out of Spiritual Indifference.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We continue our series What Would Jesus Undo? by looking at why He would undo Hallow Indifference.

    Upcoming Events

    February 5 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    February 11 - Soup Cook-off & Bake-off at 6:00 PM

    February 26 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    March 10 - Church-Wide Bowling at 6:30 PM at West Pike Bowl. $5 per person includes 2 hours of bowling, pizza and pop. There is a sign up sheet in the church foyer. Invite your friends and neighbors!

    April 8 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt at Midway Community Park at 12 PM

    April 9 - Easter Services
          Early Service at 8 AM
          Carry-in Breakfast at 9 AM
          Easter Worship Service at 10 AM.
          NO Service at 11 AM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 23, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    January 23, 2023

    Developing a Vibrant Faith - Acts 9

    The apostle Paul had a strong commitment to know and serve Jesus Christ. His passion and love for the Lord was obvious—Jesus was always central in his thinking, whether he was working as a tent maker, preaching to the crowd, or even sitting in chains at prison. What fueled his love for the Lord?

    Paul's conversion experience on the Damascus Road was a motivating force in his life. Grateful for the gift of grace he had received at salvation, the apostle told many people about his encounter with the resurrected Christ and its impact on him. We, too, have a story to tell of God's mercy in saving us and of the new life we have in Him.

    Paul's zeal also came from his firm conviction that the gospel message was true and available to everyone (John 3:16). On the cross, Jesus took all our sins - past, present, and future - upon Himself (I Peter 2:24). He suffered our punishment so that we might receive forgiveness and be brought into a right relationship with God. Through faith in Christ, we've been born again, and the indwelling Holy Spirit helps us every day (John 14:26). The more we understand what Jesus has accomplished on our behalf, the greater will be our passion to share the gospel.

    Developing a vibrant faith requires time and energy plus a commitment to obey God. Regularly studying the Bible will strengthen your beliefs and give you courage to speak. Caring about the spiritual welfare of others will move you into action. Do you have a passion to serve Jesus wherever He leads?

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          In Jesus' time on Earth, He wasn't interested in token gestures. He didn't care about outward behavior. He shook up anyone whose faith was lukewarm, and He brought hope to the broken, the lost, and those tangled in sin by showing them what true worship could be.
          In this series, we'll go beyond the simple slogans of what it means to follow Christ, and open ourselves up to discover the knots in our lives that Jesus wants to undo, so that we can live an authentic faith. Your attenders will leave with an understanding of the roadblocks Jesus wants to remove from our spiritual walks as well as a renewed passion for a legitimate relationship with him.

    Last Week:
          As we close our series on how to "Take Back Your Life," we will look at how we can do "The Right Thing, The Wrong Way." David wanted to worship God by bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, but he went about it the wrong way and someone died. It was the right thing done the wrong way. What are we doing today that is the right thing to do, but we are going about it the wrong way? David goes back later and does it right. We need to stick with it and keep working.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will begin a new series, What Would Jesus Undo by looking at how He would undo Indifference.

    Upcoming Events

    February 5 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    February 11 - Soup Cook-off & Bake-off at 6:00 PM

    February 26 - Lord's Supper & Deacon's Fund Offering after AM Worship Service

    March 10 - Church-Wide Bowling at 6:30 PM. More details to come.

    April 8 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt at Midway Community Park at 12 PM

    April 9 - Easter Services
          Early Service at 8 AM
          Carry-in Breakfast at 9 AM
          Easter Worship Service at 10 AM.
          NO Service at 11 AM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 16, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    January 16, 2023

    Godliness - Matthew 9

    There is a common misconception that believers should be perfect. Pretending to have our lives in order, many of us wear happy faces and speak words that sound acceptable. At times we’re ashamed to admit our shortcomings, as if they should not exist. Salvation through Jesus, however, doesn’t change the fact that sin is present in our life. When we’re born again, God forgives us and sees us as righteous. Yet our battle with sin continues till we arrive in heaven.

    In fact, striving for perfection actually can be a trap that pulls us away from living a godly life. Functioning in this way is a form of relying on our own capability. Jesus said that He came to heal the spiritually sick because they recognized their weakness. With an awareness of our inadequacy comes the realization of our need for Him.

    The world sees successful individuals as powerful and self-sufficient, but Jesus didn’t care about these qualities. Instead, He wants people to be aware of their own brokenness. This is the foundation for godliness.

    We should accept our neediness and seek God passionately. Doing so allows the following attributes to develop: a hunger for God’s Word, faithful service, deepening trust, and decision-making based upon principle rather than preference. Patiently and mercifully, God matures us.

    Be careful not to cover up your sins in order to look like a “good Christian.” Without recognition and confession of our sinfulness, we are unable to rely fully on God. It is only with this awareness that we can passionately seek Him, obey in His strength, and confess with repentance when we miss the mark.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          As we begin this new year, it is important that we become who God has called us to be. Sometimes it means that we need to get back control of our lives from what we have given it to. In this series, you will learn to recognize what’s holding you back and equip you to embrace it head-on as you become the best version of yourself. It's time to Take Back Your Life.

    Last Week:
          As we continue our series on "Take Back Your Life," probably the most dire need for us to take our life back is to take our thoughts captive. If we fail in taking control of our thoughts, it can ruin our lives, our relationships, and pretty much everything. If we don't take them captive, it will alter the direction of our lives. Today we learn what happens when we get control over our thoughts.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will finish our series on Take Back Your Life by looking at The King Passing By.

    Upcoming Events

    January 18 - Annual Business Meeting at 7:00 PM

    February 5 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    February 11 - Soup Cook-off & Bake-off at 6:00 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 11, 2023

    FBC E-Blast

    Due to a computer failure, we have lost the emails that we have been sending our E-Blasts to. If you have recieved this again after unsubscribing, this is why, and you can unsubscribe here. If you think of someone else who was on it, or would enjoy being on it, you can forward this email to them and they can subscribe here.
    January 9, 2023

    Godly Living in an Ungodly Age - Titus 1

    Our Founding Fathers created a governing framework based upon biblical principles. Slowly, we have changed from "one nation under God" to a group of people who no longer want Him to be involved.

    Tragically, we’ve become, in numerous ways, an ungodly nation: many are driven by materialism and power; immorality and rebellion are prevalent; empty philosophy and false doctrine are widely acceptable. Underlying it all is a vocal decision to take God out of the nation’s "official business."

    Yet even in an unbelieving society, people can, as individuals, follow Jesus. But the world will continually disseminate faulty teachings, so believers must be discerning. Otherwise, erroneous messages can lead Christians to compromise their convictions. Then affections and priorities may change. Don’t let the world’s clamor make the Spirit’s voice less audible. Without His guidance, our minds become vulnerable to lies.

    The Word of God is a compass that keeps us headed in the right direction—even in the midst of confusing messages all around. We need to be consistently filled with truth by reading, believing, meditating upon, and applying Scripture. God also tells us to "pray without ceasing" (I Thessalonians 5:17). If our minds are focused upon Him, unholy beliefs will not be able to take root.

    The Word is our guidebook. We will still face difficulty as we live in this imperfect world - it is a confusing, dark place that entices us but never fulfills our true longings. Yet God’s truth will bring confidence and boldness, and His Spirit will direct and strengthen, enabling us to live victoriously.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series
          As we begin this new year, it is important that we become who God has called us to be. Sometimes it means that we need to get back control of our lives from what we have given it to. In this series, you will learn to recognize what’s holding you back and equip you to embrace it head-on as you become the best version of yourself. It's time to Take Back Your Life.

    Last Week:
          The Bible tells us that the eyes are the lamps to our bodies. Some have coined the phrase that the eyes are a window to our souls. But what happens if our eyes have an injury? What happens then? Today's message will talk about that.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our website, just under the calendar, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Week:
          We will continue our series on Take Back Your Life by looking at Hold That Thought.

    Upcoming Events

    January 15 - Rev. Tom Belhy will be presenting his ministry at 5 PM

    January 18 - Annual Business Meeting at 7:00 PM

    February 5 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship service

    February 11 - Soup Cook-off & Bake-off at 6:00 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060

        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - December 12, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    December 12, 2022

    The Uniqueness of Christ - Matthew 16

    When Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" they replied, "Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets." But Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:13-16).

    What set Jesus apart as the Messiah?

    • His birth: He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born, as prophesied, in Bethlehem to a virgin. Though angels announced His arrival and He reigns over all creation, Jesus entered our world in a lowly manner so He could be identified with the meek and the poor.

    • His wisdom: At age 12, He spent three days with rabbis, asking questions that showed his uncommon understanding.

    • His baptism: Though He didn’t need cleansing, Jesus asked John to baptize Him so He could identify with sinners and demonstrate His love to them.

    • His temptation: Satan tempted Him relentlessly for 40 days, yet He did not sin.

    • His ministry: He challenged man-made religious traditions. And by healing people - regardless of nationality - raising the dead, and forgiving sins, He revealed that God wants to be involved personally in our lives. Leading Pharisees wanted Him dead, but the Father protected His life until the crucifixion.

    Many people deny Christ's deity, calling Him simply a "prophet" or "good teacher." But Jesus was never merely human. As complex as it is for us to comprehend, He was fully God and fully man. This is the unique way in which our heavenly Father chose to demonstrate His eternal love for us.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          There are many names for Jesus, but what do they really mean? Join us as we discover why He is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. You'll gain a new and relevant perspective on the Savior who was born in a manger over two thousand years ago.

    This Past Sunday:
          This is our third message in our series "He Will Be Called." We cover why Jesus is called the Everlasting Father. Too many times, we project our relationship with our earthly father on our Everlasting Father, and we short change ourselves when we do this. Our Everlasting Father is so much greater than our earthly father in so many ways.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will conclude our Christmas sermon series by looking why Jesus is called the Prince of Peace.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    December 25 - NO Sunday School. The worship service will be at our normal 11 AM.

    January 1 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service
    Carry-In Fellowship Dinner following the Lord's Supper

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - December 5, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    December 5, 2022

    Victory Over Guilt - John 3

    At times, people are bound by guilt long after the feeling should have been resolved. Some rightly live with it because they refuse to give up the sin that brought it on. Meanwhile, others suffer the weight of false guilt because they harbor shame that doesn't belong to them. Whatever the root cause of your condemnation, the battle plan remains the same.

    Victory over guilt begins with understanding that Jesus took our shame to the cross and paid our penalty. There is no way that we can pay for our own sin. But we do need to honestly identify the source of our guilt and confess before God. That means we agree with His perspective on what we've done. In other words, we admit when we're wrong. Repentance goes a step further: we turn away from the wrong and choose to do right.

    Confronting guilt in this way replaces the weight of shame in our heart with peace and joy, which are far lighter and more freeing. And an amazing side effect is that we have wisdom to share. Openness about our past mistakes, resulting consequences, guilt burdens, and forgiveness can reveal the Lord to those in our sphere of influence. Through our witness, God may reach others who need their guilt chains broken.

    The battle to overcome guilt is one that should not be delayed. The feeling won't just go away. Whether your condemnation is true or false, it needs to be dealt with quickly. Stop running, and face the source of your guilt. It's time to end your captivity and start walking in the joy of God's blessing.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          There are many names for Jesus, but what do they really mean? Join us as we discover why He is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. You'll gain a new and relevant perspective on the Savior who was born in a manger over two thousand years ago.

    This Past Sunday:
          We are in our second week of our Christmas Series, "He Will Be Called," based on Isaiah 9:6. This week, we will look at why Jesus is called "Mighty God." Jesus is powerful, all-powerful.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Next week we continue our series by looking at the Everlasting Father.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    December 25 - NO Sunday School. The worship service will be at our normal 11 AM.

    January 1 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service
    Carry-In Fellowship Dinner following the Lord's Supper

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 28, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    November 28, 2022

    Understanding Guilt - John 8

    Guilt over doing something that violates the conscience is a normal emotion. However, living under a cloud of remorse for no discernible reason is not. The Lord designed feelings of culpability and regret to serve as a reminder that a person has done wrong and needs to repent. But Satan twists those emotions to imprison men and women: those living in shame are uncertain of God's love and often lack self-confidence.

    Good guilt - the Lord's effective tool for prompting repentance - is a gift that helps us find the right path. However, the Devil encourages false guilt, which involves taking responsibility for things outside our control and then suffering self-condemnation for not changing the outcome. This unhealthy type of guilt is also a widespread problem for those in legalistic churches or lifestyles - certain behaviors or thoughts are labeled as wrong, and then people feel ashamed for doing or thinking those things.

    Self-condemnation stunts a relationship with Jesus. Instead of enjoying the peace of God, people who are trapped by shame fear His rejection and feel driven to prove their worth. Trust is nearly impossible because they are waiting for God's judgment to rain down. Their guilt even colors how they see themselves: rather than saying, "My action is wrong," they say, "I am bad."

    Jesus did not come to accuse or condemn us. Christ restored our souls and made us righteous before God so that our guilt is removed. If our Savior forgave the woman caught in an adulterous relationship, just imagine how ready He is to take your shame away too (John 8:11).

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Series
          There are many names for Jesus, but what do they really mean? Join us as we discover why He is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. You'll gain a new and relevant perspective on the Savior who was born in a manger over two thousand years ago.

    This Past Sunday:
          It is officially Christmas season!! So we are starting our Christmas sermon series this week. We will be going through four names that the prophet Isaiah called Christ before He was born. Today we will look at how Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will continue our series He Will Be Called by looking at the name Mighty God.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    December 3 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the Paterni's

    December 4 - NO Carry-In Fellowship Dinner

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    December 25 - NO Sunday School. The worship service will be at our normal 11 AM.

    January 1 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service
    Carry-In Fellowship Dinner following the Lord's Supper

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 21, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    November 21, 2022

    Victory Over Unforgiveness - Daniel 6

    Immediately after teaching His followers to pray, Jesus gave a warning about allowing unforgiveness to reside in the heart. He said that those who refuse to forgive others won't be forgiven by the Father.

    Do not misunderstand Jesus' meaning here. Believers don't lose their salvation when they refuse to forgive. Rather, they break fellowship with God because their unrepentant attitude gets in the way of regular confession and repentance. The Lord cannot ignore sin, and His Spirit will bring wrong behavior to the believer's attention until he or she deals with it.

    Forgiveness is an act of the will more than an act of the heart. Often people don't feel like being merciful to someone who has wronged them. But a resentful spirit grows into a terrible burden. The Lord knows that forgiveness is best, even when it is difficult.

    You won't deal with a sin until you see it as God does. So assume full responsibility for your unforgiving attitude, and acknowledge that it is a violation of His Word. Claim the divine mercy He offers, and ask Him to enable you to lay aside anger and resentment against the other person(s). As part of the decision to move forward in grace, make a habit of praying for those who hurt you. And if God so leads, seek their forgiveness for your wrong attitude.

    A bitter and resentful spirit doesn't fit who we are in Christ. Nor is it healthy to carry an angry attitude through life. That's why Scripture emphasizes the need to forgive. Choose to be liberated from your burden - Jesus promised to make us free when we release our sins to Him (John 8:36).

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Series
          There are many names for Jesus, but what do they really mean? Join us as we discover why He is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. You'll gain a new and relevant perspective on the Savior who was born in a manger over two thousand years ago. We will be starting this series on November 27th.

    This Past Sunday:
          Today we pick up where we left off last week with 3 more portraits of what it looks like when the redeemed of the Lord thank Him from where we were saved from. Last week, we covered the introduction to the phrase as well as covered the first one, "Lost In A Wilderness." Today, we finish up this message.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We begin our series He Will Be Called by looking at the different names Jesus was given before He was born in Isaiah 9. We will look at the first one, Wonderful Counselor, this Sunday.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

    December 5 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the Paterni's

    December 6 - NO Carry-In Fellowship Dinner

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    December 25 - NO Sunday School. The worship service will be at our normal 11 AM.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 14, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    November 14, 2022

    Avoiding Compromise - Proverbs 2

    Although the temptation to compromise threatens every believer, we don't have to give in. If we're aware of the danger and understand the downward progression and ultimate consequences, we can determine to be vigilant in obedience to the Lord.

    The first step in learning how to avoid compromise is understanding why it is so tempting. When others pressure us to take part in in what we know God has forbidden, it's easy to give in because we don't want to feel rejected. But anyone who's committed to living a godly life must be willing to stand alone and face ridicule or even persecution (II Timothy 3:12). At other times, we consent to activities that violate our conscience just to avoid conflict, but peace at any price means we have to sacrifice obedience to God.

    However, the temptation to compromise doesn't always originate with others. In fact, James 1:14 says we are tempted when we're carried away by our own lusts. How many Christians have fallen into sexual immorality or pornography by desiring a second look? Greed is another motivation that drives us to compromise. If you fudge on your income tax or take a few things home from the office, you've stepped over the line of obedience to God. Our choices should be based on scriptural truth, not on our feelings and desires.

    In order to stand firm against compromise, we must make God's Word the standard for our conduct. If you begin each day with the Lord in His Word, He will guide your way. Then when the Spirit gives a warning, obey immediately, because giving consideration to the temptation opens a door for Satan.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Series
          There are many names for Jesus, but what do they really mean? Join us as we discover why He is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. You'll gain a new and relevant perspective on the Savior who was born in a manger over two thousand years ago. We will be starting this series on November 27th.

    This Past Sunday:
          As Thanksgiving is coming up in just under 2 weeks, we will look at four different portraits of the thankful redeemed from Psalm 107 over the next 2 weeks. Today we will be laying the ground work as well as looking at one of the portraits. Next week, we will finish them up.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Next week, Lord willing, we will have part 2 of the sermon, Four Portraits of the Thankful Redeemed from Psalm 107. We will complete the last three portraits by looking at Locked in Prison, Languishing in Sickness, and Life Threatened in a Storm.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    November 17 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    November 20 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you are interested in this and have some questions, see Lori Weber.

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

    December 5 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the Paterni's

    December 6 - NO Carry-In Fellowship Dinner

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    December 25 - NO Sunday School. The worship service will be at our normal 11 AM.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 7, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    November 7, 2022

    A Godly Heart - Psalm 37

    The Lord promises to give us the desires of our hearts. But many people take this passage out of context, forgetting that their own mindset plays a vital part in bringing it to fruition. As my mother once said, "Where your mind goes, your feet go, so be careful what you think about."

    What is your responsibility when it comes to claiming promises from God?

    Delight yourselves in the Lord (v. 4). Christians should rejoice in God and desire to walk in obedience. The Lord must have first place in your life before you can claim the promise in this verse.

    Commit your way to the Lord (v. 5). Allow God to change any aspect of your ambition that is not His will.

    Remember that when He doesn't answer a prayer as you wished, it is for a reason.

    Trust in Him (v. 5). God is merciful, all-knowing, kind, and generous. You can trust Him with your hopes and dreams.

    Rest in Him (v. 7). Resting in the Lord means trusting Him to answer prayers in His timing or transform your aspirations so they conform to His will.

    Wait upon the Lord patiently (v. 7). Jesus waited three decades before beginning His three-year ministry on earth. According to His example, waiting is one of the key principles of Christian living.

    Do your desires align with God's purpose and plan for your life? He longs to give His followers abundant blessings and fullness of joy. So allow your dreams to be conformed to the Lord's will, and follow His guidance faithfully. Only when you surrender to Him will you experience God's best for your life.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Series
          There are many names for Jesus, but what do they really mean? Join us as we discover why He is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. You'll gain a new and relevant perspective on the Savior who was born in a manger over two thousand years ago. We will be starting this series on November 27th.

    This Past Sunday:
          As we close our series from the book of Daniel called "Stand," we will look at a very popular account from scripture: Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego going into the fiery furnace. We will learn from this account how we should "Stand Firm In The Fire."
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Over the next two weeks, we will be covering Four Portraits of the Thankful Redeemed. We will look at the first one this upcoming Sunday, Lost In A Wilderness.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    November 11 - Midway Veterans Day Service at Midway Honor Roll at 6 PM

    November 13 - Thanksgiving & Veterans Day Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    November 17 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    November 20 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you are interested in this and have some questions, see Lori Weber.

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

    December 5 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the Paterni's

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    December 25 - NO Sunday School. The worship service will be at our normal 11 AM.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 31, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    October 31, 2022

    A Worldly Heart - Psalm 145

    God warns us against misguided desires, because sinful passions can lead to emptiness, suffering, disappointment, pain, and even death. Wise believers let the Father direct their yearnings - and then make changes if necessary.

    Impure desires have been part of the "flesh" nature since the fall of man, and they can be hard to see in ourselves. Instead of obvious things like theft, drugs, or immorality, they often involve more subtle attitudes and behaviors, like hoping for a rival's downfall, despising authority (II Peter 2:10), obsessing about wealth (I Timothy 6:9), or even speaking arrogant and vain words. Since worldly passions can cause great damage (II Peter 2:18), believers are to deny them (Titus 2:11-12). But we can't overcome these desires on our own. Submitting to God's Spirit is the only way to live righteously.

    The Lord knows what we really desire - and more importantly, what we need - even when cloudy judgment leads us astray. And He understands honest mistakes. When a believer misinterprets the Spirit's guidance or receives bad advice from a friend, God looks at the heart. He may allow the consequences of a poor choice to play out, but He won't shame His children for an honest mistake. He can turn a bad situation into something good (Romans 8:28).

    God can save us from worldly desires, but we must be willing to commit ourselves to Him and trust that His response is the best thing for us. When we put our lives entirely in the Father's hands, we can claim the wonderful promises He has for us and then rest in His grace.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          When we're pushed to our limit, we have a choice to make. Will we choose the path of least resistance or will we have the courage to take a Stand?
          In this five-week series, learn about Daniel and five important points in his life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends take a stand.

    This Past Sunday:
          We continue our series and we learn how Daniel was able to (and we should) Stand In Faith. We need to learn that no matter what happens, God is in control, we have to have faith in God. God cares about you more than you do. God is doing more than you understand. As well, God's strength is made perfect in your weakness.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will concludce our series on Daniel by looking what we need to do in order to be able to be Standing Firm In The Fire.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    November 3 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    November 11 - Midway Veterans Day Service at Midway Honor Roll at 6 PM

    November 13 - Thanksgiving & Veterans Day Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    November 20 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you are interested in this and have some questions, see Lori Weber.

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

    December 5 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the Paterni's

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    December 25 - NO Sunday School. The worship service will be at our normal 11 AM.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 24, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    October 24, 2022

    Our Heart's Desires - Psalm 145

    If you could have anything in the world, what would it be? Your answer reveals a lot about who you are. The psalmist writes, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalms 37:4). There is nothing wrong with desires - they motivate us to achieve great things. But not all of our yearnings come from God.

    Consider your aspirations and what they say about who you are:

    • Do you hope for a position of authority in order to be in control? Longing for personal advancement in order to manipulate others reveals a lack of integrity, whereas a godly person craves righteousness.

    • Do you dream about wealth and fame? Perhaps there's a void in your spirit that you're trying to fill. But only God can meet the insatiable needs of the human heart.

    • Are you afraid to ask the Lord for what you want? Maybe you think He won't listen, but God tells us to approach His throne with boldness and confidence (Hebrews 4:16).

    If the Lord doesn't respond affirmatively to your prayers, ask Him to make your desires conform to His will. Whatever you do, don't take matters into your own hands and go after what you want. There is always a high price to pay for rebelling against God.

    God cares for us bountifully, but that doesn't mean we can expect Him to deliver whatever we want, whenever we want it. Only when our dreams align with His plan for our lives does He fulfill them. The thoughts that preoccupy us are an accurate barometer of the state of our relationship with Christ.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          When we're pushed to our limit, we have a choice to make. Will we choose the path of least resistance or will we have the courage to take a Stand?
          In this five-week series, learn about Daniel and five important points in his life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends take a stand.

    This Past Sunday:
          As we are learning (and relearning) about Daniel and his friends in this series called, "Stand," we come to a very popular "Bible Story:" Daniel and the lion's den. It's so easy to think of this as a fairy tale, but this is truth, it really happened. Why did it happen? It happened because he took a stand for the Lord. He had to stand strong.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          As we continue our series, next week we will learn how Daniel was able to (and we should) Stand In Faith. We need to learn that no matter what happens, God is in control, we have to have faith in God. God cares about you more than you do. God is doing more than you understand. As well, God's strength is made perfect in your weakness.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    October 30 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service
          Offering for City Mission

    November 3 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    November 11 - Midway Veterans Day Service at Midway Honor Roll at 6 PM

    November 13 - Thanksgiving & Veterans Day Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    November 20 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you are interested in this and have some questions, see Lori Weber.

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    December 25 - NO Sunday School. The worship service will be at our normal 11 AM.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 17, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    October 17, 2022

    Praying with Impact - I John 5

    Since praying is such a common practice for believers, over time it's easy to fall into habits that result in a lifeless and empty prayer life. Instead of a dynamic conversation with thoughtful requests and active listening for God's response, our prayers can seem more like grocery lists. Because communication with the Lord is such a vital part of the Christian life, we occasionally need to step back and examine how we're doing.

    Begin by asking yourself these questions:

    • How effective are my prayers? Is God answering my petitions, or does it seem as if they never go past the ceiling?

    • Who am I praying for? Are most of my requests for myself or others?

    • What am I asking the Lord to do? Have I looked in the Word to see what He wants, or am I trying to get Him to intervene according to my plans and desires?

    • When do I pray? Is it only during emergencies or when I need something?

    If you discovered any selfishness in your answers, you're not alone. Most of us struggle to enter God's presence with our eyes focused on Him instead of our needs. But the only way we'll be able to pray with impact is to fill our minds with Scripture so we can find out what the Lord wants to do.

    Your prayer life can become effective and dynamic if you'll approach the Lord with a clean heart (Psalms 66:18), align your requests with His will, and believe He will do what He says (Mark 11:24). Then you'll be able to pray with absolute confidence knowing that He will hear and answer your petitions.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          When we're pushed to our limit, we have a choice to make. Will we choose the path of least resistance or will we have the courage to take a Stand?
          In this five-week series, learn about Daniel and five important points in his life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends take a stand.

    This Past Sunday:
          Every so often, we are going to have to stand up for the right thing at the right time, and hopefully we will do it in the right way. In this message we will learn (or be reminded of) Daniel standing up in honor and respect to King Nebuchadnezzar when the king was full of himself. We can learn how to stand up properly from this account.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Next week, we will continue our series Stand by looking at how we need to Stand Strong. We will see this played out in Daniel's life as he is told not to pray to God, yet he continues to and get's thrown into a den of lions.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    October 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    October 20 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    October 22 - Fall Festival at the Church at 5 PM

    October 30 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service
          Offering for City Mission

    November 11 - Midway Veterans Day Service at Midway Honor Roll at 6 PM

    November 13 - Thanksgiving & Veterans Day Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    November 22 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 23 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 10, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    October 10, 2022

    God Works Within Us - Ephesians 3

    Let these words slowly sink into your understanding: "able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think" (v. 20). What an amazing description of God’s ability to work within us.

    Yet so often our focus is mainly on what we want Him to do around us: If He would change this situation or fix that problem, then my life would be better. But He invites us to think and ask bigger - He wants to change us!

    The Holy Spirit has more than enough power to transform lives from the inside out, but working change within is usually a slow process. Spiritual fruit takes time to grow and mature. That's why we need patience and faith to believe He is working even when we don't see the results right away. God is never in a hurry and will never give up on us.

    The Lord has a purpose for your life, and He is constantly working to achieve it. Although He has an individualized plan for each one of His children, He also has an overarching goal - to conform every believer to the image of His Son Jesus Christ. In order to accomplish this, He may have to bring us through some struggles and heartaches. It might make no sense to us, but God knows exactly what He's doing.

    What would you like to see the Lord do within you? As you read the Scriptures, look for qualities that God considers precious, and ask Him to work them out in your life. Then rely on His wonderful promise to do even more than you have asked or imagined.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          When we're pushed to our limit, we have a choice to make. Will we choose the path of least resistance or will we have the courage to take a Stand?
          In this five-week series, learn about Daniel and five important points in his life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends take a stand.

    This Past Sunday:
          We begin our series in the book of Daniel called "Stand" today. We will look at what Daniel and his friends stood up for, and how we, as believers of Christ, should be standing up for as well.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will continue our study of Stand by looking at how Daniel stood up to the king. So, when we need to confront someone, we need to do it right. Daniel did it right, and we will learn how to do the same.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    October 15 - Trustees Meeting at 9 AM

    October 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    October 20 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    October 22 - Fall Festival at the Church at 5 PM

    October 30 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

          Offering for City Mission November 11 - Midway Veterans Day Service at Midway Honor Roll at 6 PM

    November 13 - Thanksgiving & Veterans Day Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 3, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    October 3, 2022

    How to End Well - II Timothy 4

    Many people think about the last years of life as an opportunity to just relax. But this does not align with God's purpose for us; He wants us to serve Him all the days of our lives.

    Let's look at the apostle Paul's journey and explore what it means to finish well. He spent time pouring into others until the very end of his life. Consider the letters he wrote to Timothy from a prison cell prior to being executed. In every season of life, God calls us to serve others.

    And notice how, when writing about his life, the apostle chose words descriptive of a battle. He understood the human struggle against sin as well as the challenges of pain and persecution in the trials we all face - even in doing kingdom work like preaching Christ to a fiercely resistant society.

    This godly servant's life was also marked by surrender. His mindset is obvious in these words: "present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship" (Romans 12:1). He was not afraid of Nero, nor was he struggling to stay alive. Paul trusted God to determine everything about his life, including where he would go, what he would do, and when he would die. Death did not scare him, because he knew he would dwell with Jesus forever.

    God doesn't require our lives to be perfect in order to finish strong. We can live life fully and be ready to meet our Maker by surrendering, walking victoriously with Christ, and serving others. If Jesus called you home today, would you--like Paul--be confident that you lived well until the end?

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Series
          When we're pushed to our limit, we have a choice to make. Will we choose the path of least resistance or will we have the courage to take a Stand?
          In this five-week series, learn about Daniel and five important points in his life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends take a stand. This series starts October 9, 2022.

    This Past Sunday:
          Mark Salomon brought us a message from the book of Habakkuk.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will begin our new series Stand by looking at how we are to Stand Out.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    October 6 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    October 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    October 30 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    November 6 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    November 13 - Thanksgiving & Veterans Day Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 26, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    September 26, 2022

    God Honors Our Commitment to Him - Daniel 1

    Daniel and his friends faced the same dilemma we do - how to live a holy life in a godless culture. At one time, our society readily accepted Christian values and standards, but that era is quickly passing. Our challenge today is to live under God's authority while remaining in submission to the law of the land. At times we are forced to choose between the two, but if we'll seek the Lord's guidance before marching defiantly forward, He may open an alternative approach for us.

    Had Daniel bluntly declared, "I won't eat this food!" he wouldn't have lasted long, and we wouldn't have the book of Daniel in the Bible. But the Lord gave him the wisdom to humbly seek permission from the person who was in a position of authority over him. God honored his commitment and provided a way for him to live righteously in a pagan world.

    We tend to hold up Daniel and his three friends as extraordinary people who lived amazing lives. But have you ever wondered what the Lord could do in the life of an ordinary person like you? The determining factor is not the greatness of the individual but, rather, his commitment to a God who can do remarkable things in a life fully devoted to Him. That's the kind of people our Lord is looking for.

    Although we don't know all that God could do in our lives if we'd radically commit ourselves to Him, the thought of missing out on His plans should be enough to motivate us to obey. You don't want to arrive in heaven and discover you forfeited blessings because you weren't fully devoted to Him.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Series
          When we’re pushed to our limit, we have a choice to make. Will we choose the path of least resistance or will we have the courage to take a Stand?
          In this five-week series, learn about Daniel and five important points in his life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends take a stand. This series starts October 9, 2022.

    This Past Sunday:
          Depression is not an issue that Christians are exempt from. You can find many people within God's Word, men of God, who experienced depression in their lives. Today we are going to look at some of those individuals, as well as how we can begin the process of letting it go.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes. Since we were at Church Outside yesterday we did not record the service.

    Next Sunday:
          Mark Salomon will be bringing the word.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    October 2 - Special Speaker - Mark Salomon will be speaking as Pastor will be out of town.
    NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    October 6 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    October 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    October 30 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 12, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    September 12, 2022

    Parents Responsibility - Luke 3

    Words are but a small part of parental communication. Now let's look at two types of messages we should purposefully model for our kids.

    First, boys and girls need affirmation that they are loved, accepted, and competent. In today's passage, God the Father spoke those very things to His Son. It is essential that our children gain a sense of security and belonging at home so they won't seek acceptance elsewhere. And the way we care and provide for them will help them grasp the heavenly Father's love.

    Second, parents are responsible for presenting the principles needed for living a godly life. One way to do so is by reading Scripture aloud and sharing stories of the Lord's involvement in our lives. But actions must match what we say. For example, we cannot expect children to truly understand the golden rule if we act with selfishness, arrogance, or insensitivity.

    Modeling a godly life is oftentimes an intentional pursuit, like reading Scripture or serving as a family on a mission trip. It can also be as simple and unplanned as picking up a piece of trash on a neighbor's lawn. But keep in mind that actions and words aren't always perceived correctly. Check that your children's understanding matches the message you hope to communicate.

    Your words and actions are teaching lessons. Do your children know, beyond any doubt, that they're treasured and capable? Are you giving them the tools they need to follow Christ? Remember, God doesn't expect perfection. He will guide the willing heart - and cover missteps with His grace.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          Do you have baggage? Would you like to check it for good? God is ready and willing to claim it, we just have to be willing to let it go, and not on a round-trip flight, but a one-way destination. Learn how you can pack up the pain and hurt, find release from addiction and torment, and break free from the battles that keep you and your baggage grounded.

    This Past Sunday:
          In our series of Baggage, today we are going to look at how as disciples of Christ, He can give us release from our addictions. Whether that be emotional addictions, substance addictions or whatever kind of addictions, God can help us to release them and with the help of other believers, we can stay away from them.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes. Since we were at Church Outside yesterday we did not record the service.

    Next Sunday:
          We will continue our series Baggage by looking into how we can check our Emotional Baggage.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    September 22 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    October 2 - Special Speaker - Mark Salomon will be speaking as Pastor will be out of town.
    Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    October 19 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    October 30 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 7, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    September 7, 2022

    The Messages Parents Send - I Samuel 20

    When someone asks, "What do you do?" the reply frequently includes a job title. But anyone who is raising or interacting with children has a role far more important than ordinary career duties.

    Parents are communicators. Yet unlike conference speakers, moms and dads don't get to preplan their entire message. Everything we do and say—especially that which happens "off the cuff"—teaches our kids. Think about your childhood days. What did your parents do that illustrated their priorities, beliefs, and passions?

    Even without speaking, we send messages by our body language, interests, kindnesses, absence or presence, silence . . . Add words to the mix, and we have a recipe for remarkable impact, whether positive or negative.

    Inevitably, our children will be greatly affected by what we communicate and how they interpret it. Be conscious of the way each young one processes information - sometimes our intended message becomes skewed by their understanding. What an incredible responsibility we've been given. No wonder wise parents rely on God's help.

    Only troubled parents - like the angry, jealous King Saul in today's passage - would ever set out to hurt their children. But in our busyness, or from past woundedness, we might just be sending damaging messages.

    What are you communicating to your kids? Ask yourself: What do my actions point to as priorities in my life? Do my children sense a hunger in my heart for God's direction, counsel, and sustenance? Above all, would they know how to have a thriving relationship with Jesus Christ by watching my life?

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          Do you have baggage? Would you like to check it for good? God is ready and willing to claim it, we just have to be willing to let it go, and not on a round-trip flight, but a one-way destination. Learn how you can pack up the pain and hurt, find release from addiction and torment, and break free from the battles that keep you and your baggage grounded. We will begin this series on September 4th.

    This Past Sunday:
          We begin a new series about Baggage. Whether it be spiritual baggage, emotional baggage, or other baggage, we all have it and we have to deal with it. We will learn three prayers that should help us let go of our baggage. It won't magically happen, we must put in the work to rid ourselves of the baggage that we carry.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes. Since we were at Church Outside yesterday we did not record the service.

    Next Sunday:
          We will continue our series Baggage by looking into how we can get Release From Addiction. Addiction doesn't include only substances, there are all kinds of addictions. We will learn how we can gain victory of them.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    September 8 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    September 11 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service October 2 - Special Speaker - Mark Salomon will be speaking as Pastor will be out of town.
    Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - August 22, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    August 22, 2022

    Handling Difficult Circumstances - Philippians 3

    The apostle Paul understood how to handle tough circumstances. Even while he was confined in a prison cell, he kept his eyes on Christ and trusted firmly in the Savior. Therefore, despite being in chains, he was able to celebrate the Lord's work in his life. In fact, the epistle he wrote from jail to the Philippians was filled with rejoicing (1:18; 2:18; 3:1).

    Focusing on Christ is neither a natural reaction nor an easy one. Our instinct is to dwell on the situation at hand, searching for solutions or stewing over the pain and difficulty. As a result, troubles look scary and overwhelm us with a sense of defeat.

    However, fear and defeat cannot live long in a heart that trusts the Lord. I'm not saying you’ll forget what you're going through, but you can choose to dwell on His provision and care instead. He is the Deliverer (II Corinthians 1:10). He is the Healer (Deuteronomy 32:39). He is the Guide (Proverbs 3:6). The believer who lays claim to divine promises discovers that God pushes back negative emotions. In their place, hope, confidence, and contentment take up residence (Philippians 4:11). You aren't going to be happy about a difficult situation, but you can be satisfied that God is in control and up to something good in the midst of trouble.

    The Lord's principles and promises don't change, no matter how severe or painful the situation is. Focus on Christ instead of the circumstances—God will comfort your heart and bring you safely through the trial. Then you can answer Paul’s call to "rejoice in the Lord always" (Philippians 4:4).

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Series
          Do you have baggage? Would you like to check it for good? God is ready and willing to claim it, we just have to be willing to let it go, and not on a round-trip flight, but a one-way destination. Learn how you can pack up the pain and hurt, find release from addiction and torment, and break free from the battles that keep you and your baggage grounded. We will begin this series on September 4th.

    This Past Sunday:
          As we close our series on what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ, we see that we are sent out. We are to be bringing the message of God's love and salvation to those around us as we go out. This is not just the job of the pastor or missionaries, it is every believer's responsibility to share the Gospel.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes. Since we were at Church Outside yesterday we did not record the service.

    Next Sunday:
          We will have special guest speaker with us, Harold Rinehart.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    August 25 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    August 28 - Special Speaker - Harold Rinehart will be speaking as Pastor will be out of town.

    September 4 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    September 11 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - August 15, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    August 15, 2022

    Overcoming Obstacles - Joshua 6

    The Lord has a beautiful plan for each believer's life. But to thwart God’s purposes, Satan sprinkles obstacles in our path.

    There are many types of hindrances, such as a difficult boss, contrary family members, and financial trouble. Anything that blocks a desired goal can cause anxiety and great frustration. But remember that no obstacle can touch you without God’s consent.

    Consider Joshua's army, which was no match for Jericho's military. And the great wall protecting that city was an impossible barrier to cross. Yet God had promised the Israelites the land, and Joshua believed. He wasn't fazed by what seemed unconquerable. Instead, he acknowledged the Lord’s power and sought His guidance.

    Before Joshua even realized that God was at work, the Lord was preparing the city for destruction by instilling fear into kings throughout the region. Heaven's directions included an unlikely battle plan, but because Joshua obeyed, God's people triumphed.

    Waiting can be difficult. And after a while, we might even begin to wonder if God will do anything at all - then it is easy to quit. But, as was true with Joshua, God has gone before us and is preparing the way. No matter how He chooses to handle the problem, His solution is always in our best interest.

    Whenever you face an obstacle, you may experience great heartache. But even in the midst of pain, you can have full confidence in God. The most important part of each day is the time you spend alone with the Lord. He will encourage you with His love and give direction.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What does a disciple do? Are disciples chosen by God? Or do they choose willingly a life that promises great suffering and trial? Absolute submission. Ultimate sacrifice. And relentless pursuit of that which is promised to those who will follow. This is what it means to be a disciple. Will you?

    This Past Sunday:
          We worshipped the Lord outside, yesterday.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes. Since we were at Church Outside yesterday we did not record the service.

    Next Sunday:
          We will finish our series Disciple by looking at how a Disciple Goes Out.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    August 21 - Special Business Meeting following the AM Worship Service

    August 25 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    August 28 - Special Speaker - Harold Rinehart will be speaking as Pastor will be out of town.

    September 4 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    September 11 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - August 8, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    August 8, 2022

    The Consequences of Drifting - Hebrews 3

    Spiritual drifting - the gradual wandering away from God and His will - takes place when a believer ceases to steer toward the Lord. Like an empty boat set loose upon the waters, he or she makes a slow and lazy glide away from good practices like disciplined obedience, regular Bible study, prayer, and assembling with fellow Christians. And there are consequences for casting yourself on uncharted and dangerous waters.

    A life adrift is outside of God's will and therefore in sin. The Holy Spirit pricks a believer's conscience to send a message when he is off course, but the drifter is prone to ignore such warnings. If a Christian continually excuses his wandering ways and denies sin, then his conscience gradually numbs. A person who becomes desensitized to wrongdoing has paved the way for more sinful behavior with less guilt. Can you imagine a more dangerous situation?

    As the drifting believer's conscience becomes anesthetized, his spiritual ears are also deadened--truth cannot gain entrance because he has invited wrong attitudes and philosophies into his thinking process. What's more, his heart hardens to the things of God. Shrinking away from testimonies about divine power, grace, and mercy, he avoids situations that might reawaken the conscience and stir his spirit to repentance.

    People drift from God in search of more--more freedom, choices, and pleasure. But since the consequences are a hard heart, a numb conscience, and dead ears, what they end up with is less. The drifting believer sacrifices the victorious life in Christ for an existence devoid of permanent satisfaction.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What does a disciple do? Are disciples chosen by God? Or do they choose willingly a life that promises great suffering and trial? Absolute submission. Ultimate sacrifice. And relentless pursuit of that which is promised to those who will follow. This is what it means to be a disciple. Will you?

    This Past Sunday:
          As we continue our series on what a disciple of Christ should be, we find that we are to break bread. That means that we fellowship with other believers. We are not saved to an island all on our own. That is not what God intended. We need one another. There are many passages in scripture that talks about how we are in interact with one another.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will worship the Lord outside! Come join us at 11 AM at the Caldwell's.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    August 11 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    August 14 - Church Outside at 11 AM at the Caldwell's. There will be no Sunday School or any services at the church. Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the service.

    August 21 - Special Business Meeting following the AM Worship Service

    August 28 - Special Speaker Harold Rinehart will be speaking as Pastor will be out of town.

    September 4 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    September 11 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - August 1, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    August 1, 2022

    The Signs of Drifting - Hebrews 2

    Regularly gathering in the house of the Lord with brothers and sisters in Christ provides an "anchor" of support and accountability. But skipping church in order to pursue other interests is an obvious sign that a believer has begun to drift away from God. Less apparent are the men and women who mentally skip the worship service. The act of attending means nothing unless we make a deliberate decision to receive God's Word and apply it to our life. As the writer of Hebrews warned, if we do not pay attention to what we have heard, we will drift away from it (2:1).

    However, Sunday morning is not the only time for receiving a steady diet of nourishing principles and encouragement from the Bible. We should be in its pages every day, reading and meditating for ourselves. When our interest in what God has to say decreases, we're already slipping out into troublesome waters. The only way to keep our way pure is by following His Word (Psalms 119:9).

    If Bible reading is neglected, a prayer life has usually faded as well. Prayer is the way believers communicate with the Navigator. If we stop talking with Him, the God who once seemed so close soon feels far away. That chasm in our spirit is one more sign that we're far from shore and safety.

    I've watched many a captain guide his cruise ship through a narrow channel. The crew members are intensely focused on their tasks because drifting means disaster. Life is full of narrow channels to navigate. We cannot afford to drift away from God and His Word. Only He can bring us safely through.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What does a disciple do? Are disciples chosen by God? Or do they choose willingly a life that promises great suffering and trial? Absolute submission. Ultimate sacrifice. And relentless pursuit of that which is promised to those who will follow. This is what it means to be a disciple. Will you?

    This Past Sunday:
          Church Planter in Reno, NV, James Tilson challenged us what it means to live a life that is pleasing to God. We need to die to self and live for Him, so we can be pleasing to God.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will continue our series Disciple by looking at how a disciple of Jesus Breaks Bread.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    August 7 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    August 11 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    August 14 - Church Outside at 11 AM at the Caldwell's. There will be no Sunday School or any services at the church. Carry-in Fellowship Dinner following the service.

    August 21 - Special Business Meeting following the AM Worship Service

    August 28 - Special Speaker Harold Rinehart will be speaking as Pastor will be out of town.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - July 18, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    July 18, 2022

    Developing Faith through Adversity - II Corinthians 11

    It doesn't seem fair, does it? Paul spent his life serving Christ, and yet he experienced continual suffering. Why would God let one of His most faithful servants go through so much pain? This isn't just a question about Paul; it's an issue we face today. In our minds, the Lord should protect His loyal followers from hardships, but He doesn't necessarily do so.

    Maybe our reasoning is backwards. We think faithful Christians don't deserve to suffer, but from God's perspective, suffering is what produces faithful Christians. If we all had lives of ease without opposition, trials, or pain, we'd never really know God, because we'd never need Him. Like it or not, adversity teaches us more about the Lord than simply reading the Bible ever will.

    I'm not saying we don't need to know Scripture; that's our foundation for faith. But if what we believe is never tested by adversity, it remains head knowledge. How will we ever know the Lord can be trusted in the midst of trouble if we've never been challenged by hardship? God gives us opportunities to apply scriptural truths to the difficulties facing us, and in the process, we find Him faithful. For example, how would Paul ever have known the strength of Christ if he had never been weakened by pain, persecution, and adversity?

    Depending on your response, trials can be God's greatest means of building faith or an avenue to discouragement and self-pity. If you'll believe what Scripture says and apply its principles to your situation, your trust in God will grow, and your faith will be strengthened through adversity.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What does a disciple do? Are disciples chosen by God? Or do they choose willingly a life that promises great suffering and trial? Absolute submission. Ultimate sacrifice. And relentless pursuit of that which is promised to those who will follow. This is what it means to be a disciple. Will you?

    This Past Sunday:
          We are in our second week of our series "Disciple." Today we are going to look at what it means to be His disciples. If we are going to be His disciples, we must do what Jesus did and say what Jesus said. As followers of Christ, we are called to disciple those around us, so, who are you discipling? When we "go fishing," we are to do so with unquestioning obedience and absolute abandonment. We will unpack these thoughts in this message.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Next week we will be discovering that Disciples of Jesus Christ Wash Feet. That's nasty to think about, but it is a term that speaks to humble service.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    July 20 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM
    NO Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

    July 23 - Men's BBQ at the Staub's at 1 PM

    July 25-27 - Christmas in July With Jesus, is our Vacation Bible School. It will be from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for kids that are in preschool through those going into 6th grade. Please RSVP by going here.

    July 31 - Missionary to Reno, James Tilson will be with us.

    August 7 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    August 14 - Church Outside at 11 AM at the Caldwell's. There will be no Sunday School or any services at the church.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - July 11, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    July 11, 2022

    The Source of Our Adversity - Isaiah 45

    When we experience hardships, we usually wonder why God allows these painful situations to come our way. It just doesn't seem to fit with His role as our loving heavenly Father. We struggle to reconcile our suffering with His love for us and His power to prevent or stop it. In order to understand what's going on, we need to consider the possible sources of adversity.

    A Fallen World: When sin entered the world, suffering came with it. God could have protected us from these harmful effects by making us like puppets who could not choose sin, but that would mean we'd also be unable to choose to love Him, because love must be voluntary.

    Our Own Doing: Sometimes we get ourselves into trouble with our foolish or sinful choices. If the Lord stepped in and rescued us from every negative consequence, we'd never grow into mature believers.

    Satanic Attack: The Devil is our enemy. To hinder anything the Lord wants to do in and through believers, Satan will never cease to harass us. His goal is to destroy our lives and our testimonies, thereby making us weak and useless for God's purposes.

    God's Sovereignty: Ultimately, the Lord is in charge of all adversity that comes our way. To deny His involvement contradicts His power and sovereignty over creation.

    For us to accept that God allows - or even sends - afflictions, we must see adversity from His perspective. Is your focus on the pain of your experience or on the Lord and His faithfulness? As believers, we're assured that no adversity comes our way unless He can use it to achieve His good purposes.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What does a disciple do? Are disciples chosen by God? Or do they choose willingly a life that promises great suffering and trial? Absolute submission. Ultimate sacrifice. And relentless pursuit of that which is promised to those who will follow. This is what it means to be a disciple. Will you?

    This Past Sunday:
          In this sermon, we are starting a new series on what it means to be a Disciple of God. We begin with the premise that "No Christians Allowed." What do we mean by that? In today's day and age, there are a lot of negativity surrounding that word, and people claim to be Christian that have no idea what it really means. Today, we are looking at what it really means to be a disciple of Jesus.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will continue our series Disciple with how a disciple Goes Fishing.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    July 13 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    July 14 - Trustee's Meeting at 5 PM

    Church Work Night at 6 PM July 17 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    July 20 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    July 23 - Men's BBQ at the Staub's at 1 PM

    July 25-27 - Christmas in July With Jesus, is our Vacation Bible School. It will be from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for kids that are in preschool through those going into 6th grade. Please RSVP by going here.

    July 31 - Missionary to Reno, James Tilson will be with us.

    August 7 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    August 14 - Church Outside at 11 AM at theCaldwell's. There will be no Sunday School or any services at the church.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 27, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    June 27, 2022

    A Servant's Rewards - Hebrews 6

    In His grace, God freely gives salvation to those who believe in Jesus. We cannot earn this gift, nor do we deserve it. Our Father does notice our good works, though. And He promises to reward us according to what we have done for Him.

    True service occurs when we allow the Lord to work through us for His glory and honor. True ministry occurs when divine resources meet human need through loving channels.

    Revelation 22:12 encourages us, "Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done." Whether large or small, all service done in Jesus' name will be blessed. We must be careful, though, that our actions are for Christ's glory. If motives are self-serving, the only benefit we receive is the praise (if any) that we hear from people in this life. And we know that men's approval is not satisfying or lasting.

    While some rewards will be given in heaven, other blessings can be experienced now. For example, we know great joy when we allow God to bless others through us. And there is deep satisfaction in realizing that we are pleasing Christ. In addition, there's a profound sense of fulfillment when we lead a person to Jesus and teach him how to walk by faith.

    Serving others is both a great benefit and a responsibility for Christians. We should prayerfully consider our motives to make sure that our goal is to glorify Christ. Only then will we receive God's full blessings - rewards given not only in eternity but on earth as well.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Series
          What dominates the headlines doesn't have to dominate our hearts. There's only one name that can bring the world together, and you won't find it on a ballot. Are you ready to discover the hope and freedom we've been given Under God? Instead of focusing on politics, this series will ask what it really means for Christians around the world to be under God. This series will begin on July 10.

    This Past Sunday:
          Yesterday, we took Communion after our worship service. What better time to learn about what Communion is all about than on the day that we join together worshipping God with it. We are going to learn that there are 3 things that Communion teaches us to look at. So instead of just taking it because we have always done it, let's learn why we do it.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Lord willing, we will have a baptism next week, and we will be learning from Scripture about what baptism is and why it is important.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    June 29 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    June 30 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    July 3 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner

    July 16 - Men's BBQ at the Staub's at 1 PM

    July 17 - Deacon's Meeting at 8 AM

    July 20 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    July 25-27 - Christmas in July With Jesus, is our Vacation Bible School. It will be from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for kids that are in preschool through those going into 6th grade. Please RSVP by going here.

    July 31 - Missionary to Reno, James Tilson will be with us.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 20, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    June 20, 2022

    God Is Always in Control - Isaish 45

    I admit that I often don't understand why bad things happen. Even so, I believe that God has a purpose for everything He does or permits. My faith is rooted in the biblical principle that says the Lord is sovereign (Psalms 22:28). He is in absolute control of this universe, the natural and political climate of this earth, and my life and yours.

    When we are in the midst of a trial, it is hard to resist crying out, "God, Why is this happening?" Sometimes we get the answer and sometimes we don't. What we can be sure of is that nothing happens by accident or coincidence. He has a purpose for even our most painful experiences. Moreover, we have His promise to "cause all things to work together for good to those who love God" (Romans 8:28).

    Seeing in advance how the Lord will work evil or hurt for our benefit is very difficult, if not impossible. My limited human perspective doesn't allow me to grasp His greater plan. However, I can confirm the truth of this biblical promise because the Father's good handiwork appears all through my pain, hardship, and loss. I have experienced Him turn mourning into gladness and have seen Him reap bountiful blessings and benefits from my darkest hours.

    As believers, we must accept that God won't always make sense to us. Isaiah teaches that His ways and thoughts are higher than our own (Isaiah 55:9). He sees the beautifully completed big picture. We can rely on the fact that God is in control, no matter how wildly off-kilter our world seems to spin.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Series
          What dominates the headlines doesn't have to dominate our hearts. There's only one name that can bring the world together, and you won't find it on a ballot. Are you ready to discover the hope and freedom we've been given Under God? Instead of focusing on politics, this series will ask what it really means for Christians around the world to be under God. This series will begin on July 3.

    This Past Sunday:
          Happy Father's Day!! Today we look into what it takes to be a strong man in the Lord. Believe it or not, God wants us weak, because that is when we will see our need for Him. If we truly want to be strong in the Lord, we must first realize that we are weak, then God can use us in mighty ways.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        Join us as we worship God as we take the Lord's Supper!

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    June 22 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    June 26 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    June 30 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    July 3 - NO Carry-in Fellowship Dinner

    July 16 - Men's BBQ at the Staub's at 1 PM

    July 20 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    July 25-27 - Christmas in July With Jesus, is our Vacation Bible School. It will be from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for kids that are in preschool through those going into 6th grade. Please RSVP by going here.

    July 31 - Missionary to Reno, James Tilson will be with us.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 13, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    June 13, 2022

    Recognize Your Vulnerability - I Corinthians 10

    Some Christians see a fellow believer fall into sin but fail to acknowledge that they, too, could stumble. That's dangerous. Satan has them right where he wants them: deceived by a false sense of confidence. Three enemies are constantly at work trying to bring us down: the Devil, his world system, and our own treacherous flesh.

    Even though believers have a righteous standing before God, we must each, like Paul, acknowledge an internal problem: "sin which dwells in me" (Romans 7:20). Satan takes full advantage of this weakness, luring us with fleshly and worldly temptations. He stokes our pride so we'll be blinded to our own vulnerability to stumbling.

    Christians need to be continually on guard. Since ignorance - of the nature of sin, the strategies of the Enemy, and our own areas of weakness - sets us up for failure, we cannot afford to be careless in our thinking. Anytime you find yourself excusing, redefining, or rationalizing sin, you've lost your sensitivity to the Lord. God's Word must always fill our minds and direct our steps.

    If you've drifted from the Lord, turn back to Him by acknowledging your sin and accepting full responsibility for it. Repentance simply means changing your mind and going in a different direction - toward God instead of away from Him.

    The next step is harder. Respond with gratitude for the Lord's chastisement. Every time believers fall into sin, God lovingly works to bring them back into a fellowship with Him. His discipline may be painful, but it's always good because it brings us to our senses and reconnects us with our Father.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Series
          What dominates the headlines doesn't have to dominate our hearts. There's only one name that can bring the world together, and you won't find it on a ballot. Are you ready to discover the hope and freedom we've been given Under God? Instead of focusing on politics, this series will ask what it really means for Christians around the world to be under God. This series will begin on July 3.

    This Past Sunday:
          As we close our series on Pre-Decide, we will cover the need for our lives of being a finisher. If you are still here on this Earth, God still has a plan and purpose for your life. Starting is easy, its more about how you finish. Will you finish well?
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        We will celebrate Father's Day.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    June 15 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    June 16 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    June 26 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    July 16 - Men's BBQ at the Staub's

    July 25-27 - Christmas in July With Jesus, is our Vacation Bible School. It will be from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for kids that are in preschool through those going into 6th grade. Please RSVP by going here.

    July 31 - Missionary to Reno, James Tilson will be with us.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - June 6, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    June 6, 2022

    When a Fellow Christian Stumbles - Galatians 6

    The Lord doesn't want the members of His body to live in isolation; believers are intended to function as a loving family who actively care for each other. One of our responsibilities as part of God's household is to come alongside a brother or sister who has stumbled. Paul specifies that those "who are spiritual" are to restore the fallen ones to fellowship with the Father and the family. "Spiritual" doesn't mean some elite group of pious leaders; it refers to any Christians who are living under the Spirit's control. A key element in this process is the attitude of the one who seeks to restore a fellow Christian.

    A Spirit of Gentleness: This isn't a time for harshness, anger, judgment, or condemnation. Our goal is not to heap pain and guilt upon a hurting brother or sister but to show mercy and forgiveness (II Corinthians 2:5-8).

    A Spirit of Humility: Those who have a superior attitude look down on a fallen brother and think, I would never make those mistakes. But the humble know their own vulnerability. Instead of judging others, they examine their own lives in order to recognize and deal with areas of weakness.

    A Spirit of Love: When we love others, we'll willingly sharing their burden. This requires an unselfish investment of our time, energy, and prayer on their behalf.

    How do you react when a fellow Christian has stumbled? One of the ugliest human traits is our tendency to feel better about ourselves when another person misses the mark. Instead of sharing the latest gossip about a fallen brother or sister, let your heart break, and come alongside to love and help.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What if becoming the person you want to be starts long before the moment you make a decision? Before you click "buy," before you take one more bite, or before you lash out at the people you love. Can the decisions you make today help you live the life you really want tomorrow? Let's learn together in our message series: Pre-Decide.

    This Past Sunday:
          That one word that will change your life is faith. Faith is what we need more and more of. It is what God has called us to. We can be more faithful to Him when we make God priority in our lives.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        We finish up our Pre-Decide series, by looking into how we can finish well When You Want To Give Up.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    June 8 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    June 16 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    July 16 - Men's BBQ at the Staub's

    June 26 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    July 25-27 - Christmas in July With Jesus, is our Vacation Bible School. It will be from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for kids that are in preschool through those going into 6th grade. Please RSVP by going here.

    July 31 - Missionary to Reno, James Tilson will be with us.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - May 30, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    May 30, 2022

    The Impact of Prayer - I Thessalonians 5

    Prayer is the lifeblood of an intimate relationship with the Father. But believers often have questions about its power and effectiveness. Don’t hesitate to take your queries to the Lord, dig into Scripture for answers, and seek the counsel of a trusted spiritual mentor. Prayer is too important to neglect.

    Will God’s plans fail if I don’t pray? God is not subservient to believers or dependent upon their prayers. The time we invest in speaking with Him involves us in the work that He is doing in our lives and in the world, but He will carry on without us. Laboring alongside the Lord is our privilege.

    Does my prayer (or lack thereof) impact God’s work? I believe that Scripture indicates the answer to this question is both yes and no, depending upon the situation. There are times when God’s purpose is set. He is in control and has determined the best course. In the Old Testament, the Lord often prophesied what He would do and then brought those events to pass.

    In other cases, “you do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2). There are some good things that He holds back until we put out prayerful hands to receive them. But because God is a loving Father, He also pours our blessings that we wouldn’t even think to request.

    Believer’s prayers have tremendous impact, particularly on their own faith and life. Do you understand what an awesome privilege it is to kneel before the all-powerful Father and know that He listens and will respond? God loves to be good to His children and answer their prayers.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What if becoming the person you want to be starts long before the moment you make a decision? Before you click "buy," before you take one more bite, or before you lash out at the people you love. Can the decisions you make today help you live the life you really want tomorrow? Let's learn together in our message series: Pre-Decide.

    This Past Sunday:
          God has blessed us greatly. In return, we should desire to glorify God with everything we have, including our finances. God calls us and even challenges us to be generous with what He has blessed us with. It is truly amazing to see that when we are faithful to Him over what He has already given us, that He entrusts more to us. Some people believe that they have to wait until they are "rich" or "wealthy" to be generous, but that's just not true. Join us today as we find out what happens "When You Stop Holding Back."
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        We continue our Pre-Decide series, by digging into One Word That Will Change Your Life.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    June 1 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    June 2 - Church Work Night at 6 PM

    June 5 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    June 26 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    July 25-27 - Christmas in July With Jesus, is our Vacation Bible School. It will be from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for kids that are in preschool through those going into 6th grade. Please RSVP by going here.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - May 23, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    May 23, 2022

    How to Serve the Church - I Corinthians 12

    When I talk about serving the church with God-given talents and gifts, people oftentimes think too small. They picture the choir singer or the Sunday school teacher. But if they don't happen to be naturallly adept at singing or teaching, they give up.

    It's time we stop thinking in terms of a "Sunday only" establishment. The church is not a place or a time; it is a body of believers, each one uniquely gifted by God to guide, help, challenge, and support the rest. In fact, most service to the Lord doesn't take place inside the church building. It happens out in the world, where we do all the things that Scripture commands.

    Most believers are not in a position to influence a lot of people. When we act or speak, only those closest to us notice, but a chain reaction ripples outward to affect an entire community. Paul's metaphor of body parts working together harmoniously is a helpful description of how one small action can have a widespread impact. Consider the way tensing your big toe keeps your foot stable and thereby steadies your whole body. In the same way, a gentle rebuke, a listening ear, or a loving deed benefits the church by strengthening one brother or sister, who then supports another...

    We are on this earth to serve the kingdom of God and His church. And we do that by ministering to each other in small ways that steady the whole body as we give extra support to one member. In talking about such service, I am challenging you to find a need that God can meet through you.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What if becoming the person you want to be starts long before the moment you make a decision? Before you click "buy," before you take one more bite, or before you lash out at the people you love. Can the decisions you make today help you live the life you really want tomorrow? Let's learn together in our message series: Pre-Decide.

    This Past Sunday:
          The next message in our series of "Pre-Decide" is about "Getting Closer To God." We are going to see that we cannot get closer to God by only spending 1 hour a week in church. God has given us 168 hours in a week, and you cannot really make great strides in your walk with God if you only spend 1 hour with Him.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        We will continue our series, Pre-Decide, next week by looking at our need to be generous with what God has blessed us with. We will do that by delving into When You Stop Holding Back.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    May 25 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    May 29 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    May 30 - Midway Memorial Day Service at the Midway Honor Roll at 9:45 AM and at the Center Cemetery at 10 AM

    June 5 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    July 25-27 - Christmas in July With Jesus, is our Vacation Bible School. It will be from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for kids that are in preschool through those going into 6th grade. Please RSVP by going here.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - May 16, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    May 16, 2022

    A Caring Church - Luke 10

    Do you realize that believers should not have to look beyond the body of Christ to have their needs met? We are meant to be a self-sustaining body. After several decades in ministry, I have seen only one way for the church to function as it should: believers must commit to give of themselves on behalf of others.

    For example, a man determines to pray and struggle alongside a hurting brother until the burdensome situation is resolved or peace returns. Or a woman makes herself available to answer a new Christian's questions about the weekly sermon--the two ladies search the Bible and fill their minds with Scripture. And there are countless other ways to serve others, such as driving an elderly member to the service, teaching a Sunday school class, or visiting a weary single mom and listening to her concerns.

    Before you become overwhelmed by the variety of needs in your church, let me remind you that loving each other is meant to be a body-wide effort. One person cannot meet every need. But suppose you commit to serving a small group of folks whom God brings into your sphere of influence. If, in order to care for them, you surrender self-focused preferences about resources and time, the Lord will bless you with more joy and contentment than you've ever known.

    To serve others before serving yourself is to practice authentic Christianity. I'm certain that if believers commit to meeting as many needs as the Lord brings to their attention, then a lazy church can be transformed, becoming a true body of believers who function together for the glory of God.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What if becoming the person you want to be starts long before the moment you make a decision? Before you click "buy," before you take one more bite, or before you lash out at the people you love. Can the decisions you make today help you live the life you really want tomorrow? Let's learn together in our message series: Pre-Decide.

    This Past Sunday:
          As we continue our series "Pre-Decide," we want to talk about what is going to make or break the child of God who desires to live for the Lord, consistency. Consistency is not the same as perfection. You will fail, because we are all sinners, the difference with consistency is that if you fail once, get back up and start to follow the Lord again.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        Next week, we continue our series on Pre-Decide by looking at what it means to be devoted to Jesus Christ, in a message titled Getting Closer To God.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    May 18 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    May 19 - Church Work Day at 6 PM

    May 29 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    May 30 - Midway Memorial Day Service at the Midway Honor Roll at 9:45 AM and at the Center Cemetery at 10 AM

    June 5 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    July 25-27 - Christmas in July With Jesus, is our Vacation Bible School. It will be from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM for kids that are in preschool through those going into 6th grade. Please RSVP by going here.

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - May 2, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    May 2, 2022

    The Value of Seeking the Lord - Psalm 119

    We all have ambitions and desires. And while these are not necessarily wrong, we should analyze our priorities: Where do I invest my time and energy? What or who occupies my thoughts? As important as our earthly pursuits, responsibilities, and relationships may be, they cannot compare to the value of a life spent seeking the Lord.

    First of all, consider what it means to seek something. The word connotes a strong desire and an energetic quest to achieve it. Suppose you discovered a very productive vein of gold on your property. You wouldn’t just stroll out and look at it occasionally. No, you would gather some equipment and diligently go out each day to chip away at the rocks and collect the precious metal.

    In the same way, seeking the Lord is not a quick and occasional encounter, but a wholehearted effort to know Him more intimately and follow Him more closely. Those who unreservedly pursue this kind of fellowship with God are determined to spend time with Him; they also want to forsake anything that could hinder growth in their relationship with the Lord. God’s committed followers boldly claim His promises and trust Him to fulfill His Word. Their experiences with the Lord bring amazing satisfaction yet cause them to hunger for more of Him.

    The Christian life is meant to be a pursuit of God. To walk through the door of salvation and stand still, never drawing any closer to Him, is to miss the treasures that are available in Christ. Those who seek Him soon discover that knowing Him is the greatest reward of all.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What if becoming the person you want to be starts long before the moment you make a decision? Before you click "buy," before you take one more bite, or before you lash out at the people you love. Can the decisions you make today help you live the life you really want tomorrow? Let's learn together in our message series: Pre-Decide.

    This Past Sunday:
          In our next message of our series "Pre-Decide," we are going to look at how we can make the decision ahead of time to help us overcome temptation. We are all tempted, and many people give in to that temptation, but God does not want us to do so. He wants us to withstand temptation. We are going to learn today, how we can overcome temptation.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        Next week, we will celebrate Mother's Day. The next week, May 15, we will continue our series Pre-Decide by looking into how we can pre-decide to live with The Power of Consistency.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    May 4 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    May 11 - Trustee Meeting following Prayer Meeting

    May 29 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    May 30 - Midway Memorial Day Service at the Midway Honor Roll at 9:45 AM and at the Center Cemetery at 10 AM

    June 5 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 25, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    >br />

    April 25, 2022

    A Heart for God A Vision for the World - Acts 13

    I sometimes like to walk through a cemetery and read the epitaphs on the tombstones. It's interesting to see what words are used to sum up a person's life. This may seem like a morbid pastime, but it's actually a great way to reassess our own lives. We're each going to leave a testimony of some kind when we die. Have you ever wondered what your loved ones will write on your gravestone? What words do you want inscribed there?

    In our passage today, the apostle Paul tells us God's evaluation of David: He described him as "a man after My heart, who will do all My will" (v. 22). What an awesome testimony of a life well lived! The Lord wasn't describing a perfect man, but one whose life was centered on God's interests and desires.

    David's many psalms attest to the fact that his relationship with the Lord was the most important aspect of his life. His passion was to obey God and carry out His will. However, that doesn't mean he was always obedient. Who can forget his failure with Bathsheba? But even when he sinned by committing adultery and murder, his heart was still bent toward God. The conviction he felt and his humble repentance afterward proved that his relationship with the Lord was still his top priority.

    If God was writing a summary of your life, how would He describe you? Does your heart align with His, or have you let it follow the pleasures and pursuits of this world? Unless we diligently pursue our relationship with the Lord, we will drift away from Him. Maybe it's time for a course correction.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          What if becoming the person you want to be starts long before the moment you make a decision? Before you click "buy," before you take one more bite, or before you lash out at the people you love. Can the decisions you make today help you live the life you really want tomorrow? Let's learn together in our message series: Pre-Decide.

    This Past Sunday:
          We are starting a new series today called "Pre-Decide." Before we get into a situation that may cause us to make some poor decisions, we are going to decide now, before we get into that situation, pre-decide to do certain things that would not lead us into more troubles and problems. This is the first of 7 messages on this topic, and we hope that you will commit to be with us for all the messages as they are important to all of us. Pre-decide today, so you can Take Back Your Life.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        Next week, we will continue our series Pre-Decide by looking into how we can pre-decide to begin Overcoming Temptation.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    April 27 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    May 1 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    May 29 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    May 30 - Midway Memorial Day Service at the Midway Honor Roll at 9:45 AM and at the Center Cemetery at 10 AM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 11, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    April 11, 2022

    The Necessity of the Cross - Colossians 2

    What does the cross mean to you? Many people in the world today view it as a symbol of Christianity, but stop and think about what it represented in Christ's day. Nobody wore a miniature cross around the neck or displayed one in a place of worship. The cross was a torturous means of execution, and the mere thought of it was repulsive.

    Yet believers throughout the ages have chosen this as the sign of their faith. In fact, to remove the cross from our teaching and theology would leave nothing but an empty, powerless religion. The subjects of death, blood, and sacrifice have become unpopular in many churches because they're unpleasant and uncomfortable topics. We'd prefer to hear about the love of God, not the suffering of Jesus.

    But let me ask you this: How could anyone be saved if Christ had not been crucified? Some people think all you have to do to receive God's forgiveness is ask Him for it. But a sinner's request can never be the basis for His forgiveness. He would cease to be holy and just if no penalty was imposed for sin. According to Scripture, there can be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). Christ had to bear the punishment for our sin in order for God to grant us forgiveness.

    Every time you see a cross, remember what it really was - an instrument of execution. Then thank Jesus that He was willing to be crucified so the Father could forgive you of sin. Though the scene of your redemption was horrendous, Christ turned the cross into a place of great triumph.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          He is rewriting your story. He is carrying you through. He is fighting for your future. He is working for your good. He is making new beginnings. He is looking at you in love. The resurrection changes everything. We are the Easter People and Hallelujah is our song. This series leading into Easter examines the stories behind some of the key people involved in the Easter account.

    This Past Sunday:
          This Friday is referred to as Good Friday. Why is that? It is because Jesus Christ died on the cross. I know that doesn't sound good, but because Jesus died on the cross, that was when everything changed. Because Jesus died, we now have access to God through His perfect sacrifice for us. Jesus' crucifixion has changed our past, our future and our present.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        Next Sunday is Easter and we will be finishing up our series Easter People. We will be looking at the two travelers on the road to Emmaus, and how they were visited by Jesus in the message The Show On The Road. Hope to see you there. PLEASE NOTE: Our Easter Worship service is at 10 AM.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    April 16 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt starts at 12 PM at the Midway Community Park at 304 Noblestown Rd, Midway, PA 15060.

    April 17 - Easter Services
                    8:00 AM - Early Service
                    9:00 AM - Carry-In Breakfast
                    10:00 AM - Easter Worship Service

    April 20 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM

    April 24 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    May 1 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - April 4, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    April 4, 2022

    What Does It Mean to Be Saved - Psalms 25

    What makes a person acceptable to God? The path to redemption begins not with the decision to live a better life or to stop doing something wrong, but with the realization that we cannot correct our sinful nature. To find favor with the Lord, we must grasp that it's impossible to make ourselves righteous; instead, we need to depend on the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. When we trust in Christ as our Savior, God the Father applies the benefit of Jesus' atoning sacrifice to our sin debt, thereby making us "saved," or acceptable in His eyes.

    Your good works and righteous acts are of absolutely no value in the mind of God. Compared to others' actions, your generosity and good works might seem like enough to bring favor with the Lord, but Jesus said, "Not as a result of works, so that no one may boast" (Ephesians 1:17). When you stand before God, the only way you can be forgiven of your sins is through Jesus Christ and His sacrificial, substitutionary atoning death at Calvary. Jesus came to give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).

    Jesus' public crucifixion was a demonstration of God's hatred for sin and immense love for mankind. He who was blameless bore the penalty for all in order that wicked, corrupt people could be made righteous.

    No matter what you've done, you can be cleansed of the stain left by sin. Confess any known transgressions and turn from them; then Jesus will forgive you and write your name in the Lamb's Book of Life (I John 1:9; Revelation 21:27). By trusting in Him, you are assured of eternity in His presence.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          He is rewriting your story. He is carrying you through. He is fighting for your future. He is working for your good. He is making new beginnings. He is looking at you in love. The resurrection changes everything. We are the Easter People and Hallelujah is our song. This series leading into Easter examines the stories behind some of the key people involved in the Easter account.

    This Past Sunday:
          We continue our series, "Easter People," by looking at Thomas. We know him as doubting Thomas. Isn't that a bit unkind? To remember him for a bad thing that he had done? He did other things very well, yet we only remember him for his one bad thing. We will look at Thomas and what else he could be named.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        As we continue our series, Easter People, we will look at our next person, Peter, with the message title of The Show Must Go On.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    April 6 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    April 10 - Easter Egg Stuffing Party after the Morning Worship Service

    April 16 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt starts at 12 PM at the Midway Community Park at 304 Noblestown Rd, Midway, PA 15060.

    April 17 - Easter Services
                    8:00 AM - Early Service
                    9:00 AM - Carry-In Breakfast
                    10:00 AM - Easter Worship Service

    April 24 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    May 1 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 28, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    March 28, 2022

    Recognizing God's Handiwork - Psalms 33

    The work God does is creative. He made heaven, earth, and all living creatures. He formed Adam and Eve in His image and knitted each of us in our mother's womb.

    His work is also powerful. Through His Son Jesus, He accomplished a great salvation for all who trust in the Savior. Our heavenly Father worked mightily to open a way for us to be reconciled to Him and adopted into His family. Not only that, but God's work is ongoing, and Jesus is the One who holds all things together (Colossians 1:17).

    In order to recognize God's handiwork, we need to pray in an active, persistent manner. Christ-centered prayers narrow our focus to the Lord. Then we can more readily identify His actions and see how to join Him. Self-centered petitions serve to distract us from Him.

    The Father also wants our heart and mind yielded to His will. Pursuing our own agenda shifts the focus to ourselves and makes us lose sight of the Lord. But a submissive attitude prepares us to listen and obey. Regularly concentrating on God's Word will clear our minds and help us understand what the Lord is doing.

    When we combine these disciplines with discernment and patience, we will have positioned ourselves to discover how God is working in our lives and in our world.

    Our Lord is at work today - calling nonbelievers to saving faith and the redeemed to a closer walk with Him. His plans include individuals, families, and nations. Have you been too busy or distracted to notice what He's doing? Confess your inattention and refocus your heart and mind on Him.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          He is rewriting your story. He is carrying you through. He is fighting for your future. He is working for your good. He is making new beginnings. He is looking at you in love. The resurrection changes everything. We are the Easter People and Hallelujah is our song. This series leading into Easter examines the stories behind some of the key people involved in the Easter account.

    This Past Sunday:
          As we continue our series on "Easter People," we look today at the disciples, but specifically when they were locked up in a room where Jesus appeared right in the middle of them. The middle is the hardest part of any task or journey. The beginning is fun and the end is fulfilling, but the middle is where drudgery can set in. When you are in the middle, we can get testy, frustrated, and doubt may set in. Jesus shows up in the middle, as He tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        Next week we will continue out series Easter People by looking at Thomas. This message is titled I've Seen Enough.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    March 30 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    April 2 - Men's Breakfast & Devotions at 9 AM. We will be having breakfast and devotions at the church. We will be studying "How To Be A Better Husband."

    April 3 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    April 10 - Easter Egg Stuffing Party after the Morning Worship Service

    April 16 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt starts at 12 PM at the Midway Community Park at 304 Noblestown Rd, Midway, PA 15060.

    April 17 - Easter Services
                    8:00 AM - Early Service
                    9:00 AM - Carry-In Breakfast
                    10:00 AM - Easter Worship Service

    April 24 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 21, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    March 21, 2022

    The Lure of Momentary Pleasure - Genesis 25

    You probably read the story of Jacob and Esau today and thought, I can't believe Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. How foolish! But let's think beyond birthrights and soup. Is there anything of true value that you are trading for something of lesser worth? In other words, what is your "bowl of soup"?

    Have you pursued wealth and a career at the expense of family? Maybe your busy schedule has kept you from spending time with God in His Word each day. Some people become involved in extramarital affairs, trading the well-being of their family for the satisfaction of lustful desires. Others sacrifice their health by consuming harmful or addictive substances, or even by overindulging in food. The list of ways we make foolish, shortsighted choices is endless.

    Some of the decisions we make today could rob us of the blessings God wants to give us. When you yield to temptation in a moment of weakness, you're actually sacrificing your future for momentary pleasure. We can't afford to live thoughtlessly, basing our decisions on immediate desires or feelings. Since the principle of sowing and reaping cannot be reversed, we need to carefully consider what we are planting. The harvest will come, and we'll reap what we have sown--and more than we've sown.

    Are you contemplating anything that could have serious long-term ramifications if you yield to the yearning? A wise person evaluates choices by looking ahead to see what negative consequences could follow a course of action. Don't let "a bowl of soup" hinder God's wonderful plans for you.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Series
          He is rewriting your story. He is carrying you through. He is fighting for your future. He is working for your good. He is making new beginnings. He is looking at you in love. The resurrection changes everything. We are the Easter People and Hallelujah is our song. This series leading into Easter examines the stories behind some of the key people involved in the Easter account.

    This Past Sunday:
          We are starting our Easter series by looking into some of the important people surrounding the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The first one that we are going to be looking at is Mary Magdalene. Who is she? What did she do? Why did she do it? We will answer these questions in this message titled "The Show Must Go On."
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
        Next week, we contiune our series, Easter People by looking into Right in the Middle. What are we in the middle of? What should we be in the middle of?

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    March 23 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    March 26 - Men's Breakfast & Devotions at 9 AM. Saturdays in March, we will be having breakfast and devotions at the church. We will be studying "How To Be A Better Husband."

    March 27 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    April 3 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    April 10 - Easter Egg Stuffing Party after the Morning Worship Service

    April 16 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt starts at 12 PM at the Midway Community Park at 304 Noblestown Rd, Midway, PA 15060.

    April 17 - Easter Services
                    8:00 AM - Early Service
                    9:00 AM - Carry-In Breakfast
                    10:00 AM - Easter Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 14, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    March 14, 2022

    Sanctification Isn't Passive - I Thessalonians 4

    Did you know that God didn't save you just to keep you from hell and get you into heaven? His top priority while you are here on earth is to shape you into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29). But at this stage of our sanctification, He doesn't do it all for us. We have a responsibility to cooperate with Him and actively participate in the process. Yet many Christians have a passive attitude about the life of faith. They tolerate sin and smooth it over with the age-old excuse, "Nobody's perfect!"

    When you received Christ as your Savior, you took the first step in your walk with Him - a walk that will last the rest of your life. However, you also stepped into spiritual warfare with Satan. The Enemy may have lost your soul, but he's going to do everything he can to hinder, sidetrack, and discourage you. The last thing he wants is a saint who's on fire for the Lord and useful in the kingdom.

    But many believers have abdicated their responsibility to live holy lives. In fact, some of them look and act just like the unbelieving world. Sexual immorality is one area of compromise that the apostle Paul addressed specifically, but in truth, we should abstain from anything that interferes with godliness.

    Have you allowed something in your life that shouldn’t be there? If so, you need to drop it now. You don't want a thread of sin to become a rope, then a chain, and finally a cable that traps you in a stronghold. Turn back to the Lord, and let your sanctification continue.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          He is rewriting your story. He is carrying you through. He is fighting for your future. He is working for your good. He is making new beginnings. He is looking at you in love. The resurrection changes everything. We are the Easter People and Hallelujah is our song. This series leading into Easter examines the stories behind some of the key people involved in the Easter account. This series begins March 20th.

    This Past Sunday:
          We all have asked God to do something for us, that He didn't do. Does that make Him less than what God should be? No. Does that mean that He let me down? Maybe? No, He didn't let you down, because He's still in your corner cheering you on. He wants you to succeed in this life. Because He didn't do what you wanted Him to do when you wanted Him to do it, does not mean He let you down. He is with us and will never forsake us.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We begin our seris Easter People, by looking at Mary Magdalene our first "Easter Person". The title of the message is The Show Must Go On.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    March 16 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    March 17 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    March 26 - Men's Breakfast & Devotions at 9 AM. Saturdays in March, we will be having breakfast and devotions at the church. We will be studying "How To Be A Better Husband."

    March 27 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    April 3 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    April 10 - Easter Egg Stuffing Party after the Morning Worship Service

    April 16 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt starts at 12 PM at the Midway Community Park at 304 Noblestown Rd, Midway, PA 15060.

    April 17 - Easter Services
                    8:00 AM - Early Service
                    9:00 AM - Carry-In Breakfast
                    10:00 AM - Easter Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - March 7, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    March 7, 2022

    God's Choice Shaping Tools - Romans 12

    God's kindness to us is demonstrated by the fact that He doesn't leave us in the condition we were in before coming to faith. How tragic it would be if we still thought, felt, and acted the same way we did before receiving Christ as our Savior. Throughout our lives, the Lord uses His choice tools to shape us into the image of His Son.

    Prayer. By talking to the Lord in open dialogue, we develop a relationship with Him. He becomes not just our Savior, but our friend, and as the intimacy grows, so will our passion to be with Him. Setting aside time for prayer each day will become a delight, not a duty.

    God's Word. You can't grow in your Christian life if you keep the Bible closed all week long. No one lives on one meal a week, yet many Christians try to get by with just a Sunday dinner of the Word served up by their pastor. How can we expect God's truth to do its transforming work if we never let it into our minds and hearts?

    The Church. Christ uses His body of believers as a place for transformation. That's where we rub against each other and have the rough edges of our character smoothed. It is a place of instruction, accountability, and encouragement.

    Are you letting the Lord use His character-shaping tools in your life? Our culture has no shortage of worldly voices and pressures that fill minds and influence behavior. Only when we intentionally schedule time for God, His Word, and His people can Christ do His transforming work in our lives.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series
          He is rewriting your story. He is carrying you through. He is fighting for your future. He is working for your good. He is making new beginnings. He is looking at you in love. The resurrection changes everything. We are the Easter People and Hallelujah is our song. This series leading into Easter examines the stories behind some of the key people involved in the Easter account. This series begins March 20th.

    This Past Sunday:
          God commands us to forgive one another. That includes that person who hurt you or your loved one. That includes the ex who emotionally abused you. That includes the parent who didn't show their love to you, and instead physically abused you. That includes everyone who has done anything against you or someone you love. To forgive them doesn't mean that you belittle the hurt. We are to forgive them as much as God has forgiven us, which, by the way, if you didn't know, is everything. This message could offend you, but I pray that it is a message that will, instead, set you free from unforgiveness.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          For those of you who read this every week, I just have to be honest with you. I'm not sure what I'm preaching this upcoming Sunday. Come and worship with us.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    March 9 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    March 10 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    March 12 - Men's Breakfast & Devotions at 9 AM. Every Saturday in March, we will be having breakfast and devotions at the church. We will be studying "How To Be A Better Husband."

    March 27 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    April 3 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    April 10 - Easter Egg Stuffing Party after the Morning Worship Service

    April 16 - Midway Community Easter Egg Hunt starts at 12 PM at the Midway Community Park at 304 Noblestown Rd, Midway, PA 15060.

    April 17 - Easter Services
                    8:00 AM - Early Service
                    9:00 AM - Carry-In Breakfast
                    10:00 AM - Easter Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - February 14, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    February 14, 2022

    The Fruitful Giver - II Corinthians 9

    If you've ever visited Israel, you have no doubt experienced the contrast between the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The banks of the Jordan are surrounded by trees and greenery, but nothing lives around the Dead Sea. The reason is that there is no outlet. When the water flows into that sea, it stays there. Eventually the salts accumulate and poison the water.

    This is a vivid picture of two different financial plans. The Dead Sea compares to the world's system, which is based on accumulation and preservation of wealth. The goal is to get enough so you can have enough, but this approach results in self-centered stagnation. Christians who follow this plan mistakenly believe it's the path to security. But what they fail to understand is that hoarding makes their lives spiritually unfruitful and hinders the good works God wants them to do.

    The Lord's financial plan is like a river that moves continuously. As His provisions flow into our lives, we pass them on to others. This results in a fruitful life centered on building God's kingdom. Perhaps you've realized that He promises to supply "bread for food" to those who give, but did you know He'll also provide "seed for sowing" (v. 10)? He supplies enough to live and enough to give.

    Have you hindered your spiritual growth by sowing sparingly? If you become a generous giver, God promises to "increase the harvest of your righteousness" (v. 10). There are needs in the church and the world that He wants to meet through your generosity. Let His blessings flow through you.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          From the latest headline to social media comments, to the person who just cut you off in traffic - there are plenty of opportunities to be offended each day. But what if we decided to respond differently to those around us? Together, let's learn how to live with No Offense.

    This Past Sunday:
          You know who "Those People" are. They are the ones who annoy you like crazy. They get so easily offended or mad. They could be your co-workers, your boss, your in-laws, people from your church, or they could be you. How did Jesus deal with "Those People"? How are we to deal with "Those People"?
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          As we continue our series called No Offense, we will look at how we are Not As Right As We Think.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    February 16 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    February 17 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    February 25 - Church-wide Bowling at West Pike Bowl in Canonsburg at 7 PM. Cost is $5 per person and will cover 2 hours of bowling, pizza and pop. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

    February 27 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    March - Breakfast & Devotions at 9 AM. Every Saturday in March, we will be having breakfast and devotions at the church. We will be studying "How To Be A Better Husband."

    March 6 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - February 7, 2022

    FBC E-Blast
    February 7, 2022

    God's Master Plan of Finance - Malachi 3

    Though the world is full of disorder, confusion, and uncertainty, believers in Christ have the wonderful assurance that God is in absolute control of every situation. When He created the heavens and the earth, He had a purpose and a plan, which He carried out with precision and order. Nothing was haphazard, late, or uncertain. The Lord also has a plan for each one of us, and every aspect of our lives is not only under His scrutiny, but also under His care.

    One of those areas is our finances. If we'll follow God's plan, He promises to manage our money. Now, that's quite a blessing. After all, who do you think would be better at knowing how to handle money - you or our omniscient, all-powerful God? He promises that if we will give Him the first part of all we receive, He'll provide for our needs. He has an amazing way of making the remainder stretch farther than the original amount.

    So, considering the blessings of this promise and the unfailing faithfulness of the Promise Giver, what is keeping you from obeying this command? The most likely reason is unbelief—fear to test Him on this even though He invites you to do so. But you may be asking yourself, What if He doesn't come through? What if I give it away and don't have enough?

    The Lord is after your trust, and what better area to test and build it than your finances? Believing Him for our salvation seems easy, yet we often doubt He'll keep His promise when it comes to money. Take a step of obedience today, and discover how faithful your God really is.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          From the latest headline to social media comments, to the person who just cut you off in traffic - there are plenty of opportunities to be offended each day. But what if we decided to respond differently to those around us? Together, let's learn how to live with No Offense.

    This Past Sunday:
          In this message, we begin our next series called "No Offense." We are starting the series by looking at how we need to "Stop Being Offended." Our culture loves to be offended, unfortunately, some Christians do too. As with last series, we are looking at the way that Jesus lived, not just the truth that He preached, which is important, but to be more like Him we have to see how He was able to not be so easily offended.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          As we continue our series called No Offense, we will look at how we are are to be Dealing With "Those" People.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    February 9 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    February 10 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    February 25 - Church-wide Bowling at West Pike Bowl in Canonsburg at 7 PM. Cost is $5 per person and will cover 2 hours of bowling, pizza and pop. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

    February 27 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    March - Breakfast & Devotions at 9 AM. Every Saturday in March, we will be having breakfast and devotions at the church. We will be studying "How To Be A Better Husband."

    March 6 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 31, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    January 31, 2022

    Developing a Vibrant Faith - Acts 9

    The apostle Paul had a strong commitment to know and serve Jesus Christ. His passion and love for the Lord was obvious - Jesus was always central in his thinking, whether he was working as a tent maker, preaching to the crowd, or even sitting in chains at prison. What fueled his love for the Lord?

    Paul's conversion experience on the Damascus Road was a motivating force in his life. Grateful for the gift of grace he had received at salvation, the apostle told many people about his encounter with the resurrected Christ and its impact on him. We, too, have a story to tell of God's mercy in saving us and of the new life we have in Him.

    Paul's zeal also came from his firm conviction that the gospel message was true and available to everyone (John 3:16). On the cross, Jesus took all our sins - past, present, and future - upon Himself (I Peter 2:24). He suffered our punishment so that we might receive forgiveness and be brought into a right relationship with God. Through faith in Christ, we've been born again, and the indwelling Holy Spirit helps us every day (John 14:26). The more we understand what Jesus has accomplished on our behalf, the greater will be our passion to share the gospel.

    Developing a vibrant faith requires time and energy plus a commitment to obey God. Regularly studying the Bible will strengthen your beliefs and give you courage to speak. Caring about the spiritual welfare of others will move you into action. Do you have a passion to serve Jesus wherever He leads?

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series

          From the latest headline to social media comments, to the person who just cut you off in traffic — there are plenty of opportunities to be offended each day. But what if we decided to respond differently to those around us? Together, let's learn how to live with No Offense.

    This Past Sunday:
          You've been there. I've been there. We pray for something with all of our heart and God doesn't answer our prayer the way that we want Him to, so we give up on prayer. "God answers other's prayers, why doesn't he answer mine?" we ask ourselves. In this message, we will look at how Jesus prayed and the lessons that apply to us. Remember, God has a better way for us to live, and a better way of praying.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We are starting a new series called No Offense. We are beginning the series by looking into how we can Stop Being Offended.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    February 2 - Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at 7 PM

    February 3 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    February 6 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    February 25 - Church-wide Bowling at West Pike Bowl in Canonsburg at 7 PM. Cost is $5 per person and will cover 2 hours of bowling, pizza and pop. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

    February 27 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 24, 2022

    FBC E-Blast
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    January 24, 2022

    Godly Living in an Ungodly Age - Titus 1

    Our Founding Fathers created a governing framework based upon biblical principles. Slowly, we have changed from "one nation under God" to a group of people who no longer want Him to be involved.

    Tragically, we've become, in numerous ways, an ungodly nation: many are driven by materialism and power; immorality and rebellion are prevalent; empty philosophy and false doctrine are widely acceptable. Underlying it all is a vocal decision to take God out of the nation's "official business."

    Yet even in an unbelieving society, people can, as individuals, follow Jesus. But the world will continually disseminate faulty teachings, so believers must be discerning. Otherwise, erroneous messages can lead Christians to compromise their convictions. Then affections and priorities may change. Don't let the world's clamor make the Spirit's voice less audible. Without His guidance, our minds become vulnerable to lies.

    The Word of God is a compass that keeps us headed in the right direction - even in the midst of confusing messages all around. We need to be consistently filled with truth by reading, believing, meditating upon, and applying Scripture. God also tells us to "pray without ceasing" (I Thessalonians 5:17). If our minds are focused upon Him, unholy beliefs will not be able to take root.

    The Word is our guidebook. We will still face difficulty as we live in this imperfect world - it is a confusing, dark place that entices us but never fulfills our true longings. Yet God's truth will bring confidence and boldness, and His Spirit will direct and strengthen, enabling us to live victoriously.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          Sometimes it feels like nothing is working. We can do all the right things and check all the boxes, but life seems to stay the same. How can we find the life we're longing for? Together, let's discover A Better Way.

    This Past Sunday:
          In a world that is full of entertainment and 'stuff', we are so easily distracted from the way that God would have us to live our lives. In this message we will look at 3 things from Hebrews 12 that, if we put them into practice, will help us to not live a distracted life.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We conclude our series on A Better Way by looking into When You've Given Up On Prayer.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    January 26 - Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study at 7 PM

    January 27 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    January 29 - Soup Cook Off & Bake Off at 6 PM at the church.

    February 6 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    February 25 - Church-wide Bowling at West Pike Bowl in Canonsburg at 7 PM. Cost is $5 per person and will cover 2 hours of bowling, pizza and pop. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.

    February 27 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - January 10, 2022

    FBC E-Blast

    January 10, 2022

    Our True Identity - Ephesians 1

    When I hear a believer announce, "I'm just a sinner," I feel like saying, "That's what you used to be." A lot of folks cling to a view of themselves as a patched-up, slightly-better-than-before version of their old self. The Bible contradicts that opinion: "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away, behold, new things have come" (II Corinthians 5:17). In fact, according to Scripture, we're dramatically different once we are complete in Christ.

    The question is whether people will trust in what they feel or believe what God says about them. His Word calls us saints (Romans 1:7 ), disciples (Matthew 28:19), and fellow heirs with Jesus Christ (Romans 8:17). If your opinion is that you are "just a sinner," then you cannot fully experience and enjoy your identity in Christ.

    Believing what God says about our new self is a choice. Satan certainly conspires to convince believers that God's Word doesn't apply to them. He knows that people held captive by spiritual poverty back away from opportunities to share the gospel and serve the Lord's kingdom. It's much easier to spiritually bankrupt someone who already thinks of him or herself as "just a sinner" than it is to conquer a disciple who knows God is his loving Father.

    Our true identity is defined not by our past actions but by the Savior's. Jesus purchased our lives with His blood and brought us into relationship with God the Father, who adopted us as beloved children. We have every reason to hold our heads high, stand firm, and courageously proclaim the gospel.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          Sometimes it feels like nothing is working. We can do all the right things and check all the boxes, but life seems to stay the same. How can we find the life we're longing for? Together, let's discover A Better Way.

    This Past Sunday:
          For some people, it is hard to have time to do the stuff that you want to do, at least you think so. You will always make time to do the things that you want to do. But sometimes, that leads us to a life of constant busyness, that's not what God wants from us either. He does call us to rest. We need it. If we do not slow down on our own, He may have to make us slow down.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will continue our series A Better Way. We will look at how Your Best Days Are Now.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    January 12 - Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study at 7 PM

    January 19 - Annual Business Meeting at 7 PM
                        NO Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study

    January 22 - Church Work Day at 9 AM

    February 6 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the AM Worship Service

    February 27 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - December 27, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    December 27, 2021

    Finding Satisfaction - Philippians 4

    God has provided us with many things to enjoy. But too often our lives are filled with turmoil instead of contentment. Four practices that create dissatisfaction are . . .

    Busyness. We live in a hurry-up society, dashing from one activity to another. Jesus did not rush anywhere, yet He accomplished whatever God gave Him to do. Not once did He tell His followers to move faster. He even praised Mary for choosing to stop her work and spend time with Him (Luke 10:39, 42).

    Earthly perspective. Too often we live focused on our circumstances. Our minds think about what happened earlier in the week, what's on today's agenda, and the activities occurring next week, month, or year. No wonder enjoyment of life remains elusive. The solution is to have an eternal perspective, which acknowledges that God is in charge and our goal is to please Him.

    Self-imposed pressure. We have all experienced the unavoidable burdens of schoolwork, employment, and relationships. But we bring needless pressure on ourselves when we allow unnecessary "musts" and "shoulds" to rule us. The remedy is to turn to God, acknowledge His right to order our days, and ask for His plan.

    Unhealthy attitudes. Perfectionism, false guilt, and apathy all undermine our enjoyment of life.

    Satisfaction is found in a life that reflects God’s priorities - and time with Him comes first. Reading His Word, we become mindful of the Father's great love, learn what He views as important, and experience the joy of belonging to Him. When contentment is elusive, it’s time to examine our priorities.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series

          Sometimes it feels like nothing is working. We can do all the right things and check all the boxes, but life seems to stay the same. How can we find the life we're longing for? Together, let's discover A Better Way. This message series will begin on January 2.

    This Past Sunday:
          This message is the last message of the year. Next Sunday begins the New Year. So let's talk about some commitments that we can make to make this next year be one of the greatest years of our lives.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Next week we will begin our new series A Better Way. We will begin by looking at When You Don't Like Who You’re Becoming.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    December 29 - Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study at 7 PM

    January 2 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service
                        Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the communion service

    January 19 - Annual Business Meeting at 7 PM
                        NO Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study

    January 22 - Church Work Day at 9 AM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - December 20, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    December 20, 2021

    Contagious Joy - I John 1

    Jesus calls us to be His "witnesses." When some Christians hear this word, they worry that they need exceptional skill or charisma in order to share the good news with others. Yet to witness is not to merely speak of the plan of salvation to someone. The word literally means to see, hear, or know by personal presence and perception; to testify; bear witness to; give or afford evidence of. When John wrote that he was sharing what he had experienced first-hand, he was saying, I am full of joy because of the experience of knowing Jesus, and I want to invite you to share in that joy!

    When you're in love with someone, you are excited about the relationship and time spent together. Likewise, when you're in love with Jesus, you can't keep to yourself the joy that comes from knowing Him - it just spills over, bearing witness and strengthening other believers. In fact, as you give testimony of who God is and how He's working in your life, it makes no difference whether you speak quietly or with great exuberance: in their spirit, Christians will pick up on the deep, genuine gladness in your heart that goes beyond natural happiness. And people who don’t yet know the Lord will find themselves hungering for the relationship you have. In that way, they will be drawn to His Spirit in you.

    Witnessing is not a matter of eloquence or talent. It's an overflow of the personal relationship with Jesus Christ that is conforming you to His image. As you allow the Holy Spirit to increasingly express His life and power through you, contagious joy will be "fruit" of His indwelling presence.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          Sometimes it feels like nothing is working. We can do all the right things and check all the boxes, but life seems to stay the same. How can we find the life we're longing for? Together, let's discover A Better Way. This message series will begin on January 2.

    This Past Sunday:
          The word worship is used a lot in the Bible, over 170 times. The word shechah in Hebrew means worship, but more than that, it means to kneel in worship. In this message, we will see three different ways that we can kneel in worship to God Almighty.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Next week is the last Sunday before the New Year. We are going to take a look at New Commitments for the New Year. We don't need resolutions, but commitments to live as God would have us live.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    December 22 - Wednesday Night Bible Study at 7 PM

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    January 2 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service
                        Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the communion service

    January 19 - Annual Business Meeting at 7 PM
                        NO Wednesday Night Pray & Bible Study

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - December 13, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    December 13, 2021

    Our Best Friend Is Jesus - John 15

    Years ago the Sunday School teachers in my church would teach preschoolers a little chorus that included the line, "My best friend is Jesus." As those children grew into adulthood, they naturally put aside juvenile songs like this one. But sadly, they also frequently seemed to grow out of the idea of Jesus being a friend.

    As believers learn more about God, they rightly elevate Him to be the Lord of their lives and acknowledge Him as sovereign ruler over all the earth. It is easier to think of One so high and mighty as Creator, Savior, and Lord than to "lower" Him to the position of Friend. But Jesus makes a point of telling His disciples that He is both a transcendent deity - the Son of God - and their companion (John 15:15).

    The offer of friendship extends to modern disciples as well. Like the original twelve followers, we are privileged to say that Christ laid down His life for us in a supreme act of love and devotion (v. 13). What is more, His Spirit reveals the truth of Scripture to our hearts so that we can learn more about God and His ways. In other words, Jesus has made known to us the things He heard from His Father. A man doesn’t tell secrets to slaves; he tells them to his friends (v. 15).

    Teaching children to sing of their friendship with Jesus is a wise idea. But I wonder when some grown believers will learn to sing of that special relationship again? May we never become so religious, so pious, or so full of our own maturity that we will not say, "My best friend is Jesus Christ."

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          Everything changed in a moment. When Jesus was born, He gave us the chance to be known, accepted, and forgiven. When we experience His love, we can't help but Come to Worship. In this four-week series, we are going to learn different ways to worship God including lifting your hands, bringing your gifts, pouring our your heart, and bowing before Him.

    This Past Sunday:
          How are we supposed to pray when we are in the middle of a trial? How can we worship Him when things are good? God calls us to pour our hearts out to Him, even if it's in frustration. God can handle it. Hopefully as your worship Him through your pain, it will turn to praise.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We conclude our Christmas series, Come to Worship by learning how you should Bow Your Knees.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    December 15 - Wednesday Night Bible Study at 7 PM

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    January 2 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service
                        Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the communion service

    January 19 - Annual Business Meeting at 7 PM
                        NO Wednesday Night Pray & Bible Study

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - December 6, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    December 6, 2021

    Justice and Mercy - Romans 3

    The sinful condition of mankind presents us with a dilemma: How can a holy, righteous God forgive our sins? If He deals with us only on the basis of His justice, every human being would suffer the eternal punishment of His wrath, which their sins deserve. But if He extends mercy instead of justice, no one would pay the penalty for sin, and God would then cease to be just.

    There was only one way the Lord could stay true to His nature and at the same time forgive our sins. The solution was to satisfy His justice by pouring out His wrath on a substitute. Then the penalty for sin would be paid, and He would be free to extend mercy to sinners. This is the only plan that accommodates both aspects of His divine nature. So Christ came as our substitute; He took the punishment for our sin, enabling us to experience the Father's mercy. Now, by placing faith in Jesus, anyone can be justified - that is, declared legally righteous.

    God's plan of salvation is simple enough for a child to understand. Yet at the same time, the complexities of the transaction that occurred at Calvary are far beyond human comprehension. Although we may not fully grasp what transpired there, we can know that the cross is the greatest possible display of the Lord’s love for us.

    Can you even imagine the cost of your salvation? The magnificent plan of the Father and the willing cooperation of the Son prove your tremendous value in God's eyes. From His perspective, you are worth all the pain and suffering that was necessary to secure your eternal presence with Him in heaven.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          Everything changed in a moment. When Jesus was born, He gave us the chance to be known, accepted, and forgiven. When we experience His love, we can't help but Come to Worship. In this four-week series, we are going to learn different ways to worship God including lifting your hands, bringing your gifts, pouring our your heart, and bowing before Him.

    This Past Sunday:
          When the Wise Men came to see Jesus from afar, they came to worship Him. They worshipped Him by bringing gifts to Jesus, gold, frankincense, and myrrh. When we come to worship God, we need to bring gifts to Him, too. We can bring our gifts of material possessions, but most importantly, we give Him the ultimate gift of our lives.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We continue our Christmas series, Come to Worship by trying to understand what it means to Pour Out Your Heart.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    December 8 - Wednesday Night Bible Study at 7 PM

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    January 2 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service
                        Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the communion service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 29, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    November 29, 2021

    Gratitude in Affliction - Psalm 119

    At Thanksgiving, we typically express gratitude for God's blessings. But did you ever consider thanking Him for something that doesn't seem like a blessing—such as a trying circumstance you want Him to remove or change? A grateful heart is most precious to God when, humanly speaking, our situations don't warrant giving thanks. By making four foundational decisions, we can begin to see the value of our adversities and respond with appreciation.

    Believe and trust the Lord. Only by viewing life from a scriptural perspective can we understand His purposes in our trials and trust His wisdom in allowing them.

    Accept the situation as coming from God either directly sent or permissively allowed. If we truly believe He's working for our good (Rom 8:28-29), we can choose to receive each difficulty as coming from His loving hand. Then we can say "Thank You."

    Submit to God in the circumstance. Although we may not like the situation, knowing that God "[is] good and does good" (v. 68) allows us to confidently place our lives under His authority.

    Draw from Him the strength to endure. No one has the ability within himself to endure hardships with gratefulness. Only by relying on the Lord can believers go through adversity with an appreciative heart.

    Now, think about that circumstance you would like changed, and with a new mindset, offer this prayer to God: "Lord, I accept this situation as coming from You. In faith and trust, I place myself under Your loving authority, and draw from You the strength I need to endure with gratitude."

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          Everything changed in a moment. When Jesus was born, He gave us the chance to be known, accepted, and forgiven. When we experience His love, we can't help but Come to Worship. In this four-week series, we are going to learn different ways to worship God including lifting your hands, bringing your gifts, pouring our your heart, and bowing before Him.

    This Past Sunday:
          Join us for our Christmas series, "Come to Worship," as we dig into how we should be "worship Christ, the newborn King," as the song says. In this message, we will look at the biblical reasons and encouragement to lift our hands in praise and worship to God.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We continue our Christmas series, Come to Worship by learning that we should Bring Your Gifts.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    December 1 - Wednesday Night Bible Study at 7 PM

    December 4 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the church. If you have any questions, see Chanin

    December 5 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

    January 2 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service
                        Carry In Fellowship Dinner following the communion service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 22, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    November 22, 2021

    How to Foster True Friendships - I Samuel 18

    All people long to be in genuine relationships. God created us with this need, as we were not meant to live in isolation.

    Our world is so driven by technology that many people today try to ease their loneliness through computer relationships. However, this can never satisfy or compare to the human fellowship that the Creator designed. But healthy friendships don't just happen. They require intentional effort.

    Yesterday, in looking to Jonathan and David for a biblical model of godly companions, we saw how mutual respect is vital in a healthy friendship. Now, let's look at two more aspects of their relationship. These two men had an emotional love for one another; their hearts were knit together (I Samuel 18:1). When one man experienced joy or sadness, the other man felt it too.

    They also had genuine devotion to each other, which is a type of commitment that involves giving: to show loyalty, Jonathan gave his friend material items - his robe and weapon. But these two men also selflessly offered more: Jonathan even risked his life and future kingship in order to save David from execution. Notice, too, that Jonathan was often the initiator, and the one who gave more. He was a prince, whereas David was a lowly shepherd. Social status shouldn't interfere with cultivating a true friendship.

    We were designed for true companionship based on mutual respect, genuine love, and commitment. This requires not only time and selfless devotion but also transparency - which means being real, even about our faults. Taking such a risk requires trust. Such relationships are well worth the effort.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series

          Everything changed in a moment. When Jesus was born, He gave us the chance to be known, accepted, and forgiven. When we experience His love, we can't help but Come to Worship. In this four-week series, we are going to learn different ways to worship God including lifting your hands, bringing your gifts, pouring our your heart, and bowing before Him.

    This message series will start on November 28.

    This Past Sunday:
          Christians need to stop going to church. I know that sounds totally wrong, but if you tune in to this message you will see what we mean by that. We are called to BE the church, not to simply GO to church, but BE the church.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Next week, we will begin our new series Come to Worship by learning about how and why you should Lift Your Hands.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    November 23 - Thanksgiving Service & Communion at 7 PM

    November 24 - NO Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study at 7 PM

    December 4 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the church. If you have any questions, see Chanin

    December 5 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 15, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    November 15, 2021

    Spiritually Shortsighted - Luke 16

    In Luke 16, Jesus told a story about a rich man who lived for himself and ignored God. After death, he experienced the consequences of his choices - eternal separation from the Lord.

    Jesus described him as one who lived in luxury every day (v. 19), providing for himself the best that money could buy but giving little to the poor at his gate. It is important to realize that this man wasn't judged harshly by God because of his wealth. The heavenly Father is not opposed to our success. Nor was the man separated from the Lord because of his lack of charity toward others. He did not deliberately harm others but, rather, overlooked those in need and focused on himself.

    The rich man's mistake was that he prepared everything for the body but nothing for the soul. Our culture practices a similar style of living. Acquiring material riches and satisfying self is the primary pursuit of many in our world. Having what one wants seems to be the goal whether it's a struggle to make ends meet or the bank account is overflowing.

    Scripture says we were created to be in a relationship with the Father through faith in His Son. The rich man ignored God and paid the ultimate price. Our eternal destiny depends on our decision about Christ.

    Despite what our culture thinks, life is not about us. It's about having a relationship with the Lord. Whoever accepts Christ's gift of salvation will live eternally with Him in heaven. Those who reject God will suffer. If you know any spiritually shortsighted people, pray that they will trust in Jesus.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series

          Everything changed in a moment. When Jesus was born, He gave us the chance to be known, accepted, and forgiven. When we experience His love, we can't help but Come to Worship. In this four-week series, we are going to learn different ways to worship God including lifting your hands, bringing your gifts, pouring our your heart, and bowing before Him.

    This message series will start on November 28.

    This Past Sunday:
          Once you realize that I'm Invited, and then that I'm Invaluable, and finally that I'm Influential, the natural response for the child of God is that I'm Invested. Yes, this is a message about giving, but for the child of God, this is just a part of what God desires from us. Does God need our money? No, but if we fail in this area, we are hurting ourselves and those to whom we could be a blessing. Don't rob God, nor yourself by not being generous with what God has given you.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Next week, we will be learning about why we need to Stop Going To Church. It's not what you think, so come or tune in next week to find out!

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    November 17 - Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study at 7 PM

    November 18 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    November 21 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you have any questions, contact Lori

    November 23 - Thanksgiving Service & Communion at 7 PM

    December 4 - Ladies' Ornament Exchange at noon at the church. If you have any questions, see Chanin

    December 5 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 8, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    November 8, 2021

    Avoiding Compromise - Proverbs 2

    Although the temptation to compromise threatens every believer, we don't have to give in. If we're aware of the danger and understand the downward progression and ultimate consequences, we can determine to be vigilant in obedience to the Lord.

    The first step in learning how to avoid compromise is understanding why it is so tempting. When others pressure us to take part in in what we know God has forbidden, it's easy to give in because we don't want to feel rejected. But anyone who's committed to living a godly life must be willing to stand alone and face ridicule or even persecution (II Timothy 3:12). At other times, we consent to activities that violate our conscience just to avoid conflict, but peace at any price means we have to sacrifice obedience to God.

    However, the temptation to compromise doesn't always originate with others. In fact, James 1:14 says we are tempted when we're carried away by our own lusts. How many Christians have fallen into sexual immorality or pornography by desiring a second look? Greed is another motivation that drives us to compromise. If you fudge on your income tax or take a few things home from the office, you've stepped over the line of obedience to God. Our choices should be based on scriptural truth, not on our feelings and desires.

    In order to stand firm against compromise, we must make God's Word the standard for our conduct. If you begin each day with the Lord in His Word, He will guide your way. Then when the Spirit gives a warning, obey immediately, because giving consideration to the temptation opens a door for Satan.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          It's not enough to just show up at church. Our hearts long for more than that. We want to be needed. We want to be known. We want to have purpose and know that we make a difference. This series is an invitation for people to drive deep roots into our church, show them the difference they can make, and help them see the power they have inside them.

    This Past Sunday:
          So many times, we think we have to have a big following on social media in order to be an influencer, but according to God, we are called to be an influence in the lives of those around us, no matter our follower numbers. You never know how a simple act of kindness could effect someone else. You already have influence in other's lives, but what are you influencing them towards?
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will conclude our series, I'm In, by looking at how we should be able to claim I'm Invested in the Kingdom of God.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    November 10 - Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study

    November 11 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    November 21 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you have any questions, contact Lori

    November 23 - Thanksgiving Service & Communion at 7 PM

    December 5 - NO Carry In Fellowship Dinner

    December 24 - Christmas Eve Service at 5 PM

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - November 1, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    November 1, 2021

    Paying Attention to How We Live - Luke 12

    One day we'll give an account of ourselves to the Lord (Romans 14:12). We must, then, pay attention to how we live.

    The rich man in Luke 16:19-31 made the tragic choice of living for himself without regard for the Lord. He also made two other mistakes.

    First, he invested everything for himself and nothing for the life to come. When we are blinded by our own desires and personal satisfaction, it is easy to become lukewarm about spiritual matters. We forget that this life is not all there is. Scripture tells us to store up treasures in heaven, not on earth. Where our treasure is reflects where our heart is (Matthew 6:19-21).

    The rich man's other mistake was to prepare everything for himself and nothing for others. Crumbs falling from his table (v. 21) were the only form of assistance he gave a poor man named Lazarus. The one who had much wealth did not share it with the one who had little. Jesus explained what our priorities should be to love the Lord wholeheartedly and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Luke 10:27).

    We see the rich man's mistakes repeated in another parable. This time a wealthy man builds bigger barns to store crops so he will have plenty for the future. God calls him a fool for such shortsightedness (Luke 12:20).

    The Bible repeatedly warns us to pay attention to spiritual matters - the Lord is to have first place in our lives and be the center of our affections. He urges us to store up heavenly treasure by caring for the lost and hurting people around us. On whom is your attention focused?

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          It's not enough to just show up at church. Our hearts long for more than that. We want to be needed. We want to be known. We want to have purpose and know that we make a difference. This series is an invitation for people to drive deep roots into our church, show them the difference they can make, and help them see the power they have inside them.

    This Past Sunday:
          As we continue our series on "I'm In," we will dig into "I'm Invaluable." Invaluable does not mean 'not valuable,' but the opposite. We are immensely of worth to God and His plan for His Church. If you are not a part, a member of a church, I encourage you to find a church a become a part so you can use your talents and gifts in the body of Christ.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We continue our study into I'm In by looking at how we can make an impact in our world by understanding that I'm Influential.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    November 3 - Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study

    November 4 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    November 7 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner (Thanksgiving themed)

    November 21 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you have any questions, contact Lori

    November 23 - Thanksgiving Service at 7 PM

    November 28 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 25, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    October 25, 2021

    Praying with Impact - I John 5

    Since praying is such a common practice for believers, over time it's easy to fall into habits that result in a lifeless and empty prayer life. Instead of a dynamic conversation with thoughtful requests and active listening for God's response, our prayers can seem more like grocery lists. Because communication with the Lord is such a vital part of the Christian life, we occasionally need to step back and examine how we're doing.

    Begin by asking yourself these questions:

    How effective are my prayers? Is God answering my petitions, or does it seem as if they never go past the ceiling?

    Who am I praying for? Are most of my requests for myself or others?

    What am I asking the Lord to do? Have I looked in the Word to see what He wants, or am I trying to get Him to intervene according to my plans and desires?

    When do I pray? Is it only during emergencies or when I need something?

    If you discovered any selfishness in your answers, you're not alone. Most of us struggle to enter God's presence with our eyes focused on Him instead of our needs. But the only way we'll be able to pray with impact is to fill our minds with Scripture so we can find out what the Lord wants to do.

    Your prayer life can become effective and dynamic if you'll approach the Lord with a clean heart (Psalms 66:18), align your requests with His will, and believe He will do what He says (Mark 11:24). Then you'll be able to pray with absolute confidence knowing that He will hear and answer your petitions.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series

          It's not enough to just show up at church. Our hearts long for more than that. We want to be needed. We want to be known. We want to have purpose and know that we make a difference. This series is an invitation for people to drive deep roots into our church, show them the difference they can make, and help them see the power they have inside them. We will start this series, I'm In, October 24th.

    This Past Sunday:
          Today begins a new series and we're calling it, "I'm In". For the next few weeks, each message will start with "I'm In-". There is not much greater joy knowing that you have been invited, included. After Christ died for our sins on the cross, we have been invited to a relationship with Christ. What have you done with your invitation?
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Next week, we will continue our study into I'm In by digging into about how I'm Invaluable to the body of Christ.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    October 27 - Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study

    October 28 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    October 31 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    November 7 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner

    November 21 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you have any questions, contact Lori Weber

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - September 27, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    September 27, 2021

    The Judge - Acts 10

    During our life on earth, Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. However, as our days here draw to a close, and especially at the end of time, He takes His seat as Judge and prepares to reward believers for the good things they did in His name.

    I think there is a widespread misconception that God the Father will be our judge. But it is Christ who gave us, His followers, the charge to go into the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:19). Therefore, He has been given the right to determine which of our actions and thoughts furthered His goal (John 5:22).

    Christ is an impartial judge. He is not influenced by what others think or say, but rather, He determines what is right and good based on His honorable, just standard. We'll be stripped of our worthless works - in other words, the actions and words we used for selfish ambition or vain conceit. All that will remain are the worthwhile things we thought, said, and did to honor God. These are the valuable parts of our lives for which we will be rewarded.

    Reward is the whole point of placing believers before the judgment seat of Christ. Shame and guilt over past sin and mistaken motivation have no place there (Romans 8:1). Our loving Savior is eager to show us our heavenly treasure.

    Christ will expose the real you at the judgment seat by casting away the worthless things you've done. What remains will be the man or woman who endeavored to please the Lord. Let us determine to be powerful reflections of our Savior, both on earth and in heaven.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          In a cynical world, it's easy to give the impression of good character without actually living it out. But now more than ever, actions speak louder than words. Not just any action, but the kind centered on what matters most. Let's learn how we can bring True Virtue back into our everyday lives.

    This Past Sunday:
          In our second message in our Ture Virtue series, we cover the topic of integrity. Integrity is who you are when no one is watching. We will learn how we are to maintain integrity in this crazy world.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will continue our series True Virtue by looking at When You Feel like Giving Up.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    September 29 - Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study

    October 3 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner

    October 9 - Trustee Meeting at 9 AM

    October 17 - Missionary Betty Fey to New York City will be with us

    October 20 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM
                          No Prayer & Bible Study Service

    October 23 - Fall Festival at the Hopper's home at 5 PM

    November 21 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you have any questions, contact Lori Weber

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 4, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    October 4, 2021

    The Value of Obedience - Proverbs 2

    Despite Peter's vast fishing experience, he returned from a night's work with nothing to show for his efforts. It's quite possible that the Lord's request to let the nets down one more time struck him as unreasonable—after all, Peter and his partners were the professionals. Nevertheless, the fisherman complied, and his obedience blessed many.

    Scripture demonstrates that divine plans often defy human logic. For instance, who would design a battle strategy that involved only marching and shouting? God told Joshua to conquer Jericho that way, and doing so proved successful (Joshua 6:1-5).

    Moses is another example. When he felt unsure about his leadership potential, the Lord gave reassurance in an unusual way—by telling him to throw down his walking stick. When Moses obeyed, God powerfully confirmed His choice of leader (Exodus 4:1-3).

    Our Father may ask us to do something that seems illogical - perhaps to accept more responsibility when we were hoping to reduce our workload, to leave a position that He provided just recently, or to take on an assignment for which we feel ill-equipped. His plan might feel unrealistic in view of our age, stage of life, or health concerns. We must press forward in obedience, regardless of how impractical the request may appear.

    To grasp the importance of obeying, think about children receiving instructions from parents or teachers. Careful listening is needed for the task to be done safely and properly. Some steps may seem pointless, but the rationale often becomes clear later. Always make obeying God your priority.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Current Sermon Series

          In a cynical world, it's easy to give the impression of good character without actually living it out. But now more than ever, actions speak louder than words. Not just any action, but the kind centered on what matters most. Let's learn how we can bring True Virtue back into our everyday lives.

    This Past Sunday:
          At some point in our lives, we feel like giving up, especially in our spiritual life, our walk with God. It's hard, it's difficult, but God wants us to press on. In this message we will look at what it means to persevere.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will conclude our series, True Virtue, by looking at how Gratitude Is The Key To Happiness.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    October - Ladies' Bible Study will begin soon. It will take place on Thursday Nights at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    October 6 - Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study

    October 9 - Trustee Meeting at 9 AM

    October 17 - Missionary Betty Fey to New York City will be with us

    October 20 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM
                          No Prayer & Bible Study Service

    October 23 - Fall Festival at the Hopper's home at 5 PM

    November 10 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner

    November 21 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you have any questions, contact Lori Weber

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 11, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    October 11, 2021

    Praying with Impact - I John 5

    Since praying is such a common practice for believers, over time it's easy to fall into habits that result in a lifeless and empty prayer life. Instead of a dynamic conversation with thoughtful requests and active listening for God's response, our prayers can seem more like grocery lists. Because communication with the Lord is such a vital part of the Christian life, we occasionally need to step back and examine how we're doing.

    Begin by asking yourself these questions:

    • How effective are my prayers? Is God answering my petitions, or does it seem as if they never go past the ceiling?

    • Who am I praying for? Are most of my requests for myself or others?

    • What am I asking the Lord to do? Have I looked in the Word to see what He wants, or am I trying to get Him to intervene according to my plans and desires?

    • When do I pray? Is it only during emergencies or when I need something?

    If you discovered any selfishness in your answers, you're not alone. Most of us struggle to enter God's presence with our eyes focused on Him instead of our needs. But the only way we'll be able to pray with impact is to fill our minds with Scripture so we can find out what the Lord wants to do.

    Your prayer life can become effective and dynamic if you'll approach the Lord with a clean heart (Psalms 66:18), align your requests with His will, and believe He will do what He says (Mark 11:24). Then you'll be able to pray with absolute confidence knowing that He will hear and answer your petitions.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series

          It's not enough to just show up at church. Our hearts long for more than that. We want to be needed. We want to be known. We want to have purpose and know that we make a difference. This series is an invitation for people to drive deep roots into our church, show them the difference they can make, and help them see the power they have inside them. We will start this series, I'm In, October 24th.

    This Past Sunday:
          In this world, there isn't much thankfulness and gratitude. God has called us to be grateful in all seasons of life. When we are grateful, we choose to let go of grudges and hurts, which leads to happiness and true joy.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          We will have missionary Betty Fey, to the city of New York with us next week.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    October - Ladies' Bible Study will begin soon. It will take place on Thursday Nights at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    October 13 - Wednesday Night Prayer & Bible Study

    October 17 - Missionary Betty Fey to New York City will be with us

    October 20 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM
                          No Prayer & Bible Study Service

    October 23 - Fall Festival at the Hopper's home at 5 PM

    November 7 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner

    November 21 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you have any questions, contact Lori Weber

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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  • FBC E-Blast - October 18, 2021

    FBC E-Blast

    October 18, 2021

    Prayer: Our Time Saver - Psalm 143

    What do you think about when you wake up? Are your thoughts instantly focused on the day ahead, or are they centered on the Lord? Although most of us have busy lives that consume much of our time and attention, the most important and time-saving part of each day is that spent in quiet solitude with God.

    Yet many believers feel so rushed that they don't think there's time for the Lord. They immediately jump onto the treadmill of life and then wonder why they're so frustrated, confused, and dissatisfied. Even if their desire is to follow God, they don't know where He's going since they haven't stopped to get directions for the day. There's also a disconnect because they've ignored their relationship with Him. No one can have intimacy with Christ without daily communication.

    Perhaps the problem is our own human logic. We think spending time reading the Bible and praying each morning will result in having less time and lower productivity. However, when we seek Christ's direction and wisdom for the day and invite Him to control our lives, He'll accomplish more through us than we can do by ourselves. He'll give us wisdom for good decisions, increase our strength and energy, and free us from time-wasting anxiety.

    Are you too busy for the Lord? If so, you're denying yourself the blessing of an intimate relationship with Christ. When you make time for Him, He'll fill you with peace and joy, guide your decisions, grant you wisdom, empower you to obey, make you more productive, and comfort you with His love.

    Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc.

    Upcoming Sermon Series

          It's not enough to just show up at church. Our hearts long for more than that. We want to be needed. We want to be known. We want to have purpose and know that we make a difference. This series is an invitation for people to drive deep roots into our church, show them the difference they can make, and help them see the power they have inside them. We will start this series, I'm In, October 24th.

    This Past Sunday:
          We had Betty Fey, missionary to NYC, with us. Also, we covered "Fishers of Men." God has a plan for reaching this world, and we need to follow it. Unfortunately, we don't usually follow it. We have been called, everyone who is a child of God, to reach out into this world with God's glorious Gospel.
          Sunday's message is usually available for streaming or for download on our
    sermons page, or by visiting us on iTunes.

    Next Sunday:
          Next week, we will be starting our new series I'm In by looking at I'm Invited.

    Upcoming Events

    Live-Streaming Service: We are meeting in person at the church, and we are streaming the service via Facebook live at 11 AM on Sunday mornings on our Facebook page and uploading our sermons on our website.

    October 20 - Quarterly Business Meeting at 7 PM
                          No Prayer & Bible Study Service

    October 23 - Fall Festival at the Hopper's home at 5 PM

    October 28 - Ladies' Bible Study begins at 6:30 PM via Zoom. If you have any questions, please talk to Tara.

    October 31 - Lord's Supper and Deacon's Fund Offering following the AM Worship Service

    November 7 - Carry In Fellowship Dinner

    November 21 - Operation Christmas Child boxes are due. If you have any questions, contact Lori Weber

        210 Front Street
        Midway, PA   15060
        (724) 796-3381

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